What are you all up to
Another sunny day, I have loaded up the Touareg with stuff to take to the dump as I am going past it tomorrow, mainly old tyres and empty cardboard boxes so far. They allow us to dispose of a max of 4 tyres at a time.
We also have stuff to take to the charity shops next week. The big loft is looking a little clearer now, only a little, and unfortunately there is still the second loft over the kitchen to investigate!
We have a lot of old flower pots up there, I hope they can be recycled?
OH has been rummaging in the "granny flat" kitchen and taken out stuff our son and daughter might find useful. If not, that will also be going to a charity shop.
Yesterday my chainsaw died, while cutting up some nice bits of timber our gardener had brought me (for wood turning). It was quite old, so I have decided to splash out on a new one. Hope it comes soon as I have a pile of timber on the drive waiting to be cut.
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Treated ourselves to a drive out to Frinton on Sea. Cloud gatheing and the breeze strenthening slightly so not quite as warm as it was. Tide was out so walked to Walton pier along the beach, well last bit along the prom. Then back for lunch in Frinton, wouldn't recommend. Tried all the charity shops for Stuart MacBride Login McRae series, managed just one, latest, so will have to download or visit library 😉. Lots of folk about had to fight my way through in some charity shops!
I'm impressed with your busy-ness milliehull KjellNN and Tammygirl, you'e done may share today too 😃
Enjoy the weather while it lasts.
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Yes they're touring the country. Oneputt posted about them a few pages back. Currently in Hampshire Fort ?? Name escapes me and I can' search without losing my post 😲. There they represent going over the top from the trenches.
Edit Fort Nelson. Tour link
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Same here but at least it will have freshened up the poppies.
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I'm back, had a lovely 4 nights away at a lovely cl in Cardiganshire. The weather wasn't as hot as predicted, apart from this morning we had fog each morning which eventually cleared by lunchtime. I have attached photos of the Cefnllaethdre for Helen to see, plus a photo of a red kite feeding.
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Half an eye 'n ear on Fa Cup 2nd match, rest of my attention on here for a few more mins, then must get the nicely dried washing in, before the fabric conditioner is totally over-powered by BBQ fumes from neighbours
P.S. -- that beastie should provide a few good leg steaks and a pair of mittens as well
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Currently at Trewethett Farm...fabulous sunny day so a walk to Boscastle along the Coastal path and back across the fields. Half a glass of red on the table..well in a glass on the table!! ...now awaiting a Trewethett sunset..so special😊2
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Another sunny day at the B/yd. but strong Easterly giving me wind tan (again) apart from suntan !!,ongoing maintenance,plus assisting others.Went to the storage yard and started up the "Concorde" ,trying to get a couple of days away next week to service (water top up,drain off's etc) before the Germany trip.
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Busy, busy day. OH busy in MH doing more wee jobs
cleared out a fair bit of kit he thinks is not needed. Waste tank cleaned out and fresh tank has had some water in it to test that everything is working with no leaks
I was in the garden as usual, managed to do another 2 beds and cut back the buddleia and heather's.
Went for a bike ride after lunch, bit longer ride today 8 miles. These new bikes certainly make me work more so we are taking it gently.
We had a steam train come through the village this morning on its way to Inverness, should have been the Union of South Africa but she was replaced by Great Britain xi, lots of folk out on the 3 bridges that run along the line. We all got blasted by the smoke (just like when we were kids)
Been sunny most of day, still sat outside having a cuppa at 7pm
Hope everyone else has had a nice day.
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We had an interesting walk today along part of the Annadale Way, past a derelict house, MilkBank House. It had been used during the last war by the army, but the owners then removed the roof, to save paying tax on the property, and now there's trees growing up through the rooms. We'd have never found it if it wasn't for the help of the owners of the CL we're on at the moment. Lots of Primroses and Violets out as well as Celandines. The Daffodils are starting to die off now.
Tried to post a photo or 2, but I guess that didn't work!!
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It's been a lovely day here - we walked along the old canal and railway line near the Cotswold Water Park ( the walk I did with you when we met up down here, Nellie ).
But we've just had the mother and father of all thunderstorms, brilliant flashes of lightning and huge thunder claps. Lady really, really dislikes thunderstorms!
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Much respect to those who managed to get some jobs done.
We made the most of the sun and went out for the day again.
It was very busy at the seaside, the picture may give a clue to the location.
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I remember it well, M. You can keep the thunderstorms down that way.
I'd be surprised if we get them up here as it been warm but I doubt it's been hot enough to spark them off.
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I had a rest from the decorating this evening and went to our daughter's 50th birthday celebrations. A meal for 25 of us (all female
) at Pizza Express. Wonderful evening catching up with her old school friends and more recent friends as well. OH did sterling work as a taxi driver. (not all 25 of us
) Her actual birthday is on Wednesday when we will take her out for lunch. We then have the grand-children for next weekend so our SIL can take her away for a few days.
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Where have you got too, OnePutt?
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After last nights spectacular thunderstorm ,it is now getting very warm again
Rosa was in a bad way,so i stayed up with her then fell asleep in the chair until about five this morning
she was still ready to go out at 0700,,there was no one else out or been out as no "wet" trails on our walk,and only one squirrel to give her the chance of a war dance round a tree
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Have been reading all your posts but haven't had much time to respond, sounds as though you all have plenty of things going on. We're just back from our short break in Devon and Cornwall. I managed to lose a tooth on the last day, the whole thing broke off whilst eating chips from the visiting site van, I though there was a stone in the chips! (Too much filling, not enough tooth.) So first call tomorrow will be the dentist.
After the thunderstorms last night there is a nice morning mist and the sun is still shining so that will help me feel inspired to get some jobs done.
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Happy birthday to your daughter milliehull, glad you had a lovely meal.
Awoken to another glorious morning, there must have been an overnight shower but no banging and flashing as far as I know.
Off with OH to visit aunt and cut her GRASS and do social visit. She' sounds awful been gardening upsettng her balance and exhausting herself 😤😤😤. Offered o fetch her some shopping? Reluctantly agreed 😤😭. Now sitting outside M&S as they don' open until1030. I' not a fan of Sunday trading, but needs must at times - why can't times be consistent?
Once we've done our social bit of care in the community we'll come home and tackle our own grass and garden. Deadheading bulbs mainly. Borders are beautifully blue with forget me nots, they stop the weeds, well showing st least 😉. Mothers garden in the week. Hopefully starting to plan a trip or 2.
Enjoy your day folks whatever your'e doing.
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Oh dear brue, that sounds painful and potentially expensive as well.
AD we used to love to see and hear the hoopoes when we were on French campsites.
I hope your Care in the Community is successful bakers2.
We had torrential rain in the night, although OH didn't hear a thing.
. It is back to the decorating today - glossing. Hopefully we might get time to cut the grass as well as it has grown about 4 inches in 4 days
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The christening we were ar yesterday went well it was nice to catch up with people. We then hosted a BBQ for some family last night which went well and the weather was great ended up sitting out in our summer house in the back garden until 3am
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Just Taking 5, then it's back to organising the loading for Cornwall this week.
Taking aged sister, { who should have gone to N Wales with her eldest son + OH for 10 days, but wimped out
} to do shopping tomorrow. Then it'll be all things forward & trust in the Highways Agency I guess.
Do hope all patients of Nurses, Doctors & Dentists get their problems swiftly & painlessly resolved
May the Good Mechanics look after you all.
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Had a productive morning, caught up on some gardening jobs, washing etc. A motor sports friend turned up, so we had a quick chat, OH and friend have known each other a long time but our friend has been having lengthy treatment for an illness and it was nice to see him out and about.
Good luck with the packing ABM, Cornwall is looking good just now.
Now for some lunch, a concoction of what is available in the freezer.
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Our care in the community duty done for the day. Took us 4 hours and still not quite managed to do the last bed but needed to buy ingredients for our dinner before shop closed, and we wanted some lunch! Can certainly see where we've been, I think our efforts were appreciated 😟.
Lidl looked as if there'd been a plague of locusts through 😲😲. Luckily I only wanted new potatoes, none, some protein to go with the remaining salad ingredients indoors so only added beetroot and we just had enough salad for the 2 of us and made carbs up with French stick.
Home and cuppa plus snack and rest before cutting our grass and deadheading, not as much achieved at home as we hoped, there's always tomorrow 😉 Clouded over gradually this afternoon and now it's quite breezy.
Brue I hope your tooth isn't painful, good luck at the dentist hopefully that wouldn' be too painful either.
Hope you'e loaded ABM? Just the fresh stuff from the fridge at the last minute.