What are you all up to



  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited March 2018 #17822

    Bakers and Cariadon, sorry to hear you are both suffering to. This is the second time we have had it, last October when we came back from Malta and now. With the amount of sun we have had in the last 3 weeks our levels of Vitamin D should be fine. Really putting me off going on another flight. OH still has a cough which he's not happy about as it it hurts his shoulder (Op) when he coughs.

    Took myself off for a nice hot shower earlier on so feeling a bit more human now.

    Rain just started so no going out for a bit of fresh air.frown

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited March 2018 #17823
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  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited March 2018 #17824

    I remember being on flights with folk smoking all around you and like you as an ex smoker (OH too) I would hate to go back to it. 

    Christmas 16/17 we flew out to Barbados for a 2 week cruise, on the way out the flight was unbelievably cold with many folk coughing and spluttering. Most of the passengers on the flight were of retirement age so to have the plane so cold was unacceptable. Many complained and asked for the heat to be turned up but it didn't happen, others asked for blankets but there was not enough to go around.

    So 5 days into the cruise the the med centre on board was inundated with coughs and colds, us included and for many like us it turned nasty and developed into Bronchitis and Pneumonia. The ships medical staff did swab tests every week on board for things like Norovirus etc. and said they had all been negative and in their opinion it came from the aircon on flights. As the 'cold' would only develop around 5 days into the holiday.

    It is interesting that with the new Dream liner aircraft it seems to have been eradicated due to the way the air is circulated in the cabin.

  • Malcolm Mehta
    Malcolm Mehta Forum Participant Posts: 5,660
    edited March 2018 #17825

    Not much traffic on the road, so the commute to work only took 15 minutes. Early arrival means time to catch up on the posts here. Yes I agree it's a pity that the cabin environment on planes cannot be healthier.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,317
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    edited March 2018 #17826

    It is interesting that with the new Dream liner aircraft it seems to have been eradicated due to the way the air is circulated in the cabin

    We came on the 2nd leg on the dreamliner. Lovely plane felt much lighter and spacious and definiely quieter. Still got the germs!

    Cariadon I too have an under active thyroid so I know where you'e coming from 😢. 

    Sorry about the spelling, can't check at the mo but hope to correct it if the site allows it - it' so S L O W 😤 managed by not chance removing note 😉

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited March 2018 #17827

    Cariadon, I've had this virus "thingy" on and off  since December, last bout a week ago with sinus and ear problems, again. I think a lot of people have had it, very energy sapping too. Hope you and B2 and TG can throw it off soon! I'm sure some warmer weather might help, it seems to thrive in the cold. Take care, I keep telling myself it will go, in the end. 

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,317
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    edited March 2018 #17828

    Thanks brue, had assumed you were over it. Definitely seems to like the cold, apart from the plane I really haven't been amongst crowds since it started ☺. Wish you better too.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited March 2018 #17829

    Have had a lot of things going on and would welcome feeling 100%. Tomorrow we can relax a bit I hope, family today, visiting terrier will calm down without more visitors appearing for the next few days(shouldn't say that, will probably not happen. wink) Trying to sort out the mystery of some flowers sent through the post to my Mum, she received the little attached card but the flowers and box have gone missing. I am guessing they are adorning another room in the care home....someone with a similar name. Phone calls between my sister, the home and myself still ongoing. undecided

  • cariadon
    cariadon Forum Participant Posts: 861
    edited March 2018 #17830

    Thank you Brue, Wine and Baileys does help, not together mind.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,843
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    edited March 2018 #17831

    We all loved The Peter Rabbit film bakers2. I would have thought it had been filmed in the Lake District if you hadn't told me it was filmed in NZ. It looked very authentic. I didn't detect any dodgy accents either. James Corden was the voice of Peter Rabbit. It was a great film. I haven't seen Finding Your Feet and unfortunately I don't think it is on here anymore. Quite a few people have told me how good it is so I will have to try and get the DVD.

    Sorry to hear so many of you are feeling unwell. I hope you feel better soon. OH has said this afternoon that he is coming down with a cold. He isn't a good sufferer 😕I do hope we get some nice spring weather soon to make everyone feel better.

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited March 2018 #17832

    Hope  all  you  Patients  are  taking  it  easy  tonight,  and  building  yourselves  up  for  the  HOT**  days  that  are  coming  !!  One  of  my  'loading  jobs'  is  always  sorting  the  Tablets  Various,  Insulin,  Test  Strips  and  the two  varieties  of  'Punches / Needles' Holes  for  the  making  of undecided  etc  &  putting  them  where  I  cannot  forget  them  !!  Only  forgot  the  Insulin  once,  which  meant  a  quick  book  in  at  Englethwaite,  then  a  70 mph  return  to  home  &  back  --  at  least  it  cleared  out  the  exhaust  system  !

    Now  to  write  out  in  marker  pen  the  routes  to  Old  Hartley  i.e.  one  via  m6  &  tother  up  the  M62  &  A1  etc  etc

    { HOT**    Days  --  well  a  chap  can  dream  can't  he  !!  }


    P.S. / Edit

    Cariadon  does  that  mean  that  you  take  your  medication   { i.e.  Wine  &  Baileys  }  in  separate  mugs  ??surprised

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,167
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    edited March 2018 #17833

    Love to take the grandtwins to see Peter Rabbit but I guess at 3.5 years old they wouldn’t sit still for a couple of hours

  • redface
    redface Forum Participant Posts: 1,701
    edited March 2018 #17834

    Old Hartley - what a lovely site - remember being on the cliff edge (apart from the fence and footpath) and watching air sea rescue recover a surfboarder from 400 yds. out. If only all our club sites were this interesting!

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited March 2018 #17835

    Listening to Ray Charles laughing

  • Malcolm Mehta
    Malcolm Mehta Forum Participant Posts: 5,660
    edited April 2018 #17836

    Happy Easter everyone! 

  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited April 2018 #17837

    Wasn't he a ventriloquist wink

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited April 2018 #17838

    Happy Easter Everyone smile

    Just catching up, sorry to read about the various virus's and coughs and colds, hope everyone feels better soon.

    Millie glad you enjoyed the Peter Rabbit film, it sounds really good, just need to "borrow " a couple of grandchildren to take. laughing

    Weather has been rather miserable,  did get one reasonable walk with the dog in thd dry.  Rest of the time has been spent reading a new book I downloaded Hourglass one of the Richard &Judy bestsellers, haven't been able to put it down.surprised

    Little bit of sunshine this morning, going to make the most of it and get out and about. Have a lovely day everyone. smile

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,317
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    edited April 2018 #17839

    Happy Easter everyone. 

    Any good April Fools? I was christened on this date and day 62 years ago. Some people say it explains a lot 😂😂.

    Any one got sun? Grey but dry here.

    Done a load of washing, another one in - wouldn't dream of doing that Christmas Day unless it was an emergency! Why the difference? Is it the weather? Son is in a golf tournament today, again they don't put one on on Christmas Day. Answers on a postcard please 😉.

    Hope those of you that are entertaining have a fabulous time.

  • Malcolm Mehta
    Malcolm Mehta Forum Participant Posts: 5,660
    edited April 2018 #17840

    Yesterday evening was manic at work. They asked me to work an extra hour because the closing driver was off sick but I ended up working an extra hour and a half because orders were still coming in at 5 minutes before the closing time of 11 p.m. The last delivery was at Shoreham airport. By the time I had completed it and returned to the shop, it was 11.30 p.m. So the manager, very kindly, gave me a free large pizza to take home, with a pouch to keep it warm, which I have to return this evening. My wife couldn't eat any because she was full from having eaten earlier but I was so hungry, by the time I got back to the caravan, that I nearly ate the lot! There are just two slices left, which we'll share this afternoon, one slice each! The pizza was a meat feast, that was full of meaty flavours. Delicious!

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,317
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    edited April 2018 #17841

    Well done Malcolm 😲.  I don't think I could face food at that time of night. In fact I know so from various emergencies over the years 😉.

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited April 2018 #17842

    April Fool’s Day is being cancelled in 2018 thanks to the date of Easter.

    This year Easter Sunday will fall on the usual day of April Fool’s Day, April 1, and the change to the calendar has been made to avoid a clash.

    April 2 will also be a holy bank holiday thanks to Easter Monday meaning the traditional day of pranks couldn’t have been held until April 3 this year.

    The date was considered too late – given that practical jokes shouldn’t be played after midday on April 1, so the annual festival has instead been cancelled.

    The change has been ordered by The Pope, who has had the authority to change dates since his predecessor Pope Gregory XIII created the modern-day calendar in 1582.

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,394
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    edited April 2018 #17843

    There has not been a decent April fools since the 1957 spaghetti spoof.

    Very grey here but dry, so off for a walk. It rained all yesterday and is supposed to rain most of tomorrow, so making the most of it.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,857
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    edited April 2018 #17844

    Beautiful morning here in North Wales, so me and Mrs got up earlier than usual and had a lovely walk around the local deserted lanes and small hills. Didn't see another walker, just 4 cyclists and 2 runners.

    We did see a beautiful Lapwing ion of the files near us doing his wonderful flight and song trying hard to impress his intended who was watching, hopefully in admiration. They are rare in the immediate vicinity so hope they decide to stay.

    Back home for delayed shower and coffee.

    Not an April 1st. person as my mother passed away on this day so I'm never in the mood for it.

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited April 2018 #17845

    Plenty  of  waves  of  cloud  in  S  Cheshire  but  it's  dry  &  quite  warm  at  present cool .  Bird  feeders  all  refilled,  seems  like  the  latest  stock  of  food  is  much  improved  'cos  the  feeders  no  longer  clog  up  the  same  and  the  tweets  are  getting  the  feeders  right  down  below  the  'Red  Line'  now  wink

    Right  now  I'm  copying  all  the  w/ends  supply  of puzzles  etc  just  so  I'll  have  something  to  do  other  than  sunbathe  &  kindle-read  in  the  Hot Spot  of  Old  Hartley  wink  then  the  originals  go  to  Aged  Sister  to  drive  her  scatty.

    Have  a  Good  Easter  Day  everybody,  but  not  too  many  choccy  eggs  each  sealed

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited April 2018 #17846

    Well  he  certainly  "projected  his  voice"  out  of  many  radio  speakers  at  the  same  time,  Huskypup  laughing  !!

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,843
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    edited April 2018 #17847

    Happy Easter everyone.  It is dull, cold and grey here but at least it is not raining ....yet. We all went to the Easter Day service at the Cathedral this morning and the children enjoyed the Easter Egg hunt round the building afterwards. The family are all coming later for Easter Eggs here. I wonder whether we are going to have to 'batten down the hatches' again tomorrow as snow is forecast.frown

    I hope all those with coughs and colds are feeling a bit better today.

    The Richard and Judy book sounds good Helen.  I might download it.

  • Malcolm Mehta
    Malcolm Mehta Forum Participant Posts: 5,660
    edited April 2018 #17848

    Thank you, Bakers2. My body clock has adjusted to my work routine so that night feels like day to me!

  • Malcolm Mehta
    Malcolm Mehta Forum Participant Posts: 5,660
    edited April 2018 #17849

    We wanted to go to the Easter Day service at the local church but my work put an end to that plan. It was nearly midnight last night by the time I got back to the caravan and 1 a.m. by the time I got to bed. So I didn't get up until well after 8 a.m. which was too late to have breakfast and get ready in time for the 10 a.m. service and too tired to have to rush at that time of the morning, especially as I need to rest in preparation for tonights shift of 5.30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m.

    However, we remember going to the local church Sunday service at 10 a.m. during the days before I got my first delivery driver job. It was nice and everyone was friendly there. After the service we used to sit and chat with the others over coffee and biscuits. Sometimes I miss those days.

  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited April 2018 #17850

    I don't know. The Attenborough "flying penguins" a few years back weren't bad.

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited April 2018 #17851

    I'am sure you would like the book Millie it's by Tracy Rees and set in Tenby, on sale for 99p on  Amazon .