You can now book your sites a year in advance
Now that the new "more advanced" booking system is in place the prices for 2019 are being published. Has anyone worked out what the percentage price increases are? How does it compare to the the 2018 increases?
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I think I remember reading somewhere that they are looking at doing that over the summer months.
When you think about it though by only releasing 1 month at a time it could make booking the last week of one month and the first week of the next for a fortnight stay a little awkward.
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Surely they would have the sense to release both December and January together, and March/April when Easter falls at the end of the month, as it does this year. Not to do so would cause havoc for many members.
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There may be 12 "busy" days, though I doubt that, but there certainly won't be 12 "frenzy" days. With the old system everyone wanting Easter, May BH'S, July/August, October half term and Christmas/New Year would be competing at the same time along with other special events. Now, unless there are huge numbers wanting to book all those dates, things will be spread out. It's still no guarantee of getting a particular site at a particular time, but it's likely to be fairer to those who used to complain that they were working on frenzy day and absolutely couldn't get near a computer.
Still, only time will tell!
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I agree for most of the year but I think there will be a surge for the school summer holidays. From what I can remember the last week in July and first in August did appear to be the most busiest on sites (we were usually there for three weeks) and some factories around here still have factory fortnight. Now if they aren't linked (July and August) and people want to secure a pitch the club could lose out?
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is the 1/4 to compensate for leap years?
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Hi Steve,
Sites with planned redevelopments may be put on sale earlier or later than the rest of the network. At present the sites we are planning to undertake work on in 2019, which may result in them opening later than usual, are: Cadeside, Cambridge Cherry Hinton, Camelford, Chatsworth Park, Commons Wood, Ilfracombe, Merrose Farm, Modbury, Northbrook Farm, Penrhos, Plymouth Sound, Scarborough West Ayton, Sutton-on-Sea, Tewkesbury Abbey and Tredegar House however this work is subject to planning and these sites may change.
Chatsworth can be booked from 15 March 2019.
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Thanks everyone for your feedback. I've forwarded the discussions over to the sites team for their feedback regarding booking hardstanding pitches and we appreciate people sharing their views and opinions which we value at the Club.
A couple of posts have been removed to keep the discussion on track regarding advance booking and we appreciate people's understanding on this matter.
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Thanks for the update and also passing on to the site team about booking hardstandings. We have never really had a comprehensive answer as to why the previous experiment either failed or proved inconclusive. There were vague mutterings about it being confusing to members which caused problems for wardens in trying to explain the change. I think what the Club should do is to make a decision on whether they want to go down the road of booking surface type. If the answer is no then they need to explain why. If it is something they want to put in place it has to be done network wide not on a few sites. If our main competitors the C&CC and the majority of commercial sites, that have a mix of pitch surface types, allow booking of the various pitch types it seems the CMC are somewhat behind the curve on this?
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Hi BB, It's currently in the FAQs but agree we need a better way of displaying this information to avoid confusion and my colleague is looking into this.
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Thank you for showing us the courtesy, (of some sort of explanation), as to why posts have been Deleted User, it makes for a more cordial atmosphere...
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As someone who does 150+ away nights each year. Some wild whilst fishing, a mix of Cl, CC and commercial sites I believe I have a good grasp of the quality of sites. LMP certainly comes low down the list, but other CC sites I find excellent. ie Brecon,Hawes etc. I wonder if some who have rose tinted glasses actually visit those sites that are below par.