Dog owners again
Fisherman was just highlighting another problem with dogs off site the problems onsite still exist.
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lol good one
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"problems onsite still exist"
Allegedly, according to a minority
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Depends what one regards as a problem. Every year I see occasional dog owners let their animals out first thing in a morning to relieve themselves. Not very sociable but not a problem to me.
I am probably more aware than many as I am often out of bed shortly after 6am and often at site showers for 6.30am. Most have curtains closed at this time.
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Sorry Milo, but I think you are living in a dream world.
Many mornings an owner can be seen proudly carrying the little black bag already topped up before they get to the dog walk or bin, some don't even bother to take the dog into the walk as it has already relieved itself, either the night before or in the morning.
Last summer the lady opposite us allowed her 3 labradors to poo on the pitch morning and night, yes she picked up a large amount of poo every day, but she was actually pitched within 30 feet of the dog walk, but never once during the time we shared the site did she take the dogs to the walk. The warden was informed when I realised it was happening by choice rather than accident. The response was, she is leaving tomorrow so not much point raising the issue.
I am sad to say there is no allegedly on this matter and it is time some owners stopped trying to hoodwink us into thinking there is.
No amount of little yellow disks with funny faces will make up for the selfish minority of irresponsible owners or those that wish to deny their existence.
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Whilst I don't doubt what you have witnessed, and I fully agree that such behavior is unacceptable and offenders should be dealt with I can only repeat that in my own past experience. I can honestly say I have not seen anyone with a dog on the club sites I have stayed on adopt this unacceptable behavior.
So you see I am not living in a dream world just sharing my own experiences. As said before though by others it gets very boring when the same posters time and time again post in such a manner that suggest all dog owners are to blame and dogs should banned. Blah, Blah, Blah. It actually seems to me that the anti dog brigade on hear are very single minded whereas the dog owners who reply are open minded and agree that anyone breaking he rules should be dealt with.
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suggest all dog owners are to blame
I think most posts have not said that at all. as I said before, it is not a problem to me. I am generally off site most of the day and see bad practice early in a morning before most open their blinds and during darkness when many watch TV and draw blinds. We usually leave blinds open until time for bed and don't watch TV
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In answer to both the above post, If nothing is being done at a local level why not report it the club directly. After all you are the witnesses with times dates etc.
FWIW in each case I would have said something to the person and wardens and if necessary contact Head office myself.
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As I have said 'not a problem to me'. I notice it, get on with my day and forget about it unless reminded.
On the one occasion that a dog had crapped just behind my car I fortunately spotted it whilst loading the picnic lunch before stepping in it. I knew it would be the next pitch who had an oldish lab that he let out in a morning and asked that he cleaned it up forthwith - which he did. He did say not to blame the dog as it wa getting old. I assured him that I did not lame the dog .... just the owner.
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Really, what was the pre edited title of this latest moan ? . Surely moaning about it on hear is doing nothing apart form causing division. As I and others have said report it you will all get my support.
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You do like to have the last word though
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You again ?
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like I said what happens on CT and what happens on sites....
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Nice to hear that Moulsey, we have a week booked there in April.
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God this BS 💩 thread still running . 🙈 🙉 🙊
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This thread is going round and round. Why doesn't everybody accept that a minority of Dog owners have filthy and antisocial habits. But conversely the majority are decent and caring dog owners who comply with the On-Site rules.
The CMC seem to be impotent and won't address the problem, either at head office level or at site level. So it's a case of accepting that the antisocial dog owners have won, and carry on regardless.-- OR-- use alternative camping sites of which there are thousands all over the country.
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That's it in a nutshell, let's make this the last post👍
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And will have exactly the same problems but without the vocal is minority on this forum who continuosly do their utmost to make arguments out of what is such a minor incident noted on rare occasions by a tiny minority and some of whom are not even as non members to use the sites they complain about
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Actually, K, as I pointed out some pages ago, I believe there is a lot of common ground between owners and non owners around this subject.
But sadly, a small number seem intent on keeping the disagreement going and a look at the "latest activity" page can be quite illuminating. For example, one prolific anti dog poster has recently "liked" a post made 19 days ago so that the original title became visible despite having posted several times since. What can the motives for that possibly be.
Let's let the subject drop - all that can be said has been said and there is a large degree of agreement despite the best efforts of some to promote division.