The Pointless Page
I think, Grant, that the poster knows full well it’s a crazy scheme but he so enjoys the feedback.
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I believe that Mrs MM went with him to work, when he was at Dinner to go, or whatever it was called, but never got paid, she just accompanied MM on his deliveries.
Nobody MADE her work, I believe? I seem to recall Malc stating that she can't work over here because of her foreign status.
I suppose she may have done some deliveries whilst MM sat in the car, I can't remember after all that has been written about his trials.
I'm sure he will be along at some stage to correct any errors
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I'd rather not have a recap. The sad thing is that debt is a serious issue, if you've ever met someone who is struggling with debt it isn't funny and affects all those around. I realise this is a pointless thing to say but this thread was not intended to raise or discuss these issues.
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Well, we appear to have £6 of vouchers according to OH, so we may struggle to get a channel tunnel crossing!
And one expires in May, so we will need to be fairly quick.
Are they not sent out every 3 months? If so we have time to wait till the next one arrives, though I doubt we will get to £10 in total.
However, We just exchanged all our Barclaycard points so now have £65 of M&S vouchers to use, plus another £40 from a Christmas present. Then we have £285 of JL/Waitrose ones, so that is the shopping taken care of for a good while!
And a gift of £30 of garden centre ones we have had since last August.
I think a lot of high living will be needed to use them all up.
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Crikey, I had a fiver off a M&S £35 food shop this week, but as OH says that's probably £10 on already.
The only thing I like using is a stamp on a reward card for coffee shops, I love getting a free coffee although I know I've paid for it!
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I must live a sheltered life, it would never had crossed my mind to sell them on e-bay! I have just had a look and people are even selling the £5 off vouchers you get at the till. You learn something everyday.
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With such skills Malcolm, you should go into politics!
Perhaps not as Chancellor of the Exchequer
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no points or vouchers although I may have a few nectar points, don't shop in the big supermarkets often enough and Aldi don't do vouchers. Favourite stall on our farmers market does give me a small discount.
as a regular shopper
You could say " I'am pointless"
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Yes, I totally forgot we have one of those as well, we bought the dine in last week. We only buy the special offers and BOGOFs etc when we shop in Marks and Waitrose, and the quality is pretty good so overall we feel we get a reasonably good deal.
We have a £5 off £30 one for Lidl too, came today, unfortunately we just did the shopping there yesterday!
The Barclaycard points are only worth about one third of what they were originally unfortunately.
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Don't think I would have an issue with spending it in M&S, well Margaret wouldn't!!! I could always restock my wine rack.
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I'd struggle with that - I don't drink wine!
We get M&S vouchers fairly frequently. I've no idea why. I decided to sell them a few years ago after yet another failed attempt to spend them in store. We used to give them as raffle prizes to the school
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If we have one of these, and most times will never get to use it, we just give it to the person who looks like they need it most when next in Tesco (nobody ever looks like they need it in M&S).
I remember once buying some last minute needs in Tesco near Portsmouth before catching a ferry and gave a £7 voucher to a young couple with a full trolley, mainly because they had been polite to us. They were from Poland and thought that I was trying to sell it to them. Took me ages to explain how it worked and that I didn't want money. Sometimes it's hard to even give them away.
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Nice idea Wherenext.
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Yes, Yertiz, she used to help with the deliveries for dinner2go. She is permitted to work here, the only restriction on her visa is no recourse to public funds, meaning she can't claim benefits, so she has to live off my income unless she can get a job. However, that visa has expired, the new visa, if granted, will have the same restrictions and is likely to be a two and a half year visa.
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There will be an increase in monthly payments on the finance, about £100 per month more but this will be off set by the £225 saving in unleaded petrol, so that will work out to £125 per month better off, EasyT.
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At the time when I bought my current car, I was working for dinner2go and the electric version wasn't available then. It wasn't until June the following year that they brought out the Smart Electric. Dinner2go can provide these cars themselves but charge rental to do so. So at the time I went by their recommendation, not realising that the job would come to an end 3 months later. It did save money compared to the Shogun as it used half the amount of fuel without wearing the clutch and other expensive repairs.
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I've got £45 worth of Tesco points so far but there are still more points to come!
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What's crazy about it, TW? Just think, this new car means I'll never have to buy petrol ever again! Think of how much money that will save over the next 10 years! In 10 years at £2500 per year, that's £25,000 saving, which is more saving than the value of the car! Now what's so pointless about that?