D Day approaching



  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited December 2017 #92

    Although I'd personally welcome more midweek discounts, I can't see how it would do much to solve the problem of fully booked weekends on it's own. It would just make me think "oh good, I can afford to stay for an example couple of nights anyway. "

  • mbee1
    mbee1 Club Member Posts: 557
    edited December 2017 #93

    What it might do it change the demograph from retired members who could actually go more or less anytime to working members who might be able to book nearer the actual weekend they want to go. So if i knew I had some time owing to me I could decide to go somewhere and hopefully find a pitch which can be difficult to do certainly at the sites that are close to me.

    I believe a combination of deposits, a maximum number of nights booked at any one time and more mid week discounts could well alleviate the "blocked" weekend problem.

  • Dawn F
    Dawn F Forum Participant Posts: 167
    edited December 2017 #94

    I think the biggest problem with frenzy day is the lack of pitches available, surely if so many get booked up at weekends then that should be a big red flag to the club that they need to increase the pitches available, for the last few years the honey pot sites just seem unable to cope with the volume of members.  Increased pitches, new sites or improved sites would maybe help move the honey pot sites

  • JayEss
    JayEss Forum Participant Posts: 1,663
    edited December 2017 #95

    I'm a working member but I don't feel any great need to change a system to suit me.  I've never failed to get something using late availiability including Chatsworth at August bank holiday weekend. 

    Bringing in deposits and limiting the number of nights you can book wouldn't guarantee that you'd find a pitch when you fancied travelling.  People will still book before you and you'd be less likely to find anything through late availability.

    Why shouldn't retired members use sites at weekends?  If they are there as part of a longer stay are they expected to leave the site to make room for others?


  • Hakinbush
    Hakinbush Forum Participant Posts: 286
    edited December 2017 #96

    I think with all the negative post's Ive been reading about pricing and members not renewing in the last few weeks Wednesday should be a breeze..

  • mbee1
    mbee1 Club Member Posts: 557
    edited December 2017 #97

    It certainly should Hakinbush. 

    And JayEss, I'm not saying retired members should leave the site at all.  Any member can use any site.  Frenzy day, however, disadvantages working members who aren't able to log on for 8am and, as is evident from this thread, some members tour for 8 to 10 weeks at a time.  They're obviously retired and have an advantage in being to book all their sites at once. 

    So I get home on Wednesday and login to find that some sites are fully booked for weekends all through next year. If deposits were asked for and if a maximum number of booked nights was in place then working members might stand a chance. Likewise offering more midweek discounts to attract people who can holiday during the week I believe would increase the overall figure of nights used at a lot of club sites. 

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited December 2017 #98

     As a retired member who tours the UK do you seriously believe that I would go away for 5 days  and go back home? laughing It's an awful long drive from Chester to John O' Groats for a 5 night stop just to drive home again. I thought many of us retired folk did our bit by avoiding school hols. Now you want us to stay within 200 miles of home. You were joking I hope!!

  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited December 2017 #99

    There will never be a fair system all the time demand is more than pitch's available , it's the same with gig tickets ,it doesn't matter what time of day they sell them there will always be people who loose out .

    Members are allowed to look outside the CC sites and book elsewhere

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited December 2017 #100

    So I get home on Wednesday and login to find that some sites are fully booked for weekends all through next year. If deposits were asked for and if a maximum number of booked nights was in place then working members might stand a chance. Likewise offering more midweek discounts to attract people who can holiday during the week I believe would increase the overall figure of nights used at a lot of club sites.

    No what you do is the same as many. If you want to book a site when you return from work (if nobody else is able to do it for you) is book sites that you want. I never found it to be a problem. An odd site may be booked for the weekend you want. Not many however get booked quickly.

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited December 2017 #101

    Members are allowed to look outside the CC sites and book elsewhere

    I have already booked 4 commercial sites with one more to book and 6 C&CC sites. All that remains is to book 11 CC sites.  

  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited December 2017 #102

    well done laughing

  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,892
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    edited December 2017 #103

    Frenzy day, however, disadvantages working members who aren't able to log on for 8am

    I thought that the opposite was the case with people at work getting all their mates to log-on for them so that once a booking was completed there was another log-on immediately available to make the next one.

  • Hakinbush
    Hakinbush Forum Participant Posts: 286
    edited December 2017 #104

    Yep same here, two weeks Cornwall, same Devon, one week Dorset, and again at Glastonbury, but still looking for four separate weeks on club sites..

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited December 2017 #105

    W/end booking is not as bad as some try to make out it is,we have so far this year done over 145 nights away on cc sites and must say that the Friday mass arrivals has not been noticed by  us on any site,on a couple of big sites we have noticed more arrivals but nothing like some would think as stopping others wanting longer periods 

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,755
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    edited December 2017 #106

    Saturdays seem to be more difficult to get than Fridays at this time of year, but as you say, shortages are limited the most popular sites.

  • Unknown
    edited December 2017 #107
    This content has been removed.
  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited December 2017 #108

    Oh dear BBoy the "complaint" from the few who like to be heard,is that w/enders stop others booking longer periods,which is not what happens in the real world,as you may not have realised you have mentioned in your postwink

  • Unknown
    edited December 2017 #109
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  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited December 2017 #110

    Sorry if you still do not understand the "complaint "about  w/endsundecided as most have tried to advise the fewwink 

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited December 2017 #111

    this ties back in to Mbee's point about the (non) ability of some to be at the starting line at the same time as some others....

    As I have said before I wish that they would start on a Sunday and earlier in the day (say 6am). Pay staff double time - a drop in the ocean. Sure some would not be able to take part but they would be fewer. Doubt that I would be there at 6am but then I don't want the likes of Rowntree, York. 

    Not sure that many sites get booked up for weekends on day one. In fact few do. 

  • JayEss
    JayEss Forum Participant Posts: 1,663
    edited December 2017 #112

    I do agree about more midweek discounts. 

    However I'm also a working member who doesn't always take time off to be at my PC at 8am and may only find there's an opportunity to get a weekend break a few days before. I don't expect there to be a pitch available within 50 miles but very often there is one. 

    I don't really mind what the system is but your suggestion would put me off this club completely. Deposits are one thing, deposits plus limits on numbers of bookings would make me laugh as I cancelled my direct debit. 

    The club is only interested in maximising units on pitches and I'd guess that retired members make far more use of sites than working members. So I doubt there will be significant change. One thing is for sure - if one group is advantaged then another will be disadvantaged and the club will know more about the financial implications than any of us. 

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited December 2017 #113

    I would think as most of the posters seem to understand is that most w/ends are booked up as part of longer stays, which could be up to three w/ends of a two week holiday when arriving on the Sat of the first week leaving on the Sat/Sun at the end of the second week,or in our case when useing sites in Devon would be four w/ends for a 21 night stay 

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,399
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    edited December 2017 #114

    Whilst your statement applies to many sites and certainly in the school holiday periods, I don't believe it applies to the honey pots and other popular sites. At sites like Chatsworth and Baltic Wharf there is definitely a large exodus on both Friday and Sunday as the weekend folk arrive and depart. Amongst those there will be those who have stopped a week, like us, but they are a minority at these sites. Same thing happens at Clumber, often  70 or more arrivals on a Friday, even more departures on a Sunday.

    Not that I am objecting to this of course. Just relating what happens.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    edited December 2017 #115

    or as I do - have three different loginssmile

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited December 2017 #117

    But then Chatsworth and Baltic Wharf are full most of the time,we were at Baltic last year for the Christmas market and it was "full"with only three arrivals for the w/end ,Clumber Park even when we were next to  you, as Ferry Meadows have always been w/end sites and unless there is  anything on locally have normally got spaces

  • compass362
    compass362 Forum Participant Posts: 619
    edited December 2017 #118

    I would imagine most members have more than one internet connection device  , I've used two tablets on eBay after a particular item both pre loaded with different bid amounts , I'm sure the club's web site doesn't allow more than one device using the same log on details getting access to the booking pages.

    Ultimately we  all have the same chance to get our first choices .👍

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,399
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    edited December 2017 #119

    Sorry off topic but. At least now we would have known we were next to each other. Apparently the WiFi has finally been uprated to Gold standard,👍

  • neilf
    neilf Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited December 2017 #120

    No use to me as a working member, by the time i get home from work the usual popular sites are booked up. Time to make the launch date to a weekend to be fair to all members.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,461
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    edited December 2017 #121

    Except those who work at weekends....