What are you all up to



  • trellis
    trellis Forum Participant Posts: 1,102
    edited November 2017 #11492

    Taking aged sister shopping for a cup of coffee ,ABM you my friend are easily bought .😁😁. You've got to blag at least a couple of choccie bics as well.😂

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited November 2017 #11493

    Better news today. Fliss was a little put out when I decided not to pick up the caravan on Tuesday - decision made Monday to collect next Monday on 4th December provided weight upgrade plate had arrived and was fitted. Realistically that left 9 days to sort caravan before we go off on December break. We have 5 days spoken for, visiting relatives, grand kids, out with friends, Christmas shopping, shopping for new van and some alterations to do plus a visit from plumber. So 4 days free not a problem .......... if van ready to collect! 

    I knew that the sales person, Dianne, was off from Tuesday until Saturday. I had a phone call today to confirm that the weight upgrade plate has arrived.  So Fliss can be more relaxed. 

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,195
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    edited November 2017 #11494

    Another clear bright day, no snow but frost during the night and the wind's stronger than yesterday, so it feels a good bit colder. Had to go back to the opticians today as one of the pair on new glasses I got yesterday was not right I felt. It turned out that one of the verifocal lenses was about 2mm out of alignment, so will have to be remade. Hopefully they can get them back by Monday so I'll have them before we set off. 

    Hope you have good night at your concert, Goldie.

  • Pliers
    Pliers Forum Participant Posts: 1,864
    edited November 2017 #11495

    Enjoy the gig, Goldie.

    Peggie's "sing about these hard times" gets me every time......

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited November 2017 #11496

    Choccie  biccs  ??  I'll  want a  damn  sight  more  than  that  trellis surprised !!

    I'll  expect  summat  with  a  candle  on  at  least cool !

    Now  what  did  Scrooge  say  to  his  nephew  ??


    undecided ??


    Serioiusly  tho'  at  least  she  can  still  get  into  the  Ducato  using  one  of  those  plastic  folding  steps  so  I  can't  grumble  over  much  &  I  only  do  the  serious  shopping  usually  --  her  daughter  takes  her  out  for  the  other  stuff  &  they  have  a  light  lunch  &   serious  "Womens  World"  chit  chat  !!  Saves  serious  damage  to my ear  'oles  !embarassed


  • Malcolm Mehta
    Malcolm Mehta Forum Participant Posts: 5,660
    edited December 2017 #11497

    I spent the morning sitting out in the awning in the relaxer. It was very warm with the sun coming in and a cloudless sky. Later we went to Worthing to swap over cars and give the Shogun a run. No problem starting now that it has a new battery. We drove around Long Furlong, then collected our mail from my cousin, after which we went shopping at Tesco Extra Durrington.

    We had our evening meal when we got back to our caravan and had an early night. However, it woke me up when I heard the wind howling outside, so I've just made a pot of tea. I'll probably go back to bed later.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,866
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    edited December 2017 #11498

    We had a sprinkling of snow overnight, enough to cover the cars and make the pavements look very slippery.  I have just watched some of the children walking to school and a couple have slipped over so take care out there everyone.

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,077
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    edited December 2017 #11499

    Great news Easy T. We have had our new Lunar for a week now and still not finished packing it also getting used to how everything works. Our first outing is in 2 weeks time just a weekend on a local site. What dealer did you buy from?

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited December 2017 #11500

    Leisure Sales at Brereton Green, Near Holmes Chapel. They were my first choice. 40 miles and just over an hours drive. 

  • triky auto
    triky auto Forum Participant Posts: 8,689
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    edited December 2017 #11501

    undecided Yellowy sky and drizzle Northerly.wind now gale force !! Still no snow wink..here on the Kent coast.Bought some thermal socks and a furry hood yesterday ,,,,wearing them today at the B/yd,,laughing.

  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,509
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    edited December 2017 #11502

    Another bitterly cold day - so I'll be lighting the stove soon and be able shed a layer or two.

    Peggy Seeger's gig was wonderful last night. Before the start she came out and walked round and talked to the audience, and that set the tone for the night. She was accompanied  by one of her sons (Callum McCall) and they talked to each other (and the audience), singing songs from a 60+ year back catalogue. Old folk songs, her songs, Ewan McCall songs and a current waspish ditty about DT. Very life affirming. 

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,333
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    edited December 2017 #11503

    Sounds delightful Tricky will you be posting a photo? 😉

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,333
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    edited December 2017 #11504

    Glad you enjoyed it Goldie 

    Great news EasyT take care and may your new adventurers in it be wonderful. 

    Oh milliehull sounds horrible

    Bright and sunny here, no frost and it's now a balmy 4.1c and no breeze. A flurry of large snowflakes yesterday lunch time didn't settle and bitterly cold evening but our guests didn't need to scrape their cars as they left, quietly about midnight.

    Woken with a really sore throat again today, been happening over last few weeks 😢 but today ears and eyes are affected. Sorry to hear your cold hasn't gone Tammygirl but delighted you're generally fit and healthy. I'm going to finish my Christmas cards today, FACT 😆

    Nelliethehooker hope your glasses are ready for your trip. Both pairs of my OH new glasses had this problem, hopefully will be sorted when he collects on Tuesday. 

    Enjoy your day folks

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited December 2017 #11505

    Sounds tropical your way Tammygirl barely reached 3c here and we're in town 😲.

    Not really just the van was sat in the sun for most of the day. We've had two tone grass for the last 4 dayslaughing half green where the suns been and white thick frost where its not. Birds water has had to be emptied twice a day as it keeps freezing. Not had any snow but the snow gates up the A9 have been shut for the last 2 days.

    Bright and sunny again today doesn't look as cold and no sign of wind. Off to visit Mum this morning and give her a hair cut.

    Not sure what the afternoon will bring but a walk at some stage, all these holidays have not been good for my weight so back onto the healthy eating before Christmas and knock it back a bit.

  • Malcolm Mehta
    Malcolm Mehta Forum Participant Posts: 5,660
    edited December 2017 #11506

    Taking it easy today as I'll be working 6 to 10 p.m. tonight! The wind has died down a bit but it's still cold outside although warm enough in the caravan. Not enough sun today so too cold to sit out in the awning.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,761
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    edited December 2017 #11507

    Yet another sunny day, still cold and frosty.

    Took those drawer fronts to the garage and used some of my wood turning wax finish on them, much better result, so they are now all fitted and the drawers ready to be taken into use.

    Fridge is getting bare, so seems we are going shopping later on.

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,174
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    edited December 2017 #11508

    Cold here with winters showers.  Went into town by bus already.  Off to see grand twins later then out for dinner and a scoop or two tonight.laughing

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,942
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    edited December 2017 #11509

    Cold and sunny here.  I like the sunny bit.... 😀


  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited December 2017 #11510

    Miniscule covering of snow last night, but gone when out with Rosa at 0730 sunnny but very cold wind ,no frost so back to being a bit muddy ground ,which ends up with a rinse down of the four paws before re entry allowed, off to town on the bus to do a bit of shopping and make appointment for annual eye test (letter came yesterday postman still in shorts but over bright red leggingssurprised)

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited December 2017 #11511

    And  just  outside  Sandbach  ET  !!  I  know  it  well  even  tho'  they  have  dropped  m/vans  from  their  trade  they  are   still  the  best  parts / accessories  place  this  way.  Spinney  just  t'other  side  of  H-Chapel  are  not  the  firm  they  used  to  be  altho'  I'm  reliably  informed  it  changed  hands  12  month  ago  &  is  slowly  getting  back  to  what  it  used  to  be.


    P.s.  Its  still  on  the  cold  side  of  cool  this-a-way  --  the  ice  from  the  bird baths  is  still  lying  where  I  put  it  but  the  birds  are  too  busy  eating  to  bother  with  bathing  or  drinking.

    Are  they  trying  to  tell  me  something  undecided  ??

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,077
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    edited December 2017 #11512

    We got ours from Campbells in Preston they are 200 miles from home but they gave a very good trade in price for our motorhome. So far we have been pleased with the service from them.

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited December 2017 #11513

    Sun now gone from here, the sky is turning greyish and its not freezing anymore. Prefer the sun and frost to grey skies. 

    Mum's hair cut and she is doing well so all happy there.smile

    Lunch now over think I will manage half an hour in the garden, the leaves are making a great carpet.

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited December 2017 #11514

    If  you're  really  cold,  David, I  recommend a  good  supply of cheese on toast

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,333
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    edited December 2017 #11515

     Did the monthly accounts, delighted to say still solvent.

    All Christmas cards now written and envelopes addressed. Will check how many stamps are required before a trip to the post office in the next few days. Feeling smug 😲😂.

    Had a walk to Lidl for another battery for the smoke alarm, both batteries have gone within a day or two of the other. Bought Duracell £4 the other day for 1 and Aerocell today in Lidl  £2.49 for 2. It will be interesting to see if there is any difference in their lifespan. 

    Had an email from Nationwide announcing that some of their interest rates that had been dropped by 0.25% have now been increased by this amount 😆😆.  Let's hope it's the start of a decent return on savings 😂😂😂

    Been sunny all day but discovered it was chilly when I went out for a walk! But not as cold as yesterday.

  • triky auto
    triky auto Forum Participant Posts: 8,689
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    edited December 2017 #11516

    surprisedsurprisedsurprised Ooops !! weather deteriated dramatically this morning ,so i decided to stay home and wait for a delivery from DPD,which came around 11-30. So a few indoor jobs done instead in the warm.Wrote some Christmas cards as well.Going out to post them now ,and bring back "fishy ships" .

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited December 2017 #11517

    Another very cold day but plenty of sunshine, ground almost frozen so no muddy dog after his walks again.smile Pleased to see our local Parakeet is still around, flew overhead and landed in the willow tree in the park this morning. Just my luck no camera! 

    Went to our local Farmers Market before work, last one before Christmas so stocked up, got a bit of discount on the meat stall being a loyal customer.

    Heard from youngest son who was travelling up to Skye today on the first stop of his winter Scottish tour, he sent some lovely photos of the snow topped mountains.

    No plans for this weekend, no DIY to do for a change! 😉 


  • trellis
    trellis Forum Participant Posts: 1,102
    edited December 2017 #11518

    ABM , It's good to hear that your aged sister is able to get out and about. So often you read stories of older folk becoming house bound through lack of mobility or confidence. I'm guessing she is a tad over 21 .😋😋

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,942
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    edited December 2017 #11519

    Just the cheese will do, Brian.  By the way, we went to the Christmas Market at Chatsworth - came back with Hartington Cheese.  Not quite the same as Snowdonia, but not bad.  It comes in wax truckles like Snowdonia.  Worth a buy, if you spot any.


  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited December 2017 #11520

    Took the MH out for a run today down to East Head, just to the west of West Wittering. A brisk walk over the dunes in a biting wind. Glad to get back to the MH for hot soup. While driving there my tyre pressure warning light came on, initially for one tyre, although upon checking it was only a couple of psi below the others. After putting some air in it, I set off again and the warning then said the other three were low. As it appeared to be only marginally below whatever they are set for, I hoped that as I drove the tyres would warm up and clear it. Obviously it was too cold as the light was still on as I drove home. Perhaps I should have  weaved about 'a la F1' to heat them up.wink  A new foot pump is already on my Santa wish list.

  • redface
    redface Forum Participant Posts: 1,701
    edited December 2017 #11521

    Foot pump?

    Have I got news for you? (With apologies to Ian Hislop.)

    There are electric pumps with digital readouts that work off the van's/car's battery.

    Glad it is on your Christmas wish list, but electric rather than foot?