Why so many dogs and Inconsiderate owners??

We stayed at Freshwater East site which is a great location by the beach in a beautiful part of Wales and the newly renovated facilities are excellent as are the very friendly professional staff and were hoping for a relaxing stay and some peace and quiet.
If you were on this site between 9 - 14th September and have 1/2/3 or even 4 dogs in a van, you need to consider your behaviour towards non dog owners and the rest of the guests and wardens.
The number of barking yapping dogs was ridiculous as were the dogs that were allowed to foul on the grass between other peoples pitches and this includes urinating which is also fouling. At great expense the club has provided a dog walk for the purpose of taking your dog(s) to foul in that area so why is it so difficult to take them there? Your selfish behaviour impacts on everyone and this trend is getting worse on club sites and personally I would like to see areas designated for members who do not have dogs and do not appreciate the barking and fouling some members seem to think is acceptable. It is not.
So come on Club how about providing quiet dog free areas on some sites for members that don't actually like dogs because believe it or not, some of us don't actually like them, and are sick and tired of the barking and yapping and the fouling anywhere the inconsiderate owners allow them to go.
Moderator Comment - Not the proper use of the Story Section, moved to discussions
Jem, I am afraid that is the sort of discourteous response you will get if you venture to criticise dog owners on here. ("Molly", by the way is a dog.)
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Did you report it and raise your concerns with the wardens during your stay?
Have you been in touch with the club directly about it?
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And its not a review either from what I read
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but the mythical peeing & $h1tting dog has been done sooooo many times. It's boring now. Molly might occasionally have a pee while sat with us on a pitch, but she's not encouraged to do so. She's taken to the dog walk first thing & does what she has to do, then the rest of the day we're generally off site with her.
And I'm her 'Daddy' ..... SWMBO set up the user name
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You have no hope of getting a response from dog owners " who see their pooches doing no wrong"> It is always someone else who transgresses. It is also You (the non dog owner),to put things right never the owners. I have said before there needs to be a limit on dog numbers and extra charges to compensate for putting their bad behaviour right by the club. Yes I agree its a minority but the rest must stand up and be counted.
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I can sympathise with Jem - we do not have dogs but as soon as we started visiting Club sites we were shocked to see so many. Never mind the change of name from Caravan Club to CMC - more like the Kennel Club in my view!
Some overseas sites restrict the number of dogs per outfit but here in UK we have seen outfits with 4/5 dogs accompanied by 2 adults - think of the mess they create! ( I mean the dogs...)
Most dog owners seem to assume that EVERONE will love their dog and using these extending leads think its ok to let their pooch run up to strangers - NO thanks - please keep your dogs to yourself.
I'm all for peace & quiet - there are some Adult only sites and I feel the club should have some Dog & Child free sites - We would definitely book!
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I can beat that, one couple this year in Cornwall had six of them, they should start charging for dogs, but as we know the club will not introduce charges unless the other club does so both clubs end up with a lot of dog owners. Go to a site with dog charges and you will notice the population of dogs is less.
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They don't know what there missing HD, I've yet to go to a club site and actually witness these alleged events.
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Rose coloured spectacles comes to mind😃
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I prefer a peeing dog to a moaning member any day.
The dog knows no better, can be cleaned up after, will respond to a kind word and won't write on the forum about the same old over and over again.
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Theres another post about the forthcoming AGM, why don't you get yourself down there and have your say in front of those that have the power to change things.
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Segregation and discrimination, alive and moaning on a Club Site near you!
Like others, I can think of plenty of categories for separate areas on Club Sites to make my individual life pleasanter. But that's using a sledgehammer to kill a worm! Zero tolerance of the small number of members who make life hell for others, remove their membership. But just let everyone else, regardless of age, family unit, get along together.
Trust me, my dogs and those of friends are a lot better behaved and better socialised than a few of the human specimens occasionally encountered on Club Sites.
I am now off to check why a Club Site located next to a large beach and a famous coastal path needs a dog walk area, my own prejudicial nature is leading me to think that it might be because a small number of members are to lazy/idle/uncaring enough to take Fido for a proper walk, and a place close by has been provided for these people so that it interrupts TV watching/ curtain twitching/booze swilling a lot less!
Don't blame the dogs, don't penalise the dogs, kick out the bad owners. But don't tar every dog owner with the same brush either. That is discrimination.
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Jem, You are very brave to air your feelings on this forum about the amount of dogs and fouling on club sites. I have given up trying to air my views about it and have just accepted it as 'par for the course' on club sites. We actually booked to go to Freshwater this year but cancelled after we saw new reviews about the excessive amount of dogs and fouling both on site and the beach, we just did not want to be part of that. The trouble is that there is a split down the middle of club members regarding the amount of dogs on site and with the club doing absolutely nothing about it the problems just get worse. We just have to accept it, not make any comment about it and pretend that the dog fouling and barking is not happening. Its a shame that the situation has developed to this degree of bad feeling between the two sides. Well there we are, I have tried to make a comment as diplomatic as I can, I just hope that I don't get to many 'nasty' replies.
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My reply won't be nasty Broadside, because I don't know you, have not witnessed you doing anything anti social, and as a fellow visitor to Club Sites, I don't like to hear dogs barking, and think allowing a dog to poo on a pitch is totally out of order. There are lots of other things I find very bad regarding a few members who visit Club Sites as well, but I don't think trying to influence members by a stealth payment, or penalising those totally innocent of such behaviour is the way forward.
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yes ,I can sympathize with some non dog owners with what you have to put up with , some dog owners are lazy and let their dogs wee on the pitch and can't be bothered to take their dog to the dog walk ,but why not direct your complaint to HO rather than just post on here ????
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There is no such thing as a bad dog. It's natural for a dog to pee and poo and explore the surrounding area.
Its indolent owners who are to blame if any dog becomes a nuisance on a campsite. Too lazy to train their dog, too lazy to take their dog for proper exercise. Too lazy to behave in a considerate and decent manner. -------They spoil the reputation of those good owners who take care of their dogs and respect others.
It has been said by a poster earlier on this thread, that there are too many dogs on campsites. If that's the case, it's easy to remedy. The first dog goes free of charge, any subsequent dogs incur a charge to the CMC of £5.00 per night. Problem solved !!
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OH likes dogs. I don't, particularly. However, in the 12 years we have been using club site ( for the last few years 100 or so nights year) I have never witnessed what the OP describes. Yes there have been a few minor issues but nothing significant enough to bother the wardens.
However that said, it is a rather strange situation that there is no separate charge for dogs. The CAMC provides dog walks and is starting to provide dog washes, but there is no specific contribution made towards this provision by dog owners. Those with children above a certain age have to pay and this helps fund play areas and of course use of the facilities. Those of us who want WiFi pay separately. I certainly don't expect others to pay for it.
So a nominal charge for dogs would seem appropriate, in my opinion. It would only need to be £1 or £2 to cover dog related costs.
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Oh dear, I must be one of a very tiresome minority! You see I don't have a dog (sadly), Our children are all grown up and have families of their own. I don't have any pet hates, except perhaps for finding those who are always wanting things banned, pretty boring!
Its a sad life not finding much to complain about, I must concentrate more! I cannot even complain about people speeding around the site because we gave up expensive club sites years ago, some of the CL's around are fantastic and CL users tend to be very happy people!
Yes its a sad life being so happy!