The Pointless Page
Glorious blue sky. Breakfast outside. Phone thermometer says 33c 😲. But it's only 15c in the shade. Be pointless if the day turns grey again later, so sitting in it and enjoying as it may not last the day and we may not have many more! Be pointless not to 😇
Seriously off for walk later when I can muster the energy.
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Have you got an actual thermometer in your phone - or does an App just connect to the nearest reported weather station?
Or weather station says it's 11.6 outside (in a Stevenson type shelter).
It's warmer inside at the moment as the sun has been pouring through the window. Though rain is due later.
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I have a free app on my phone. Galaxy Sensor. Gives temp, now 27.9c, but was up to 33 when the sun was out, behind a big cloud now 😔. Also gives pressure, height above sea level 3.4 here, but we're below the river! Also gives light and humidity. I have a proper indoor/outdoor digital thermometer in the van, always gives outdoor temp in the shade (we always have our door in the sun 😉). 15c in the shade. Sensor is outside the window.
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Glorious sunny day, 🌞
Been giving youngest son some insurance advice, probably pointless as he "knows best" 😉😲
Went to caravan this morning to take some stuff back, signs out to say road will be closed in October. Will have to remember to take a different route when picking it up to go away next.
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Forgive me if people find this a pointless question but this thread seems to be morphing into What are you up to Today. Do we need two such threads?
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I have been having trouble with a lot of "feedback" on my hearing aids,and last month had them "looked at"and "sorted" by an audioligist,at a new branch of the company while away, and they have still been giving "problems" today i had another appointment at our local branch,to be told that the wrong ear fittings had been used,so he changed them both,,now no feedback!! so what a pointless previos two appointments
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Please stop asking hard questions. It's pointless 😂😂.
I assumed the app measured the temperature and gave a read out. It changes quickly if I move it from sun to shade etc. The light measurement in lux continually changes whilst you're looking at it and possibly moving it slightly, caused by theDT's?
No idea on Sea level unless it reads it itself, I know it's a bigger number at home but can't tell you off the top of my head what the number is. Not compared pressure to my barometer at home so no idea. Tonight on BBC East they give a bar ammeter setting so if I catch it I'll compare it to what my phone says.
Being naive and knowing there are such clever people out there designing such things I assumed it took the readings itself, not from anywhere else. But I could be completely wrong.
Edit just climbed up into the motorhome and the height went down. Really disappointed. Still really only wanted the temperature.
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Yes definitely, both threads are needed.
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David, the thread was started by me back in April, it had to be edited at my request earlier on to remove some of the early derogatory posts and my own clumsy title, since then it goes up and down in the general chat area. If others are happy with this arrangement so am I. If it goes awry I'll ask for help again. Hope this is OK with everyone? I find it's slightly different to the other social chat area and I'm also happy moving between both if others are too.
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Goldie I have no problem with you asking as many questions as you like, I am embarrassed by my inability to answer them. Inadequate not pointless 😉.
I got it from the Google app store, Android phone, Galaxy Sensors, developed by Alessandro Digilio.
If you download it and can compare to your sophisticated, I know cos you put links to fab weather info 😉, please let me know what you think. (Explanations in simple words may help considerably 😂).
Off to feed the Vietnamese pigs with what scant leftovers we have.
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SO FAR ,,,,we've got away with ,,,,the food delivery etc !!
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We had until I mentioned up thread I was off to feed the pigs, may have insulted their nationally 😲😲
Pointless sorry
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Great day at Minsmere, highlight was definitely coffee and Scones followed by lots of Bearded tits flitting about. BIL enjoyed being out in the sunshine checking out the wildlife.
Had the roof of the car down both ways which was a change for this summer.
David, please leave this thread alone as it's an escape route from more mundane posts on another thread
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I stopped posting on the other thead a while ago but really enjoying this one this is what the other one was like originally so yeah both needed. Anyway we have not done too much today just a drive around now heading back to the MH hoping the rain stays off as we are planning cooking dinner on the Cadac tonight witha beer or two in hand of course lol
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We had a pointless visit to Totnes today.
After a very nice lunch and catch up with our friend, we went to the Morrisons car park in Totnes, 2 hours parking if shopping there, which we did intend to do after a look around the town.
Having parked, we read the signs again, cameras were mentioned and the exact wording was " free when shopping on site". Having read about car parks which have cameras to watch what you do and that see if you leave the area, then send you a nasty fine, we decided not to stay.
So we went along to the Victoria road car park where you can say for 3 hours. The only space left was too narrow as adjacent cars were parked squint, so we left without seeing much of Totnes.
As it was nice, we drove down to Paignton for a walk along the sea front and bought ice cream. So that the afternoon was not totally pointless, we stopped in past Lidl there for milk and a few odds and ends.