What are you all up to
We watched the 9 p.m. movie on Film 4 which finished just after 11 p.m. and then went to bed. I've just woken up to put the kettle on for a cup,of tea.
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We plan to visit the English Heritage Bramber Castle today. It's not far from here, just about 14 miles but enough to give the Shogun sufficient run to keep the battery charged.
There are two ways of getting there from here. One of them is the A27 past Lancing College and then turn off on to the A283 towards Steyning and the other way is left out of site, turn right into Titnore Lane and then on to the A280 Long Furlong up to the roundabout. Then turn left on to the A24 to Washington where there's a right turn on to the A283 towards Steyning.
We plan to take the Long Furlong route on to the A24. Bramber Village is near Steyning. I've never been there before, so it should be interesting!
Bramber Castle is the remains of a Norman Castle dated 1073, the time of William the Conqueror, or William I. So plenty of history there!
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The weather forecast promises fair weather so nice weather for a day out!
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A quick trip to Southdown Motorhomes yesterday to buy a couple of wedges and track mats. Gradually filling up the MH garage with clutter.
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I think you'll soon be enjoying trips away in it, CY.
I notice that a lot of the MHs here seem to prefer hard standing pitches to grass. I suppose without four wheel drive, it would be harder to get on and off a grass pitch, especially in late season when there's more chance of soggy ground.
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Thanks, and to Helen and Trevor as well. Just having another cappuccino. In a quiet bar well outside the city centre in an area where I used to spend my summers reliving my childhood.
This is me and my mum about 1964. the road was actually like that and wasn't properly surfaced till a few years later. I've got the photo on my phone and want to take one in the same place now but it's a very busy road now. Anyone know what that car is? Hint it's a Fiat.
This is what it looks like now here from roughly the same position.
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Nice photo Corners, can't tell you what car it is though.
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When's the first outing then CY. ??
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That's a Fiat 500 !!
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Fabulous ,brilliant Autumn day here in East Kent 21 !! Slight Westerly breeze,sunny and warm
.Assisted with the rebuilding of an old pontoon,,and an incoming yacht ,along with normal maintenance .
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We had excellent weather for our outing to Bramber Castle this morning. We visited the church adjacent to it as well.After that we went on to visit the NT Chanctonbury Ring, not far from Steyning. We returned back to our caravan for lunch.
This afternoon we visited my cousin and collected our mail which included the membership pack for Historic Houses Association. So tomorrow, weather permitting we plan to visit the HHA West Dean Gardens near Chichester which is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. tomorrow. We're thinking of taking a picnic lunch with us.
After collecting our mail, we drove to the sea front and parked by Goring Gap, walked across the green at Goring Greensward and sat for a while on the bench overlooking the sea. The sun was out and there was a cool breeze.
After that we returned to our caravan for a cup of tea after which I fell asleep in the relaxer. I've just woken up again.
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It was pretty wet when we arrived at Black Shaw Moor. Coming over the top from Buxton visibility was down to around 50/60 yds.
Today a pleasant morning so we took a stroll alonside Rudjard Lake and later called into Leek for a light/late lunch and a nose around.
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I had one of those in the 1970s. Mine was the 'estate' version!!. It was duck egg blue. Wonderful little car.
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My very first car was a Fiat 500, bit of a rust bucket though!
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Fiats have never been known to have good bodywork Helen.๐I had a couple of Fiat Pandas later and they ended up as a bit of a rust bucket as well.
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How wet was the ground round the Res, ET. It's usually rather muddy when we've been there. Never stayed on the CC's site but have stayed on the C&CC one, including over one X-Mas.
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We walked up from the narrow gauge railway station, took a detour over the dam wall for a coffe and then back to follow the railway line up to the top of the lake. Came back the same way and ground was fine. Few muddy bits in middle of a wide track and easily avoided. We wanted to get back to the car before 1pm in order to have a nose around Leek before rain hit. Rain came in about 3pm much as I expected. Called into Morrisons for fuel, small shop and a coffee and back to site just after 4pm
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It's a 650 I believe not a 500.
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No They only did a 600 as a larger family vehicle .Had one in Spain.!!
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If you had a 600 you will know that the one in the photo is not a 500 as it doesn't have the rounded rear wheel arch that the 500 had
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In the evening we walked up Highdown Hill to Highdown Gardens and spent about half an hour from 17:15 to 17:45 walking around the gardens.
After we got back, we had our evening meal of chicken, chorizo and king prawn paella with potatoes and vegetables.
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Fiat 500's are much better quality now a days though. My daughters got a bright yellow one and it's class. I love getting a drive in it from time to time but it's usually just to fill it up with petrol ๐๐
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We've got up to a very cloudy morning but at least it's not raining. I've had my first cup of tea already and now I'm on my second.
Talking about Fiats, I had a Fiat Argenta in the 1980s. It was 2 litre and was a very good tow car for the caravan of that time but it didn't have four wheel drive and I used to do a lot of rallying in those days mostly on wet muddy farmers fields in heavy rainfall. Eventually, I changed it for a four wheel drive Subaru which was better for that kind of usage.
We're hoping the weather will brighten up for our planned outing to West Dean Gardens. It will be our first outing to an HHA attraction, thereby making use of our new membership.
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Are your hands back to being usable without pain now Malc?
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This morning it's bacon butties and coffee at our local cafe (a Sat morning treat sometimes) then a bed getting collected that we sold on EBay and this afternoon it's the allotment association flower and veg show. I haven't entered anything as my produce is never good enough for showing, just eating, but it's always nice to see what the others have produced out of the long hours they put in down there.
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Every year in the South of France/Italian border area,there is a 'meet' of 500-600 enthusiasts with every conceivable model,including pick-ups and estates .Can't quite remember the dates.
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Not entirely, R2B. I still get some pain but much less than previously. Yesterday, I managed the whole day without the splints on and less painkillers as well but some pain came back in the night and early this morning. so I've put the splints back on for a while and took two Ibuprofen earlier.
The hospital said that I could use my hands to some extent but that if I get any pain, to stop and have a rest.