The Pointless Page
Not been on here for a while....doubt that I'll be on again in the near future.
Hope one and all are well and enjoying this glorious summer weather away in you caravans/MHs.
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I don't suppose it is that pointless if you are in Scotland. ๐ However, it was reported in today's paper that this years midge season is likely to be the worse since records began. Apparently they count them ๐ค and expect 68 billion, more than 13,000 each and 40% up on previous years. The figure is calculated by scaling up the figures caught in traps, one trap in Inveraray caught 6.5 million in 2014.โน๏ธ
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Forgotten about this thread. Pointless.
I hope you see plenty brue the tide coming in will help as it funnels the fish. Weather doesn't matter if you see these creatures. Proper clothing will make it more comfortable ๐
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Well we were about to give up when someone shouted "dolphins." So it was worth the walk and the waiting. Had a wonderful view as the pod went by just feet from the shore. A few pics from my phone, a quick view of a dolphin on one. Better version on my camera and even better just with my eyes!
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Just about to stroll down to our local library to check out the plans for our third river crossing, pointless really, been on the cards for nearly 30 years and we will probably have shuffled off this mortal coil by the time they start building.
Pointless to ask the EU to fund it as they never give any assistance to East Anglia
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Just for once I am in a sort of holiday heaven here, I'm back in the van looking out to sea. OH is on the beach fishing and I'm making plans for the next walk. The geology here is great so I can go rock and cave spotting next! I hardly dare add to the holiday souvenir thread that I take little pieces of rock home as reminders of places (only in places where it's OK to do so.) Nice and dry here, no rain so far.
Oneputt where are the bridge plans? I see the Stonehenge tunnel is going ahead.
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We had fantastic views of dolphins there. We parked the motorhome up on the road to St George's Fort, parallel to the estuary, and watched from the windows as it was late evening and cooling. Just went outside when they arrived. Great memories.
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So glad you've been able to see the dolphins Brue.
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We spotted a pod of dolphins at Port Clais last summer whilst walking along the cliffs. A real bonus.
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Well - if you want something pointless, how about the new style chat room.
Now cannot navigate easily from subject to subject.
Many fruitless minutes spent trying to figure out where to go next.
Hasn't the club done well (as usual)?
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We watched the Dolphins from Fort George this Spring, while staying at Nairn.
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Straight back into house renovation tasks for us at the moment! Our house is built of very old, slightly porous Victorian bricks, but we have found a specialist company that can apply a breathable water repelling coating, we are just doing a few bits of renovation ourselves, and making sure precious plants are protected before the specialist company comes and does their bit! We have moved an old pig bleeding sink away from house, and it is going to be a water feature project in the Spring, combined with a Millstone. We were lucky enough to find all sorts of neglected treasures in the garden when we moved in, now put to different uses!
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Nice to catch up on your news TDA, I have had some help in the garden this morning whilst OH has gone fishing. It has taken a few days to get back into daily life after our trip north.
We did have some "treasures" in our garden but the previous owners lugged them up to Blackpool when they left. Bye bye old troughs etc wish they had left them in place.
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The sink was in an old outhouse we demolished early when we moved in thirty plus years ago. Luckily, we decided to keep the old bricks, so whenever we have done any projects, we have topped up the brick usage with these extras! They look quite nice as border edging as well, laid at an angle. OH rebuilt couple of walls, and gave me the lovely D shaped brick toppers, which again are border edging for garden. Couple of old millstones are treasures as well! I even have the old loo from the outhouse in use as a planter!
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We never throw anything away. "It might come in useful" is our Mantra.
A few years ago my husband resurrected this old cartwheel to hang pans on in the pantry.
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Yes, great recycling that Goldie, and so in keeping!
It isn't only bricks and stone we use, OH removed some leaf springs, and some coil springs off a couple of Land Rovers long ago sold, but they are awaiting "projects".
My all time best "tut" (finding, reusing, begging, borrowing) is a ships hawser, really heavy, around eight inch in diameter. We came across it on beach at Gibraltar Point on a walk, and somehow managed to haul it back to car, coil it up and fetched it home with dogs balanced on top! It stank to high heaven, but was duly washed down, and again makes fantastic border edging. Been in place a long time now though, and could do with resiting.