What are you all up to
Milliehul l not counting the days yet, trouble with that is the faster they go here the faster they go when we're there
. Our cycle journey wasn't as bad as it sounds. I've scoured the city and county council websites to find out about the subway closure - not a sausage. If I;m in the right frame of mind I might have a stir up tomorrow! It's often closed and is the only cycle route, not completely traffic free but quieter roads from the town south. They keep tying to get more people cycling and then do things like this. If it was a road there would be a diversion route but cycles and pedestrians can sort themselves
. The subway that all the kids use to 3 schools and a college campus regularly floods (thank goodness we live in a dry area) to well over shoe depth with a drop of rain and has done for years our daughter is 34 this week and it was happening since she went to juniors, so they don't rush LOL.
JVB plenty to keep you occupied, you'll be in need of another trip by Wednesday.
I don't qualify for a bus pass but OH has his. We love a bus trip, even though I have to pay, especially when we're away. A great way to see the countryside. I like the fact they go round the villages, real exploring and time's our own. Peterborough on the bus is interesting they go through housing areas without touching the proper roads we discovered on our last stay at Ferry Meadows as the trains weren't running.
Very pleased with the results of the Dylon Pod - I'm amazed that the stitching on the jeans, yellow and on the linen 3/4's white, have remained the original colour.
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We have been to Blaye BB. Such an interesting place. We and 2 friends had a guided tour of the citadel. Just us and a guide, it was wonderful. Also a very enjoyable lunch at a restaurant in the village. We saw the campsite. Isn't it great.
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We leave on Saturday 16th JVB so might not be able to take part in the 1940s event. Thanks for the info about the buses. We usually use the one from the bus stop at the site entrance but yours sounds a better option as much more frequent.
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Thanks BB, I had heard about Blaye before and the campsite in the middle but had forgotten all about it. Like the sound of the aire your on, would it be a good one for us as aire virgins
if so could you email the coordinates to OH please, not sure if our wide van would go through the gateways to the site. We are going to stay put until Sunday then head down towards Bordeaux area, think Royan is going to have to wait for another time and better weather.
Enjoy St Emillion we were there about 4 years ago, landed it just right as it was a festival weekend lovely place. By the look at the forecast it's going to be wet everywhere on Saturday but getting better after that. Which site are you thinking of there or is it another aire? Safe journey.
P'S bruises are looking good today
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Decent day today, quite mild and hardly any rain. Took a trip up to Great Malvern where we had a walk around the town, had lunch, then visited Waitrose and Lidl for bits and pieces.
On the way back to the site here we stopped off at the new Aldi, which is about half a mile away, for milk, and of course found a few other things to add to the trolley!
If it stays decent tomorrow, we will go to Upton on Severn for a look around. Then a quick trip to Morissons to fill fuel for the next part of the trip
Yesterday afternoon was sunny so we had a walk around Tewkesbury, quite a historic town. The main shopping street seemed rather run down compared to on our previous visit in 2008, quite a few empty shops and lots of charity shops.
The site here has been OK, despite being all grass, but if we come this way again I think we would go back to our usual stopping place, the Malvern Hills site, much more spacious, and it has hardstandings!
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Yesterday evening we watched the programme on Channel 4 called "Educating Greater Manchester". It was an interesting story about the challenges faced by the teachers and the headmaster of a secondary school.
We woke up this morning to more rain. I'm now on my second cup of tea. My wife has an appointment at the surgery for a blood test this morning and so is getting ready to get the bus there.
We watched the first half hour of breakfast tv, the weather report doesn't look too good for today. The news was mostly about the storms in the Carribean. The pictures looked devastating.
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That reminds me of when we stayed at the club site in Malvern in June 2015. I don't remember there being an Aldi there though.
In 2008, we used to live about 12 miles from Tewkesbury. They had a market there every Wednesday and Saturday. We used to get the bus there on market days. We also went on a boat trip up the river once which stopped at a pub where we had a pub lunch at the river bank and then walked back along the river bank to Tewkesbury.
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I had cereal followed by toast for breakfast. My wife has just left to catch the bus to the surgery for her blood test. Two hours to wait before I can collect my newspaper from reception and another £1.70 to pay for tomorrow's paper.
I don't think the weather is going to be good enough to sit outside this morning, so it's going to be a morning of having to sit inside the awning to read the paper!
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Cloudy ,grey and damp here on the Kent coast after overnight rain.Can't go to I.o.W just yet ,still waiting for a boat to come in on this week-ends high tides .Bringing the trailer home today though for loads of garden rubbish to the tip.Have booked the windscreen repair on the 'Concorde' for next Wednesday.
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Dull start here in East Norfolk. Sorry if I woke anyone by my getting up early, 0715hrs
. No idea what the day will bring, may get a haircut and just pottering in the garden. Cut the grass yesterday before it rained.
Unfortunately Tewkesbury has gone the way of so many of our town centres with out of town shopping more popular due to parking etc. etc.
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I was out just after 05:30hrs OP, back within the hour, watched the Sunrise-what's not to like
. I love the early mornings. I shared the walk with Owls & Deer this morning, the Owls were very vocal-I forgive them-always.
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With my hands all bandaged up and only fingers moving,I've just about managed, what is now, the monumental task of completing my ablutions and getting dressed.
Another 45 minutes and it will be time to make my way over to reception for today's newspaper. I just hope that the rain stops in time because the hospital told me not to get my bandages wet.
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It's very inconsiderate of Mrs Malc not to scrub you down before departing Malc
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She usually does, R2B, but this morning she had to leave early so didn't have the time!
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Poor old Tewkesbury High St has never really recovered from those awful floods, I think that's why temporary shops are the norm. Still a nice town though with the river and abbey.
Bright start up here in Pitlochry, Highland games here tomorrow but we'll be moving on. Going to the theatre tonight, having a meal there too. We have a forgeign van squashed up alongside us, don't think they could work out the pitch marker, it's very cosy being next to them.
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It's years since I've been there, so not seen any of these changes. I must get it on my list of places to visit!
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It's been raining on and off all morning, miserable weather! So no chance to sit outside. Anyhow, at least it stayed dry whilst I collected my newspaper this morning even though I had to use my wellies to cross the lawn! I've spent the rest of the morning inside the awning reading the papers.
Lunch is cooking at the moment, using the electric oven in the awning and the electric hob on the caravan cooker: cheese and bacon breaded chicken, chips, fried cabbage with broccoli and peas. It will be ready in about 10 minutes. Feeling hungry now!
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Malvern has a newish looking Lidl, The new Aldi is in Tewkesbury, about half a mile from the Club site, on the south side of the town.
We are leaving tomorrow, so will miss the market, but there is something on in the Abbey car park tomorrow so getting out of here may not be easy.
The access road is quite narrow in places, when we arrived we met 2 cars coming the other way from the public car park, one immediately reversed, the other, a foreign vehicle stopped and apparently expected us to squeeze past him in a space about two thirds of the width of the van! He eventually realised that that was not going to happen and reluctantly reversed.
We have about 150 miles to drive tomorrow, so an earlyish start seems sensible.
Rain overnight, heavy showers right now, so going out is on hold meantime.
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Does a newspaper really cost £1.70 these days!? it must be over 40 years since we gave up newspapers, must have saved a small fortune.
Between buses, taxis, hotel, and newspapers, and presumably no wages, your accident is turning out to be a very expensive and inconvenient experience. I hope all will soon be back to normal for you.
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Yes and it's even more on weekends. I paid £2.10 today for the Saturday newspaper order and will pay the same tomorrow for Sunday's order. Six weeks loss of pay will probably cost £600 in lost wages although I may qualify for some sick pay.
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There does not seem to be much parking in the town that would be convenient if you had a load of heavy shopping, and in these historic towns space is very limited for opening a decent supermarket anyway, so out of town shopping centres are probably the only solution in many places.
My sat nav must need updated as it claimed there was a small M&S in town, but all we found was a Tesco metro store just off the top end of the high street.
Both the new Aldi here, and the newish Lidl in Malvern were very busy, indeed everywhere we go, Lidl and Aldi are busy, so there is obviously a demand for these stores all over the country.
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That's because of their lower prices! Money talks, as the saying goes!
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Hi KN is the Lidl in Great Malvern or Malvern Link as we were there early this year it was only in Malvern Link and a tight car park for parking a 4x4, agree with you for Blackmore site sorry I was a local so still call it Blackmore, Found Malvern has changed a lot since we lived there and when we used to visit my late Mother.
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Sometimes it's nice to get away from supermarkets, I'm enjoying the local shops on this trip. The other day we found a butcher with slow cookers on the go selling take out stews and stovies. Found a good haggis and pudding place this morning.