What are you all up to
It has been another hot day,walked fromthe site to visit local gymkana and fete got there at 1145 to find a huge queue and big problems with traffic management,as it did not open untill1200 and no way were the gates going to open a second earlier, it did help the cc site staff as two caravans and a motor caravan were stuck in the traffic,but it was good once we all got in , and the drinks and food were good and very reasonable prices
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After a rather lazy start to the day,we finally got ourselves together and visited Hardcastle Crags, weather was lovely so walked down and then did one of the waymarked trails,circular walk up the valley and back along to the mill following the river. Visited the Mill too, interesting that they produce all their own electricity and the worms do their work under the toilets.
Have just enjoyed a bbq and a glass of wine outside while the sun goes down.
Safe trip to all those travelling in the next few days, hope trips all go well.
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Lovely day with mum, shes on good form. Plenty of pottering jobs completed in fact she laughed and said there's nothing else on the list 😂. Chatted with a few neighbours too whilst we attempted to control the front garden 😉.
Sat in the garden and read the papers and did the crosswords. It seems you are never too old, 61, to be told that your going to learn how to do something! I've never got the hang of or even wanted to get the hang of sudoko, but I have now been instructed and we laughed so much of think the new neighbours probably think we're certifiable 😂😂😂. OH refused to take lesson seriously and was given one to do. He failed 🙄😉😂😂. Still not interested in doing more, but the phrase 'leave it' has taken on a hilarity level,good job there wasn't a dog or child in close proximity!
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Bakers, just had a good laugh at your post, I don't do Sudoko either and like you am not interested in taking it up. OH does them all the time, daily challenges, books, newspapers, on his phone, he's even got a hand held device that he can use. Crosswords don't interest me either but when he gets stuck on them he will ask for my help.
Thanks ABM for the update on the M6/M5 think OH is going to use the toll road, he is not the best at sitting in traffic and would rather drive miles out of his way just to keep on the move.
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Glad I gave you a smile Tammygirl. I enjoy the odd Crossword and it's about the only thing I miss a daily paper for.
Don't forget M6 toll discount with your club card 😉. I have a hubby who doesn't sit in traffic and will follow another vehicle if they appear to know where they're going - even if it ain't where we want to go 😉. Maps are for wimps 😂. Hopefully yours and others undertaking this M6M5 journey will be spared too much aggravation. Have a good time.
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So glad you managed to have a good day robsail.
Your day with your Mum sounds wonderful Bakers2. One to remember for all of you.
We had a wonderful day in glorious weather with eldest son, DIL, 2 grandsons and their dog at beautiful Oxborough Hall in Norfolk followed by a BBQ in their garden this evening. A day to remember in the dark days of winter.
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Another sunny and hot start to today,here in Kent.Who know's what the day will bring ?? Expecting some spare parts for the 'Case' today.Have a good day you'all.
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I was asked to do an extra hour at work yesterday, so didn't finish until 11 p.m. Day off today. However, we still need to get the fridge sorted and the Shogun aircon needs sorting too.
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Cooler and dull here, you get all the sun in Kent Triky!
Got to start thinking about going away next week as we have a busy week and weekend ahead so will need to sort the van early. Daughter reported the M5/M6 not too bad early and late so will just allow more time for our journey and get cracking before 6 am.
Have a good day from me too.
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The best way to avoid traffic is to travel overnight. Between 2 a.m. and 4 a.m. you should have a clear run!
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Another glorious sunny start to the day 😆 very still too.
Pottering and preparing for local trip away starting Thursday. Got to go into town for banking and more wool for mum so meeting ex colleague at lunchtime, her team have all got their marching orders. So delighted not to be part of it any more phew! Quite hilarious when you know the workings and shannanigans but not pleasant if you're involved.
Need to sort aircon on our car, thanks for the reminder. I speak about it as we use it and promptly forget - age or priority? You can be the judges.
Enjoy your day folks whatever you do. Safe trips to the travellers.
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A bit of a grey start to the day here but it's supposed to brighten up later.
Tomorrow we have been booked to mind two of the grandchildren so we will be doing a bit of loading and sorting out the caravan today, ready for the off at the weekend.
My air-con also needs sorting, it sends a smoke like vapor out of the vents when it is first switched off.
Safe trip to all of you folks going away.
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We aim to that Malcolm but OH won't be driving it will be the Captain on the ferry lol
I'm afraid our days of the overnight drive have long gone, did enough of that with young children coming back here on hols from Germany. OH had 45 years of long drives, night exercises and convoy driving so we now plan our drives to 2-3 hr stints, no more than 5-6 hours a day. That way we enjoy it and don't arrive frazzled.
Well folks that's us all packed up and ready to go once I've finished my cuppa and vacuumed through (have to leave a clean tidy house)
Have fun enjoy your leisure time where ever you are going and hope the weather behaves for you. Safe travelling.
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Despite having our MH for three years now, this will be my first trip away over a week! Starting to get things together, deciding what to take, where to go is planned but not booked, all depends on weather! Really looking forward to a longer trip away
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Good luck with your well deserved longer trip away TDA.
We are doing the opposite and only going for one week next week.
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Thanks Nevers. We had to come home early from our last trip, so hoping to enjoy this one!
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On duty at the Cathedral today. Went in at 9.00am in lovely sunshine and came out at 1.00pm to much cooler and cloudier weather.
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Have a nice day Millie. I am hoping to get back to my EH garden volunteer duties soon!
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An early start for us this morning! Up before 6am, last bits packed and on the road by 7.30. We had a breakfast stop on A75, Then arrived here at New England Bay at lunchtime.
The site is much quieter than we thought it would be ....lots of empty pitches! Cloudy at the moment, but lots of blue sky heading in our direction!
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Another lovely day ,parked on the quay at Wareham 4hrs £3.50 did one of the walks along the river Frome then lunch in the quay pub, wander round Wareham then back to site, really hot in Sun but have now got a refreshing breeze,
Have booked some more sites for end of September and again for one of the sites got two bookings for same dates with different booking numbers
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Just catching up, with reading posts as making use of some free WiFi. Last day at Hebden move on to Derbyshire tomorrow. Had a fab few days, ☺ looking forward to few more.
Ttda hope you have a great week.