What are you all up to
Opinion seems divided, but mainly comes down on the side of it being a bad idea.
I would think your genetics and what you eat will also have a significant influence
Years back, lunch was always the main meal, and then the evening meal was a lighter affair, was probably better for us!
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After 46 years of eating a main meal when I got home from work it's a difficult habit to break although these days it's usually between 5.00 and 6.00 in the evening rather than later around 7.00pm when at work. Having a main meal during the day tends to make the usefulness of the day end earlier, especially if there is wine involved
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I should correct my dna analysis before someone else does....about 3% of us emerged from Iberia!
I prefer a main meal at mid day but it doesn't often happen.
I couldn't eat a big meal later than 8.30 ish but I know in Spain and other countries the siesta takes meals on to a later hour and eating late in Spain is a nice experience.
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Not a great day weather wise, dull and rainy for most of the day however still managed to get lots done.
Went into town to see big Sis, we then went to look at a new care home for Mum. Really liked it so her name is now 3rd on the list for a place, it smaller than the one she is in at the moment and has a nice homely feel to it. I've been to look at it a few times now, different days at different times to get the feel of it, turn up without an appointment yet they are very happy to let you in and have a look around.
Back home again just before lunch and made a start on clearing out the back utility room, what a difference when you clear out all the junk
Looks like we may have a buyer for the trike and trailer so having a day out tomorrow to take it to them, fingers crossed it goes alright. Mixed feelings about it going though, its been fun having it.
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Hope all goes well with your Mum Tammygirl, I know it's not easy finding the right place. After an emergency placing for my Mum we had to move her on from the second one (she had said she would like to go there.) Finally the third one has been the nicest and happiest place for her.
Hope the sale goes through too, sounds as though you are busy.
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Don't know the size of your van, Malcolm, but Horseshoe Farm has a maximum unit size of 7m, or so it says on the CC's CL web page.
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Well, I am of course mainly Viking, but do have some Lapp blood from about the 1700s.
This probably explains why I am so vertically challenged.....the Lapps are quite small.
I have traced some of my family back quite far, on my mother's side we are descended from one of the original kings of Norway, so I shall now be expecting suitable respect to be shown!
OH is from the Border Rievers, cattle theives, with Dutch and Belgian blood too way back.
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I do not understand why you need to travel all the way to Chipping Sodbury caravans to get your fridge sorted as is it under than 3yrs old? as Dometic have nationwide agents who will come out to you and carry out repairs under warranty
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If the Web Site is anything to go by then his outfit is too long. However it might be worth him giving them a ring and asking the question.
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Thanks Brue, good to hear that others have taken the decision to move loved ones, as you say its not easy and until you have experience of care homes you don't always know what to ask or what to look for. Don't know how long she will have to wait so have said nothing yet, again not a nice wish because we know how a place will become available
Yes really busy by the time we get away again we will certainly be ready for a break.
Have you sorted your Scottish break, can't be long now.
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Did think the same myself JVB but you know Malcolm.
When we were in Spain the other year the English couple across from us had a problem with their caravan fridge, as you said the engineer came out to the site to fix it (would Malc book a ferry home I wonder)
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Thanks, JVB66 for the suggestion. I'll try looking up the local Dometic agent to see if they can come here to do it. I had an email from Chipping Sodbury Caravans to say that unfortunately they couldn't do it, so we're still here in Worthing. The earliest date they have available is 25th August. I can't commit to that as I do not yet know my work rota for that week.
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We went to visit WWT Arundel. It was very busy there. We were lucky to get a space in the car park to park our Smart car as there were only 8 spaces left when we arrived.
We sat for a while in the Discovery Hide and then had our picnic lunch before going on the boat safari. There was long queue for that too! So we had to queue there for about half an hour and it was hot standing there in the sun! They had two boats running.
After that, we went to the Ramsar Hide and sat there for a while. That was better as there was a cool breeze coming off the water.
It got hotter as the afternoon progressed and too uncomfortable to stay any longer, so we got back into our air-conditioned Smart and drove home to our air-conditioned caravan to enjoy the rest of the afternoon and evening in comfort!
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Malcolm if you need to book something similar to this surely you can book it and then say to your employer that you need your working days to be other than x and y. It's a two way Street you're not asking for holiday/leave. The beauty of part time work is that you can book things around your working hours - sadly not having regular hours makes that more difficult but not impossible.
I too would be looking for a local engineer as my first choice.
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That's us back home and first loads of washing done. Had been keeping up with folks activities whilst away but not posting. Preserving power as non EHU, worked well even with an old, 15 years, solar panel and little real sun. Kept phone topped up and allowed a few hours TV on a very wet Friday! Plus the weather forecast.
We had a great time at Bristol balloon fiesta, arrived after driving on a VERY WET Wednesday to a very soggy farmers field, with a decent hard road to the bottom of the field. Request to position at first attempt - successful and grippers under front wheels. These made for a successful pull away on a wet Monday morning. It had dried beautifully in the meantime.
The only evening lift off was the Sunday, 87 I believe. But they went each morning but Friday's was abandoned after first ones began to disappear into low cloud. The best bit was that our rally field was opposite gate 7 literally opposite the park, and you could see the balloons being inflated once they showed above the treetops, and each time they went very close to the site giving a fantastic view without the need to be dressed posh - some in their dressing gowns 😲.
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It was Busby's maiden flight I believe. Many fewer people on the Sunday. The night glows were great too.
Well worth a visit and if you're not local a stay as the weather plays such a huge part as to whether they fly or can even be the tethered if the wind is too strong so not even able to do the night glows.
This was our second visit with the motorhome, first time only one of the mass ascents went up due to the weather so this time it was great. First time it was 20 minute walk from our rally field so a 5.30am start unless it was raining to see if they were going up. This time listen for the air raid siren, dress and pop whistling kettle on and watching, in fact some were looking out of skylights 😂
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It's a lovely event, the club rally is also right by the site. Good photos B2. My sister and family got up at 5.30am to watch from the Downs as the balloons came over the Avon Gorge, not so many due to wind speed, lots of locals out in their pjays.
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Ooo,nice steady rain here on the Kent coast.SO,looks like I.m rained off today.Have to do 'jobs' around the house I guess ,paper work,office work,hoovering etc.
Daytrip tomorrow ,so have to get things ready too.My regular injection of 'Francais'
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Yes Brue great if you're really local fingers crossed for wind direction 😉. They certainly went three points of the compass, probably not wildly accurate! this year.
Photos snapped with my Samsung s5 phone and easy to resize with photo resized, thanks to whoever on CT who recommended. Rarely use camera these days, and if we do they don't get downloaded! Use phone for ease, less to carry and easy to share photos with daughter for grandchildren. Sent one of ourselves on the gallopers and got one in return of granddaughter on one whilst they're on holiday in Oz. With the message like you grandma grandad 😢. But it's a great way to share.
Abbotsbury looks as beautiful as ever. If the weather forecast had been a bit more favourable we we going to tour around for a bit but sadly haven't. Duty calls too. Such is life 😉
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Not always easy to find a local engineer to come out though. We had that problem with the aircon last year and in the end we had to take it to the factory in Derbyshire to have it done.
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Where my mum and dad used to live ( and me many years ago) was about 6 / 7 miles due east of Ashton Court. So on Balloon festival week they often used to fly over, due to the prevailing wind direction. Once when we were visiting there was a lot of yelling and the roar of a burner. We rushed outside to see Thomas the Tank Engine just about take the chimney pot off. No idea why he was so low, as he managed to recover and gain height. Several times balloons landed in fields around, as it was the first relatively safe landing area on clearing the city.
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Glad you enjoyed it and could get off the field ok (that was our dread!) Your phone photos are good quality, mine aren't as good as my camera although I've been told my OH it's a Sony camera in there and I'm doing it wrong! I try my best......
It's nice and sunny here today, OH has gone out sorting fishing licences/tickets for various places where his club sells them. Fishing on the river Parrett is fairly popular. The Southfork Caravan site near Martock is one of the places, nice neat small site with caravan shop and repairs. Some lovely walks along the river just a stroll from the site, kingfishers sighted frequently or so I have been told by those that visit. Near all those nice NT houses and gardens too.....end of local advert.
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Oh Brue sounds lovely. Wish we could have used the info. Too late for this year but note made for when we next come west!!
Local knowledge is great and members on here know their area must remember to ask before we set off 😉😉.
Supposed to be doing accounts but had a peak here first 😂
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Always worth a try. Maybe have to make several weeks in advance. But I'd take that as a positive myself as they're well used. Someone who could come tomorrow unless a real emergency would worry me 😮. Got to be easier and cheaper than towing to them. After all one doesn't have that luxury with household appliances!
Hope you can get it sorted
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Interesting discussion on phones v cameras. Without doubt the quality of photographs taken on some higher end phones is excellent but personally I only use my phone camera for quick snaps. My eldest son is buying a house not far from where we shop at Waitrose and after shopping I often go along and take a picture on my phone which I can then immediately e-mail to him. Amazing what technology can do these days!!! However I much prefer to take pictures on my Canon cameras although the DSLR is getting a bit heavy to lug around. However I do have a lovely little Canon G16 which fits into my pocket. It is quite versatile and I can edit any pictures on my PC at home. As an aside to all that what you don't see us Brits do as much as some of our overseas chums is going round using iPads to take pictures. Perhaps they only see tourist attractions through their screens!!!
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B2, Yes, I like hearing about other local places...and now I must get on and get going with some work too!
David, I've got a Canon power shot, SX700 HS, (30X zoom) not the most powerful Canon but very lightweight and adequate for me. The Ulefone android camera I use just doesn't match it but is very useful.
We were at the Roman Baths in Bath not long ago and it was difficult to see some things due to all the i pads etc being held up!
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Talking about cameras I have a Panasonic "bridge" camera and did not realise i had not replaced the sd card when taking pictures,so they are now in the camera memory ,do any of you good people know how to (in non technical speak) retrieve them onto the sd card