What are you all up to
I'll watch and read. Gotta learn even if it's only to forget lol. My Panasonic LX is small and compact but not as much as may Samsung s5, I believe the camera on the newer ones are even better. Son has iPhone and that takes great ones! Anyway back to camera it only hold about 4 on its memory so have to ensure you have decent space on SD card 😲. Have been caught out cos don't download.
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The problem with getting anyone to come and look at air con is that very few engineers know anything about caravan air con as it is not that common in UK, we had the same problem.
However, all caravans have fridges, so you should have no problem there.
Get a list from Dometic, there is probably a list on line, and start with the nearest to you. Is the fridge still under warranty? Warranty on fridge may not be as long as the Bailey warranty, your handbook will have info on that.
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I have learnt to keep our camera usb lead separate from the tangle of others. I frequently get caught out by "insufficient space on card" although I download frequently I don't delete on the camera (too fond of some pics.) I've now got to the point where I must delete, nice to have a memory load that doesn't require this.
I was out in the garden yesterday, fruit picking, each peach,pear,plum too many this year!
The little apples are the king of somerset cider apples, not ready yet but some are falling. If you see a cider with Kingston Black in it you'll know you have a good cider.
Taken with my trusty Canon, will now have a deleting session which is much quicker if you do it on line rather than on the camera.
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Funny isn’t it, I hardly ever use my phone to take photos, if got a Canon SX220 that I nearly always carry with me and for times when I want something better I’ve got a Canon 70D. I don’t mind carrying the SLR camera with a fairly standard lens but some of my lenses are very heavy so rarely get used these days
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I've got a Samsung 6 phone and the quality of snaps from that are very good. Even though I have a 32Gb card in the camera I delete all of them after downloading them after every trip. One reason for that is because during the trip I will selected a few to download onto my I-pad and if you have a couple of thousand pics on the card, that takes for ever.
Sun shining in East Norfolk and its a day for pottering
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JVB - see the attached user manual which is for the FZ70 but is probably very similar to your FZ270. Have a look at page 23 which will then direct you to page 182
Been trying to help J sort out a camera issue, busy day today so now back to the pottering
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Most compact cameras have some form of USB connection, sometimes hidden under a little rubber flap somewhere on the camera. If you use a PC/Laptop it should be easy enough to transfer the pictures across with the correct lead. Sometimes leads for sat navs use the same sort of connection as do some phones. I am sure the link supplied by Oneputt will explain everything.
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I only heard this fact about a year ago ET, I was surprised too!
We have a Thetford, have not seen anywhere for batteries in ours, or anything in the manual, but apparently there are some models of both Thetford and Dometic that can have a battery pack fitted.
Just something for Malcolm to check first, just in case. Duff batteries would not be a warranty issue and would be an expensive mistake to make.
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Sadly, I fear you are correct, I have even mentally added to it myself.
Planning to convert our manual tank filling/using system in the van to an electric system to save having to get down on the floor to access the valves every time. I still have a few components to source, and there is no guarantee my idea will work!
The air in the Alde after the fluid change is still refusing to be dislodged, which is annoying as we go away again in a few weeks and will need the heating to work properly.
What it needs is a good shoogle by being towed a bit, but I am reluctant to take it off the driveway more often than necessary while the mover is not 100%.......I might not get it back in position again
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We were fairly lucky with my mum. She decided she wanted to try one, so we booked her into one of two in the village after inspecting both. She liked it but found it too restricting on her freedom, so decided to stay in her house in Bristol for a bit longer. However, after another 12 months or so and several falls decided it was finally time. She has been happy there, which makes the report I read in yesterday's paper all the more worrying. Apparently the number in financial predicament has increased from 12 to 16 % in the last year and one in six face closure. Hopefully it will never happen but it is a worry. The fact that she is self funded, rather than state will mean there will be no onus on the local authority to find her a place elsewhere, and of couse these will be difficult to come by if there are closures.
Anyway been to Go Outdoors this afternoon. OH bought some trainers and a fleece. Myself some trousers and cleaning products. Had to renew the card as it had run out, but did get our extra 10% for EH membership.
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Busy day today, new toilet went into the bathroom today, had a leak when turned water back on
so it had to come out again!
Caravan went back to storage, dropped off old toilet at tip on way back.Then Dashed off to work. OH finished off the toilet. New bathroom is almost half done now, as new floor is down now too.
Gave the dog a groom after work, filled the garden with hair!
mind you, he looks very handsome now.
Great to see some lovely pictures, Bakers2 glad you enjoyed the balloon festival.
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No, neither can we as it has to go on hitch first and it is a 10% slope, plus first has to turn 90 degrees off the street. Drive is only 5cm longer than the van, but the hitch can go a little up the side path.
We leave home on a Saturday, overnight somewhere near Blackpool, then to Uttoxeter on the Sunday, then are booked at the Truma service centre near Derby for the Monday morning. Only a short distance to the Truma place from the site at Uttoxeter Racecourse.
Mover is just over 4 years old and the warranty is 5 years, so we are hoping they will not be charging us!
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I got a reply from a local service centre that says they can book it for Spetember so I replied agreeing to that.
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I use my Ipad for photos and my wife uses her Iphone.
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Yesterday, we visited the NT Sheffield Park and Gardens. We had a nice walk around the picturesque lakes there. The journey there took about an hour each way. It looked very different from the last time we visited which was in May 2015 with all the Spring colours.
There were plenty of picnic benches near the car park where we had our picnic lunch before going in. It did get a bit too hot though as the afternoon progressed.
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That's where we stayed when we had the aircon fixed. Like you say it's just a short distance away. Ours was under warranty too, so it was done free of charge.