What are you all up to



  • Malcolm Mehta
    Malcolm Mehta Forum Participant Posts: 5,660
    edited August 2017 #8372

    It's rather quiet on here this morning. Is everyone still asleep?

  • Malcolm Mehta
    Malcolm Mehta Forum Participant Posts: 5,660
    edited August 2017 #8373

    Nice to see someone's awake! cool

  • triky auto
    triky auto Forum Participant Posts: 8,689
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    edited August 2017 #8374

    wink Off to the B/yd shortly to catch up with the strimming ,now the rain has stopped.Lovely sunny morning here in East Kent.

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited August 2017 #8375

    On MY phone? wink


  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited August 2017 #8376

    Wow, that'll be worth something in a few years time ET. Clam shell design, I remember thoselaughing

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited August 2017 #8377

    I'm like you Malc, up with the sunrisecool sleeping away the day is a complete waste of life(to me)smile

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited August 2017 #8378

    Not that old. Bought it 3 years ago after I bought one for OH as well. Liked it so much for its convenience and easy pocketability that I bought a spare 6 months later. Cost was £12. sits in pocket with coins and keys etc and face protected. Battery life is still around 12 days. Love it.

    Strange thing was that when I bought them on my travels they were on sale at three outlets. Two outlets they were locked to EE. I bought all from EE shops as they came unlocked from there. Surprised me.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,758
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    edited August 2017 #8379

    Wet and windy here this morning, so not a lot to get up for!  Not looking forward to working in the garage today, much better when the sun is shining.

    Behind schedule with those below oven drawers, only 2 out of 3 complete as I had a couple of other things to do yesterday, plus we had to go to DD's house to feed and water her budgies.

    OH is planning a bit of a kitchen reorganisation, so we have purchased some drawer inserts from Ikea  to tidy the utensils drawer....I think a bit of a clear out is needed too!

    She is agitating for the new drawers to be finished today, so it will be off to the garage soon for me.

  • Malcolm Mehta
    Malcolm Mehta Forum Participant Posts: 5,660
    edited August 2017 #8380

    We've just got back to the caravan after shopping at Argos. We found a head torch in the catalogue but it wasn't in stock. So they are ordering it and will be available for collection on Monday.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited August 2017 #8381

    That reminds me we have a lot of nectar points to spend at Argos, usually check things out on line, click and collect. smile

    OH has just bought a greatly reduced hedge trimmer from the Lidl Outlet on line via e bay, more nectar points accrued and a bargain trimmer. What's not to like. wink

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,758
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    edited August 2017 #8382

    On my lunch break now, the last of the 5 items we had on order just arrived, so plenty now to keep me busy......new front door light.....change caravan antifreeze....need dry weather for those.

    Plinth heater and patio cleaning can wait till after our next trip.....something to look forward to!!

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited August 2017 #8383

    Good to get jobs done Kj. OH has been cutting and storing logs, which has cleared a few spaces outside where they'd been left to dry out. A nice morning now turned to rain. Must take our terrier out soon, next week we have the extra terrier for a whole week so will be busy.  smile

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited August 2017 #8384

    Perched outside owner's bungalow again here at Foxhill Farm so must be quick! wink

    Very sunny morning so we walked from Alderholt just up the road. A rather difficult walk with several stiles along the way. Harry finds them quite difficult these days but still makes a game effort to throw himself across them - I do worry about him landing on the other side but he seems to manage so fingers crossed for a while yet. Lady, of course, just waits to be lifted over!

    This is a nice area, away from the busier parts of the New Forest, well wortha visit. smile 

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited August 2017 #8385

    Up quite early to take "new" 4 weeks now family member out 0630,then breakfast of cereal and cup of teawink before taking car for MOT (passed) then to our c/van dealer to collect van after leak repaired, took it in wed after call to them from Cotswolds and back into storage

    ,Then off to have a walk round our local lakes with Rosa ,two pair of Greib? and their young, amongst numerous ducks, swans and a couple of heron had lunch in cafe by one of the lakes,

    ,The lakes were very busy with families enjoying the lovely weather,plenty of boats out on both large lakes,then home and am now K nacked as cut the 3 lawns 

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,863
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    edited August 2017 #8386

    How old is your new family member JVB?

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited August 2017 #8387

    two pair of Greib?

    Maybe Grebe JVB? wink

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited August 2017 #8388

    hence the ?surprised

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited August 2017 #8389

    Not sure, the rescue centre in Dundalk say she is five and thats whats on her passport, they also say she is black and white but she is tricolour,but her "chip" is correct,but do we care, not a bit because she is a real sweety,have tried to post picture on here, but to no avail yet again,would change avatar but would probably lose current oneundecided


  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,863
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    edited August 2017 #8390

    She sounds wonderful JVB. I would love to see a photo if you can ever manage it.

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited August 2017 #8391

    JV, can't you use a resizer App?, it works for me on the iPadsmile

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,758
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    edited August 2017 #8392

    You could combine it with the 2 nights you need to be away from your seasonal pitch, make a week of it when you have your paid holidays.

    Something to consider for next year.

    Lots to see and do on IOW, well worth a longer stay.

  • Malcolm Mehta
    Malcolm Mehta Forum Participant Posts: 5,660
    edited August 2017 #8393

    The only problem with that is the two nights away don't always coincide with the days off on the work rota. Some weeks I get split days off, although next week I'm on days off from Monday to Wednesday, three consecutive days off but we need to get the fridge fixed. So I've emailed the workshop at Chipping Sodbury Caravans to see if it can be done on Tuesday. If so, we could spend Monday night on the Cirencester Club site and then another night away somewhere else before returning to the seasonal pitch for another 21 nights.

    It's very difficult to make any advance plans because the work rota changes every week. You only get two days notice and sometimes only a days notice before the new week's rota is given.

  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited August 2017 #8394

    Iv'e just ordered a Cadac BBQ, so I might be burning food on a site near you surprised

  • Malcolm Mehta
    Malcolm Mehta Forum Participant Posts: 5,660
    edited August 2017 #8395

    We've just been shopping at Tesco Extra as my prescription with Tesco Pharmacy was ready for collection.

    I'll be working 18:00 to 23:00 tonight. I'm hoping they'll let me off early like they did last night.

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,070
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    edited August 2017 #8396

    Cadacs are brilliant we use our all the time when away great bit of kit

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,758
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    edited August 2017 #8397

    I did say "make a week of it when you have your paid holidays"

    Presumably you can book your holiday slot at work a bit ahead?

    And can take a week off in one go?

    Your work rota not fitting with your 2  nights away is irrelevant in that case.

    Once you have your seasonal pitch for next year confirmed, you would be able to work out when you need to leave the site for the required 2 nights, then plan your holiday week to include those 2 nights.

    Leaving your seasonal pitch "resets the clock" on your 21 night stay anyway, so even if you found it did not work out exactly, at the nightly price of your seasonal pitch, it is not a huge loss if you cannot incorporate the regular 2 nights away.

    What's the problem with your fridge?

  • triky auto
    triky auto Forum Participant Posts: 8,689
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    edited August 2017 #8398

    " Home Alone"  today yell,lot's of tidying up to do in the back courtyard,overgrown Ivy,Sage,Rosemary and weeds.Catching up on mail/post etc.Cloudy but sunny periods here.Herne Bay Carnival  ?? !! today.Such as it is !! So guarding my front garden areas from intruders/trespassers !! undecided.Lots of noise and enforced friviolity !!

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,758
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    edited August 2017 #8399

    Just remembered....something with the display so you cannot change the settings?    Did you speak  to Thetford about it?   Your dealer might have to order a part, that would mean a second trip there.

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,840
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    edited August 2017 #8400

    Just started to pack in anticipation of getting away on Tuesday for two weeks at a CS near Malton.  It's my wife's 70th birthday in a week's time and I am doing a bbq party for 24, for her, whilst we are away in the van - with the assistance of outside caterers who are doing the 'fiddly bits'. Caravan freezer is already full of food and a marquee is being loaned by the kind owner of a CL near Bridlington - who has become a good friend over the years.  We are taking two cars and hers has become a glorified wine carrier! All a bit of a logistical nightmare - thinking about having enough glasses, cutlery etc - but I'm sure it will be good fun on the day.  Is there a well-connected member of CT who can have a word about the weather on the 20th??!!

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,405
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    edited August 2017 #8401

    Vaxing the caravan carpets, today. Unfortunately the auto spray seems to have packed up on the machine, so had to spray them with a hand sprayer and just use it to suck the water out. Considering it is only a year since we last did them and we take our shoes off in the van, the water was a horrible shade of grey. Anyway they look a lot brighter now.