Filling my Fresh water tank.
As there (as yet) does not seem to an answer to this problem, I am considering digging out my divining rods, getting a water pump and finding a water supply that nobody can refuse me topping my tank up!
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Well if you won't enlighten BB I shall remain ignorant. For nigh on 35 years I have shared sites happily with, motor caravans, camper vans, demountables, trailer tents etc. Seems to be only very recently that there is a percieved problem.
I know that height barriers on car parks have become a more common recent problem but as far as the CC is concerned nothing has greatly changed but all of a sudden certain MH users think changes are needed. Changes that are specific to motorhome usage. Changes that you and PD feel unprepared to define.
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I can only guess the OP wasn’t aware that this service wasn’t available & that there are no future plans to offer it at club sites. Why this is only HO knows. IMHO such a shame that the OP didn’t email the question to HO as posting it on CT appears to have caused discord between some members posting here.
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Having just reread your OP again arty, I see you phoned up the day before to try and arrange. Way back on page 4 I suggested this as the only way currently I could see the system working.
Clearly it would not be possible to achieve at all sites and you would have the problem of folk turning up at those where it was not on offer, expecting to be able to fill / dump. The only way it would really work at present is by appointment, you ring the site and arrange a time convienient to both. This could be done the day before. Aires in France seemed to charge about 3€, so this sort of charge would seem about right.
Unfortunately the suggestion was met with ridicule. However, it would have the benifit it could be introduced rapidly and would certainly seem to fulfill your needs. I still see it as the number 1 solution,
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We had two Motor caravans over a period of seven years 1xPMV and 1x Coachbuilt and the only things that we "miss?"since returning to tugging is at times, A lower speed limit?, The ease of having on board facilities when on a journey between destinations, A higher driving position, cannot think of any other upsides,
Unless some one knows of any more
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Only used the word discord which I understand means “Lack of agreement/harmony between persons, groups.” Others may define the word differently. Do not know nor wish to know of the forum to which you refer. I shall refrain from further posting in this discussion.
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I also would like a £10 a night pitch for my caravan. The question is, though, who pays the difference between that and the rate that makes the site commercially viable?
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It would be a good use for all the grass pitches. Remove the EHU's £10 a night non bookable, two nights maximum, no awnings. So minimal grass damage. It would have the added advantage that the only bookable pitches would then be hardstanding. 😉 Works for me😀
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BB ,I am sure if most companies were doing a complete refit of their sites, and space was available without losing more pitches than is already happening with the conversion of grass to HSs, then i would think it would be in their and users interests to encompass your ideas
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yes go with that, but a max of two per site, the rest all HS, but I wonder how popular they would be? Maybe when it doesn't rain?
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We use our caravan in pretty much the way BB has described which makes me ponder whether there should be such time spent on considering the types of vehicle chosen. We're no less impromptu than a motorhomer, hitching up takes very little time and the van is ready to roll at all times. We spend much of the summer at shows, rallies and festivals and little time on actual sites. If the weather looks good at the weekend then we have a look at THSs etc and head off.
One thing that has kept us in this club is the very good late availability search.
What the club doesn't do well is understand where it fits in terms of the overall touring market. I read Nick Lomas's statement in the magazine a few months back about recruiting new members for the future of the club and it referred to cost implications for younger people, license issues etc and quite frankly it's rubbish. In our small road in the last few years 3 caravans and a trailer tent have been purchased by young families, none of whom are remotely aware of the club and all go away fairly frequently. The powers that be have decided that the market they want to capture is the late middle aged motorhomer and that's fine but they need to make suitable provision for them whether it be overnight pitches or water top ups.The club doesn't know what it needs to do because it doesn't ask the right questions or the right people.
Loyalty isn't there any more. No adult my age is especially interested in getting a sticker for club membership