What are you all up to
Try the "Vet's" Husky Dog ??
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Brue sounds blissful.
Oneputt enjoy your siesta, hopefully the blackberry won't grow back as far as it was whilst you dream 😂. They really grow at a rapid rate 😲. Once saw a TV programme about the speed it grows football pitch disappeared in a season or two.
Husky ain't this IT age just great? Hope a human on the phone can help on Monday.
Milliehull have a great holiday and anyone else who's out an about with or without their van.
We arrived back 4pm Thursday, friends arrived to drop off their dog 5.30pm, uni visit for eldest daughter better than the dog arriving 6.30am 😉. Son arrived 7.30pm. So hectic homecoming! Washing ironing and putting away complete, post sorted. More letters advising of decreasing rates of interest on savings so I'll have a look around when I feel a bit stronger 😢 to see if I can better them, but I very much doubt it. Dog collected, thankfully not as much effort as your extra terrier brue 😉 it was very hot and humid so quick walk to hhe local park and back - didn't let him off as he has had a spell of not returning get to them when called. Far too much effort to sort in thdt heat!
Long Skype with NZ Friday evening but quality poor and if it was good toddler made beeline for buttons or the cat walked over the keyboard 😂😂😂😂. Then it decided it couldn't detect our sound card........ still fantastic free facility even if we've had better. Even son in law there for first 10 minutes before gym calling was to great 😉😉. Daughter returned to fulltime work last Monday her girls both settling get well, eldest one only different 2 days and slightly longer at kindy on other three. Even youngest us only waking twice a night last week. Long may it continue! She had been doing home care, childminding to us, for 6 months but reckons this is easier and pays better- so far 😉.
Hadn't said before but I've been several weeks without feeling wobbly so fingers crossed. That'll be the new tablets I got from the Dr which are still in the packet 🙄 but they may be handy in the future if I'm unlucky!
Just enjoyed lunch in the garden and catch up on here. Very slow on this thread cos regulars are out and about 😆😆. Hubby shopped this morning but forgot batteries so I'll wander over later as lounge clock driving us all mad 😂. Can't see it from the garden.
Enjoy your day folks.
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KjellNN, the fuel allowance plus tips only just about cover the cost of fuel used for doing deliveries because the fuel allowance is 80 pence per delivery, yet some of the deliveries are to Shoreham or Shoreham Beach which is 5 to 6 miles away. So total 12 miles there and back for 80 pence. If as you say allow 45 pence per mile, I am actually making a substantial loss on those deliveries. So if the tips plus fuel allowance don't cover these costs then there is no profit to declare, wages tax is deducted through PAYE.
From what I saw on my tax account, it looks as though HMRC are already taking into account my pension income. There is no income showing on there that they do not already know about.
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Just twenty minutes left now before I'll be leaving for work. I'm doing from 6 to 10 this evening. Yesterday it was supposed to be 6 to 9 but as the last delivery was Shoreham Beach, I ended up finishing at quarter past nine p.m.
We've taken the awning down in readiness for tomorrow's departure.
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Decent day today (not raining) still windy though. A bit of gardening this morning as in weeding the gravel garden, deadhead the roses and pansies. OH finished his jobs on the van so he is happy.
This afternoon we decided to wash the cars only to discover they both have a fine misting of tar all over them
the road outside our home was re-done on Friday.
This consisted of them driving a tar sprayer down the road followed by a grit lorry and a steam roller. The wind must have been coming our way so they are covered.
Took all afternoon with the 2 of us using tar remover all over the cars. While that was bad enough the motorhome is also covered in tar and because its white its more noticeable
OH has taken photos of all three, he's written a stinking email to the council and sub contractor including the photos.
All those away hope you have a good time, nice to hear from you Baker's glad you had a good if busy time.
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Oh Tammygirl how infuriating. I do hope you get a decent response in due course.
The pavements in our road are currently being redone, it's a long road and they have started on the other side to us and when we returned they were doing a long length opposite us. From what I've seen, apart from the parking nightmare that moves as the work is undertaken, I can only praise the work. Everyone, our turn will come probably September as they aren't doing it over the school holidays reason unknown, gets a note in the door saying no access to your drive no parking outside (as it's a bus route parking is half on half off the pavement). They then plane off/dig up pavement put in lower kerbs, prepare the area and put some black squiggles on it, leave overnight and return to put the tarmac down. Area stays coned off for at least 24 hours. Beautiful job so far.
They were working today, everyone got plastic boards to walk to their property last night which were moved today. A neighbour has a new puppy just starting out on the lead when she returned today the guy removed his glove, caressed the dog then felt the laid tarmac with his hand - too hot he thought for dog paws so he laid down a plastic board for it to walk on. I thought that summed up their attitude to the job and pride in their work. Shortly after they'd finished a delivery lorry arrived needing to put stabilisers out and I thought oh no but he didn't do it on the new tarmac - phew. A great deal of the pavement damage that is being sorted is caused by this type of delivery and skip lorries almost every house has had/is having extensions and loft conversions recently and they do leave a terrible mess of the pavement 😢. In fact I have wondered whether it should be a planning requirement that pavements are reinstated to a decent state after the work, sometimes several doors either side and opposite are very badly damaged.
If a footpath/pavement is allowed to settle and dry before traffic, either foot or vehicle, are allowed on them it may explain why the 'repairs' to our roads do not endure as vehicles are on it immediately it's been rolled!
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Cloudy but dry today, so ideal for the gardening we need to do. As it was a lovely sunny day yesterday we chose to go for a walk, rather than the gardening. We drove to Sherwood Pines (Forestry Commission) and parked with the hordes. However, it is such a large area of woodland, 5 minutes walk from the car and you would never know. Our walk included an ascent of Clipstone tip, which affords some great views over Northern Nottinghamshire. A bench on the top was a great place for lunch, particularly as it clouded up for a bit, because the bench was in the open. The second photo is of Vicar Water, a small lake at the base of what was in the 70's a grey spoil heap.
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We've finished breakfast and are getting ready for the short journey today to the Lancing Fruit Farm CL.
I'm doing the 6 to 9p.m. shift this evening but the commute to work should take a lot less time because it's only about a mile away.
Once again, lovely weather this morning. I just hope it doesn't get too hot whilst we have to do the outside work of hitching up etc. It was hot enough in the Pizza Hut kitchen last night but thankfully, it was busy so I was out doing deliveries most of the time.
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Arrived at St David's yesterday afternoon after a very pleasant drive. After we passed Cardiff the traffic was very light. Great reunion with the NI family even though we had only seen them 2 weeks ago.😊Beautiful cottage. In fact it is so comfortably furnished and well equipped we think we will all come and live here😂Holiday cottages have obviously upped their game since we last stayed in one. Going to have an explore of the local area today and hopefully a boat trip.
Sorry to hear about the tar on your vehicles Tammygirl. I Hope that you get some decent recompense from the council.
Gosh you have had a busy return from holiday Bakers2. You will need another one to recover.
Glad you are having a good time on IOW Triky.
Glad you are having a good time brue. I have such fond memories of Exmouth.
Happy Sunday everyone.
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Thanks triky, our son took his girlfriend to the island for the weekend not long ago, he sent me some photos, pub hasn't changed much! Lynn remembered him even though he was only about 10 when we lived there.
Enjoy your holiday, I really must revisit the island sometime.
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Brue, sounds wonderful
I've been thinking about rallies recently, we used to do a few, but stopped when OH was working weekends. Must take another look.
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Another sunny and warm day, off to MK to visit eldest son, he's promised us lunch, although it'll probably be us paying!!
Glad you arrived safely Millie, and the cottage is good. Hope you have a fab time and that the weather stays fine.
Bakers2 good to hear you had a nice break, it always seems there is lots to do when getting home. Good to hear wobbly spells improving, one of the drivers where I work has been off for almost 3 months with same thing. He can't come back to drive an artic.
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I think what KJ was saying is that you might be due some money back, depending on the level of your tips and what is taxed by your employer. My employers paid me HMRC rates for business miles all my working career, and these were paid exempt of tax and earnings related contributions. So if what they are paying you for mileage does not come up to the amount the tax people allow, you are in affect funding business mileage with your salary on which you have paid tax. You should therefore be able to claim a rebate.
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Clear blue sky ,no breeze (yet) SO could be VERY hot today.
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Hope you enjoy it OP, I'm half way through booking a September trip. Catching up on all of your news. Have just been out for a stroll and a coffee, crab sandwich on beach. A few pics of the Exe to follow, blue skies!
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Summer!!!!! in Scotland are you having a laugh
we don't do summer up here we just do wet or not wet
today we have the wet, although not forecast to be so.
Trying to pack up M/H as going away for a couple of days, busy dodging the rain and trying to look after Mum, do some washing and various other jobs all at the same time, so decided it was time for a cuppa, then its time to take Mum back before she gets too tired.
Once back home it will be finish the packing, prepare a meal to take away with us, cook dinner and do the ironing. I'll be glad to get away.
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yes but when the sun does shine, it is glorious
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Totally agree there Corners, Oneputt made me quite jealous !!
Late last night watching "Skyfall" the Bond movie, I got almost emotional when they were looking down the glen just before the final punch up.
To think that I left micro-traces of snow in Crewe at the end of April, then wall to wall sunshine & tee-shirts for the next three ( 3 ) weeks oop north. Despite TammyGirls comments I think she's doing a 'keep them furriners out' trick at the moment == are the distilleries on a 3 for 2 sales drive
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During the time I was in Scotland, I only had one wet day. All of the other days was magnificent sunny weather but without the heat to go with it!
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I'm not sure whether the other delivery drivers bother about it. The work is only part-time evenings and if the earnings aren't sufficient to be taxable i.e. within the personal allowances, there might not be much if any tax to pay at all. If no tax is due then how can there be any rebate?
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Its alright for you Southern's you come up here for a couple of weeks have a bit of good weather and think its like that all the time,
even if you get bad weather it doesn't matter cause you can just go back home and enjoy your sunny summer and forget about us
with our heating on practically all year, chaffed legs from the wellies
poor eyesight from being shut indoors all day
Views what views, low cloud mist everywhere (its still raining by the way) narrow roads, dear fuel and food. Have I put you off yet
OP and Brue hope you have a lovely holiday in Scotland, me I'm off to France for 5 weeks end of August, will need to get some sun to the legs and feet after all that welly wearing.
ABM 3 for 2 on Whiskey! come on this is Scotland
Malcolm, you were only up here for a week!!!! and you still got rain.
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That's true, I might have caught the sun a bit when going on a walk at Garlieston.
However, at the moment I'm sitting inside the air-conditioned caravan trying to get as much cooling as possible before going to work at Pizza Hut this evening.
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That's right, Tammygirl but in the winter, on a sunny day, it can get warm enough in the awning without the heater.
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We left Northbrook Farm at 10:30 this morning and arrived at Lancing Fruit Farm CL about 45 minutes later.
The road to the site along Old Salts Farm road was quite narrow with potholes so it was necessary to take it very slowly. Then we had trouble turning into the gate, so we unhitched the caravan and used the motor mover to get the caravan through the gate and on to the field near an electric hook-up point.
By the time we got settled in it was lunchtime. We had lunch in the caravan and then a short rest afterwards before taking the Shogun back to Northbrook Farm and swap it over for the Smart Car. So now I have the Smart car here, ready to use, for this evenings shift at Pizza Hut, which is just under one mile from this site. So it should only take a few minutes to get to work tonight.
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I'll be working 6 to 9 tonight, so just 3 hours.
I have a day off tomorrow so won't be needing the Smart Car. So the plan is to take the Smart car back to Northbrook Farm tomorrow morning and swap it over for the Shogun ready for Tuesdays tow back to Northbrook Farm.
So by Tuesday afternoon, we'll have the two cars and the caravan,settled back on to our seasonal pitch.
I'll be back at work Tuesday evening for a 5 hour shift from 17:00 to 22:00. So Tuesday is going to be a busy day!