The Pointless Page



  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,859
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    edited June 2017 #302

    Do you not qualify for a free one then, Oneputt?wink

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited June 2017 #303

    We bought some cheese too. Fiery Fred's Crazy nearly jumped off the plate, very strong! wink (That's farmers markets for you, always something different.)

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,859
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    edited June 2017 #304

    Brue, me and Mrs WN will have to join "CA" soon! As long as they don't try to wean me off by using Pineapple chunks pinned to stale bits of cheddar!smile

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited June 2017 #305

    Great pictures, brue. We've never been to Montacute - one of those places we keep saying we really must visit. Tyntesfield is another. Must get organised! smile

  • Unknown
    edited June 2017 #306
    This content has been removed.
  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited June 2017 #307

    I went to Tyntesfield for the first time a few weeks ago, impressive! Didn't see it all so must go back (not so good with dogs unfortunately.)

    Just watching the end of Glastonbury, music just right for the ending. Our son is there til tomorrow, having a VG time. wink

  • Unknown
    edited June 2017 #308
    This content has been removed.
  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited June 2017 #309

    Something for everyone, well that's it for this year. smile (Not sure whether they're taking a break next year, wonder which band M. Eavis is hoping will re-form?)

    From the sublime to the ridiculous I'm jam making....overloaded with raspberries here. smilesmile


  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited June 2017 #310

    I was walking through the village today and they were putting up bunting. It's for one of those dreadful wartime weekends when they all dig out the dressing up boxes and fish out their fancy dress. I know it's each to their own but it all seems pretty pointless to me. This year the organisers have plumbed new depths. They're advertising a musical evening in the church hall, it's title "A night at the blitz". 

    I wonder how many of those who lived through the horrors would have regarded it as family entertainment?

    Rant over I'll get my pretend tin hat and toddle along to my pretend air raid shelter.

    ps. A pal of mine observed that you won't see many squaddies, they're all dresssed up as officers.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited June 2017 #311

    I think there are worse things than dressing up in 1940s war time gear. Our friends fancied joining a rally, the first one on the list was "Me Tarzan, You Jane" they chickened out....winklaughing

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited June 2017 #312

    One of today's jobs, picking fruit. Life's just a bowl of cherries....wink

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,423
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    edited June 2017 #313

    Agree, two beautiful places, with stunning gardens.laughing

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,175
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    edited June 2017 #314

    It's something I can never understand. Most people that seem to attend such things won't remember the war anyway. Oh dash I mentioned the war, lets hope I got away with it.tongue-out



  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited June 2017 #315

    That's my thinking entirely. This weekend rejoices in the title "Meltham Memories" As you said there won't be any of the participants old enough to remember and I suspect most of them won't live in the village  either.

    There is one upside to this, we get to see a fly over from a couple of vintage aircraft, usually a spitfire or a hurricane and sometimes a Dakot.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited June 2017 #316

    I don' t think people like my 94 year old Mum would be the least offended. But she does get fed up with people who think older people want to be entertained with war time songs, she does like other things! I wonder what we'll have to listen to if we reach a great age? Choirs singing Bob Dylan or the Beatles? laughing

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited June 2017 #317

    At  Thetford  Club  Site  about  11  days  ago  There  was  a  "Desert  Rats"  Gathering --  with  nobody  remotely  old  enough  to  remember  WW II,  but  with  East  Anglian  units,  Gurkhas,  Royal  British  Legion,  Tankies  etc  etc  all  well  represented  there  were  lots  who  will  remember  other,  more  recent  conflicts  !  40's  music  ruled  but  the  problems  I  had  was  in  keeping  out  of  the  way  of  the  folk  dancing  to  that  music  --  don't  think  their  Spacial  Awareness  was  all  it  might  have  been  wink!!

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited July 2017 #318

    One of those busy weekends, everything from listening to heavy metal in the park  to OH winning a coconut. Then struggling on to the finale, an open garden Sunday afternoon, my sister's town garden looking good, her cakes and scones went down well to those willing to cough up for a local charity. Lovely weather in the SW but as usual the M5 was jammed.....smilewink

  • forsythia
    forsythia Forum Participant Posts: 38
    edited July 2017 #319

    Have just read all comments on this page now how Pointless was that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,423
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    edited July 2017 #320

    Lovely roses brue! Been a nice day up here as well, glad I cut those roses the other day, have lost a lot to the heavy rain, but new buds are showing!

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,859
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    edited July 2017 #321

    Last day of our stop on a CL at Whitby. Had a smashing 8 mile walk from Robin Hood's Bay to Ravenscar and back yesreday, then today  headed into Whitby as Mrs.WN wanted to draw one or two things so had some Fish and Chips as a reward. Everywhere heaving but the sun's out and all good natured.

    Enjoyed our time up here and will return.

    Amazingly someone turned up on the cl last night without checking if they were full and without booking. Funnily enough in the height of season and a weekend to boot the cl was full so they were turned away even though there was room.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited July 2017 #322

    Surprising how people do turn up on CLs, I wonder where they went?!

    We have rain today in Devon, happy to see some, it's been so dry in the SW. Decisions  about what to do today, maybe just another amble round! smile

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited July 2017 #323

    Responsible cl owner then cool

  • redface
    redface Forum Participant Posts: 1,701
    edited July 2017 #324

    Serious question ( but pointless as I may never attempt it) has anyone towed a caravan up to Lake Molveno (864m A/S) and how difficult/easy was it?

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,859
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    edited July 2017 #325

    Responsible cl owner then 

    Yep. The only reason there were extra pitches, which the M/Homer wanted to park on, was in case of weather related problems. There was also a big sign at the entrance saying " Site Full - no vacancies" but obviously some people still think this doesn't apply to them!

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,859
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    edited July 2017 #326

    A thoroughly wet and miserable day here on a CL in York.

    Booked a weeks holiday in the middle of August in a cottage in the Cotswolds! Have to work out which child to sell in order to pay for it. Taking the MIL away for a well earned week after her recent knee replacement op and the effort she put in getting halfway fit so that we could keep our June/July trip going.


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited July 2017 #327

    Our next trip is the Bristol Harbour Festival, that should be lively! Then possibly a trip with our youngest grandson which will be even more so. wink

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,859
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    edited July 2017 #328

    Are you up to it, Brue? I've often found Grandparents in need of respite care after looking after the grandkids.

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited July 2017 #329

    Hope you are enjoying your current trip Wherenext despite the rain today.


  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,859
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    edited July 2017 #330

    Thanks, Helen. We've moved on into the Peak District, I think we're following you around!

    Lovely walk yesterday, from Ilam Hall up onto the hills and back to Milldale and along Dovedale. Washing, shopping and sorting out jobs day today. Back walking tomorrow.

    How's the new van by the way?

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited July 2017 #331

    You do seem to be doing the same area's wherenext laughing although your trip is much longer than ours. We have booked a few more days in the peak district at the end of August as we didn't get to do everything!  It's one of our favourite area's. Where are you staying?

    Very pleased with the new van so far, thanks.