French TV
Hello hope you can help. When we are on holiday in France we are thinking of buying a Fransat box so that we can watch French TV. Do you know if the standard aerial fitted to the caravan work with the Fransat box? We have an HD ready television so that should be compatible.
If you have a reasonably modern TV it should be able to be tuned to French TV. The status aerial on my caravan can pick up local TV anywhere in Europe so no need to get any extra kit. Just make sure the aerial is pointing in the right direction by looking at other ones!
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On our recent trip to France the Satellite dome packed up. So had a look at what we could get on our freeview HDD box, it's a Humax. French channels tuned in fine, although a lot we encripted, but you can at least get the news and weather. Interestingly the box must be reasonably intelligent. As when we were in Brittany it could see the Channel Islands transmitter and tuned in BBC channels in preference to the French ones.
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It's still there but on page two of the listing. Unfortunately until we get these duplicate threads sorted it will remain an issue. I had thought of adding a link but then thought it would probably link to this thread