What are you all up to
," Tis mizzle 'ere this mornin' me dear's."Proper grey tis." on the Kent coast.
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Yes, especially as I haven't yet received my pay from Pizza Hut. It is due though, so I should receive it before the end of this week, I hope!
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Yes, that's what the forecast says and it looks as though they may be right this time!
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Yes a one hour tour apparently followed by a wee dram of single malt plus food and memento and an opportunity to spend some money in the gift shop!
Thanks for the link, SteveL. I just read all about it. Looks good!
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A windy and wet night last night but we are still standing. It is still a bit grey but looks as though it might brighten up a little. If the rain holds of we plan to go for a walk in Sheringham Park.
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Hope the rhododendrons haven't been batter down Millie. We do the red root a couple of times a year. When you come out of the woods at the North end looking over Weybourne Station its like a scene from the 1950's. If you go up the Gazebo just hang on tight.
Enjoy your day Millie
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Bad weather on the west coast of Scotland is just something you have to put up with and expect Malcolm I'm afraid.
We are on Lake Geneve in France, we have had some really hot weather but that means the chance of thunderstorms are more likely, we've had 1 so far today and another 2 are forecast at 11am and 1pm then hopefully the sun will come out to play again.
Helped a caravanner this morning who had got himself stuck between to trees while trying to get off the pitch, his wife is in a wheelchair so was unable to be of any help in guiding him back. Many hands make light work and he was all sorted and away in a few minutes.
Watching daytime tv its pouring with rain so not a lot else to do just now.
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I don't mind a bit of cloud, Tammygirl, as the sun can get too hot at times. Fair weather is good but a constant downpour of rain is horrible unless you can find indoor activities.
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Lashing down and windy here in Essex just as forecast 😉. Had to dash out and feed the birds, didn't think they'd be out in it but babies to feed! My poor rose is being battered.
Seems most of this country is a wash-out for most of the day and it appears similar for Tammygirl. Malcolm one of the things to take into account in planning trips in this country is the weather West coast of Scotland and Wales plan for rain! Definitely a day for chillin and recharging of batteries. Milliehull you just might be OK on the north Norfolk coast fingers crossed.
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,Oops !! that's all changed !! Gale force winds up to 41mph,heavy rain too .Went to the B/yd to check on things,all O.K,now back home with a 'cuppa' and loading photo's onto lappy from last weeks Germany trip .
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Our forecast gets worse this afternoon even stronger winds. Several awnings have got mangled surprised people have left them up in gale force winds. Some seasonal vans affected, C&CC site at Norman's Bay. No fishing today for OH! Was going to walk to pub later but will do that tomorrow. Hoping water situation will be fixed soon.
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Well it seems to be raining everywhere today
as it's still pouring down here too. Forecast now says expect very strong winds !
Just done all the ironing, taking a break before work.
Hope your water situation gets sorted Brue.
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Poor cows
Still lashing down here, wind strong and bending the trees a lot 😲.
Invited friends down for a cuppa this afternoon his father 104 yesterday but not good so will be change of scenery for them. His father still at home and brother on duty today. Spent the morning knitting - it avoided other jobs!
Stay safe folks.
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Tell me about it, we've just had the last 5 hours lashing rain, at times it was coming at us sideways, had to drop the satellite dish it was that strong wind. Still breezy but the sun is starting to make an appearance, will be going out to do the shopping shortly as they have been closed for the last 2 days for a holiday. We are moving on tomorrow so need to get fresh milk and a couple of other things. Wind dropping as it type and blue holes appearing in the sky.
Hope the weather back home passes as quick as it does here.
Malcolm, the W in W. of Scotland stands for more than West, it also means WET and WINDY
in fact we always refer to it as the Wet coast.
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After yesterday's deluge we had a very windy but, thankfully, mainly dry day today. The winds have made for some spectcular scenes on the coast path though. We decided to have lunch up at St Agnes Head then drive to Chapel Porth and walk to Porthtowan and back. Normally we do this there and back along the coastal path but today we decided (well, in truth, Harry decided!) to vary it a bit by cutting inland to the tiny hamlet of Mingoose where we spotted this very colourful cottage - not sure the picture really shows just how gorgeous the roses were! So we made it a circular(ish) walk back to Chapel Porth where the waves were beating against the cliffs and I took this unusual picture of the NT car park, much to Mrs M's annoyance!
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Lovely walks round there. Did you have a Croque or a Hedgehog?
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,Now it's all cleared up ,bright sun through broken cloud .Been doing jobs indoors
, "get me out of here " i'm a celebrity !!
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Just as we got to Sheringham Park the heavens opened so we had a coffee and a chat with the nice ladies in the shop. Heavens still open so we gave up on the walk and went to Holt. Had wander round some of the (expensive!) shops and then found a nice deli for lunch. The wind was really getting up by then so we came back and hastily took the awning down in the pouring rain. Quite a few others doing the same so we all helped each other out. Not many awning left up now. Ours is bundled up in the back of the car so hope we can get it dried out tomorrow. This is not quite the holiday we were hoping for.
Hope everyone is managing to stay dry.
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Milliehull glad you got awning down safely. Hopefully you'll have it back up before long. Plenty of practice with your new one 😉. Are you pleased with it?
Clear blue here in Essex so hopefully coming your way but wind hasn't eased at all.
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It's been a wet day here in Polesworth but at least I got chance to drive up to Conkers C&CC site to say a quick hello to pauline0058 who is there for a little while longer. Thank you for making me welcome, Pauline, and for the cup of tea. It was great to meet someone else from CT, and by and large the rain kept off for the duration of my visit.
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No blue sky here yet Bakers2. Still raining. Can you send some dry weather to Norfolk please. Not sure when or if we will get awning back up as the hard standings are under water.
Not sure about the new awning. At the moment I wish we had got a more robust one. Having said that though people have even taken down their robust awnings.