What are you all up to
Malcolm - you could have put the story about your last trip to Truma on the 'Pointless' thread......because that's what it seems to have been.
Ahh well, you will no doubt be able to put your next trip to Truma (via Scotland) on there in due course......
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Me too. I remember it very clearly when it happened. Amazing to think he was allowed to do it 😲. Goes to prove illness has no respect for you whoever you are, we should all appreciate every hour of every day (sometimes easier said than done 😉). RIP John Noakes.
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After a heavy feeling and very cloudy afternoon it has now turned fresher and the sun's come out. Off to put the vac round now 😲. Mad or what? Who'd have thought 40 years ago I'd have time for it let alone consider on a evening so much has life changed 😂😂😂.
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I just cannot believe the difference in temperature up here at home. Left Cambridge in overcast but humid 24C, everyone in shorts.... Got off the train at Peterborough 50 minutes later and its cold and wet! All those getting off, like me, opening their bags to get a jumper! Last night I had the air con on, tonight its the central heating!
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Still very warm and humid here in Essex currently 20c at 9.15pm.
I saw on the local news about a zookeeper being killed by a tiger at Hamerton Zoo close to where our son lives 😲 near Peterborough and was astonished to see it was wet and people dressed for cooler than here.
Very sad incident at the zoo thinking of all those involved.
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Yes I saw that as well brue. I was amazed!! He was Mr Blue Peter for me and our children.
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Yes Cornersteady. We have had a 2 hour steady downpour in Peterborough which has lowered the temperature quite a bit!!
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Had a trip to Top Hole / Top Lodge Stamford for a couple of Steam Rallies ( Strumpshaw & Carrington) but it felt more like a Malcolm M trip ( Sorry there MM
) so I just spent the whole W/E sitting on my Tail & reading the Kindle, !! Definitely must go thro my projected, & booked, plans and see if I'm still thinking I'm 25 !!
I do seem to tire a sight too quickly for the plans I have.
Certainly very happy for a certain 'Uddersfield Football Fan -- really do hope they can make a success of this deserved elevation to the Heights !
Hope you have all had / are having a good weekend doing such Bank Holiday things that we all enjoy
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They said it was fixed but in the story I never said anything about it being tested. It worked for a while and then the same problem came back again i.e. water dripping from the air distributor when it should be released from the roof outlets.
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I used the parkbyphone app service on my Ipad to pay. The bill came to £15.40 for 24 hours with the option to extend if required. I paid online using my credit card and got a receipt by phone text message as well as email.
If you stay on other sites, IanH, they usually have rules about what time you arrive or leave and you have to unhitch and hitch up again next morning. On the motorway services you can just park hitched up and leave anytime you want. It also saves time on leaving the motorway and searching for a nearby site. In other words, it's quicker and more convenient and they provide toilets, showers, restaurants, takeaways etc.
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Correction: paybyphone app.
It was very easy. You simply use a location code which you can get from the motorway services website. It can all be paid and receipted online without you having to leave your outfit. If you stay at a cl or cs, you have to find the site owner who might not be there or available and get cash from a cashpoint machine to pay. Cl or cs owners don't usually have the facilities for card payments. All of which is extra hassle and extra time!
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The thing is that if you have a long way to go, as we do with our Scottish holiday plans, the saving in time and convenience on overnight stops, using the motorway services, is of great benefit to us. The only disadvantage is no EHU.
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Everybody to there own Malcolm. Personally I would only ever consider it in an emergency. The ones with dedicated caravan spaces would not be too bad, if they are not full of cars and you can find a space. However, if you end up with the HGV's, they can be some horrible smelly places.
Our campsite will be moving tonight, not much in the up and down I hope, 😂 as we will be on the ferry back. So hopefully nice meal in the restaurant and a good nights sleep. Although you of course don't unhitch, unfortunately it takes rather longer to get going than from a service area. Not a problem though as it docks at 7:30 and we only have a hundred miles to go, and earliest arrivals is 12:00.
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Rather grey and overcast this morning but the kettle's on for a pot of tea. This is our last day on the National before leaving for Scotland tomorrow.
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The other benefit, SteveL is that if you run out of milk or some other basic provision, you simply walk across the car park to the food shop at the services, which is usually M&S Simply Food shop and just buy whatever it is you require. No having to spend time or drive for miles to search for the nearest shop.
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What's everyone else up to this morning? It seems rather quiet on here. It's gone 08:30, you can't all still be asleep at this time, surely, unless you all over-imbibed last night!
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We're taking it easy today as we have a long journey to do tomorrow of 342 miles to get from here to Garlieston with one overnight services stop on the way.
The shortest route seems to be A1(M), A66 to Penrith and M6 from there to the Scottish border.
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Two more days here then moving on to Clumber Park ,much cooler now and and grey start ,have not had any of the thunderstorms ,and when its rained it has been later in the day or overnight,large change overs of leisure vehicles last two days ,t internet getting slower as more come on line ,so am now going before it becomes non existant,
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You're right, I'm also finding the internet slower. I'm glad of the cooler weather but not so keen on the grey sky. Forecast says sunny tomorrow, so you'll have nice weather for your journey JVB66.
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At last it's cool enough and dry enough to sit out in the relaxer, so that's exactly what I've been doing this morning. A nice rest before tomorrows marathon driving to get from here to the Scottish border. I know there's services in Gretna for a possible overnight stop but I'm not sure whether that might be too much to do in one day. A stopover at one of the services on the A1(M) might be better.
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Gosh, it is quiet on this thread today. Apart from myself only two others have posted on here. At this rate I'll get told off for monopolising this thread!