Sites for motorhomers?
Yep, page 1.
I thought it was getting some HS pitches this year.
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A lot of you don't venture far away from one or other Club's sites, do you ? There are dozens of other possibilities ! How about one of the two Padstow sites here in Cornwall.
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Most Municipal sites in France.
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Yes, but surely everybody ventures abroad at some point? Save the OP posting the same question in the Overseas section.
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Nope. I don't. Why would you assume 'everybody' does? And why would people interested in such sites abroad look in the UK section for info?
Did you forget the smileys, HG?
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I just figured out how to do a Smiley.
Actually, I didn't realise the post was in the UK section but I am sure that many followers will use their Motorhome abroad at some point so they may like to know that municipal sites in France are generally in municipal areas!
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But not 'everyone'. 🙄
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Yes, me too. We lost the huge thread about sites where a car wasn't needed. A pity it hasn't been restored as these type of sites apply to all users (speaking as a motorhomer previously a caravanner who didn't mind walking or using local transport....)
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You've sure got the wooden spoon out this morning, DJG.
I'm pleased to have amused you.
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I get more than enough of "abroad" by visiting England.
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Can anyone find this thread please?
David - thanks for the link to your list , really informative
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I believe it was one of casualties of the 'improved' forum. You could try searching back, M&C.
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A quick Google threw up this.
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Why is the thread called sites for motorhomers? Are there any UK sites exclusively for motorhomers? Can a nonmotorhomer use them too?
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Motorcaravans please,we are all the same, the only difference I can see is we do not require a bus stop near the site but other than that we are all mobile tourists.
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That we most definitely are but some of us are more mobile than others..
The idea of the thread was to ask the opinion of others as to sites, well their locality and positioning really, which they found particularly good for mororcaravaners. This given several of us it seems prefer to go out from site during our stay using possibilities other than driving the motorhome. Although we will drive out we have found several sites which lend themselves to this approach. The idea of sharing such experiences and 'finds' seemed useful to me.
Obviously some of us may be fitter or more able than others for walking or biking. I'm sure many of us do not require bus stops at every site but some sites may be situated on particularly good bus routes so the request for reasoning behind all suggestions seemed a sensible and helpful one too.
Clearly, like minded or positioned caravaners are welcomed in their contributions. Thanks for all the contribution thus far, others l'm sure will hopefully follow.
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I came across this post and i am looking for the exact site as looking to go away for a few days next week. We have a Motorhome too and would like a site that we can walk into the town . We are coming from near Manchester . No to Burrs as it is too near to where we live .
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