Toilet cleaning - a question
Why is it necessary to close the toilets to clean them? Public toilets stay open, why not club sites? Hubby has just been the loo on site only to be told they are closed but a good half hour before the advertised time. You can't regulate your need to go! Yes he could use the van and does but again I ask - why is it necessary to close completely?
How often forget public toilets consist of toilets, showers, wash cubicles etc? That's not really comparing like with like.
Anyway, there's usually a general use toilet available when the block is closed.
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I don't see the need either - we all use motorway services where there is often a cleaner working away, whilst other cubicles are in use. I can see that in France, where high pressure hot water hoses are sometimes used to clean the toilet block, that it may be necessary, but that isn't the way Caravan Club toilets are cleaned.
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Not closing the facilities for cleaning ,is unusual in most UK leisure organisations,,but of course "over there" in service areas "ladies" will use what ever is available at busy times ,as they are less modest than if men would be cleaning the ladies showers etc when in use in the UK and vicky verky with the mens and ladies doing it
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One of the most often repeated comments on reviews is how clean the toilets are and how well the wardens do their job in cleaning them. Unlike other toilets there is a not a dedicated toilet cleaner(s) but the wardens do it themselves (and sometimes it's just a one set of wardens sit), therefore they have a set time to do and to ensure they do it well. I imagine it is more efficient for them and more effective if they can close the whole area off and can work away by themselves and don't have to worry about campers falling over on semi wet floors, cleaning tools, whatever. As TW says they also have to clean the showers. Also it's my experience that they often open a separate toilet while cleaning is done.
Having said all that if they were closed a good half hour before the advertised time then that is cause for a serious complaint and a separate issue. I have never know this to happen in all the years I have been using club sites and I would have complained. Did you mention this to the wardens as a complaint? Or have you raised this with head office?
Just of of interest where was this club site and id it hapen every day?
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It's common practice throughout Europe to close blocks for cleaning when another is available. Seems more efficient and perfectly sensible.
I always treat the timing as approximate. The wardens have a life as well!
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I can see a case for overrunning cleaning to ensure its done well and/or starting a few minutes early, but I can't think there can be a case that starting cleaning a good half hour, (which is somewhat elusive - say 20 minutes to 25 minutes?) can be regarded as approximate?
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I agree, i was thinking its meant more of opening after the published closing times,, and as we have not had any further input (not unusual) from the OP, my thoughts are that both parts of the facilities have, which is quite common, a later start time for the "ladies"and the OPs OH has not noticed and hence went at times OP said her end closed
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When I go away there are two things I want - a nice view from my caravan and some decent weather. I do not have to worry about when the toilets are shut/open, whether they are clean or not, if the shower pressure is good or will I have to wait my turn to have one.
I can enjoy myself without worrying about these things. I have plenty of things to worry about in my life, but club/caravan site shower blocks are fortunately not one of them.
So how can this be? No prizes for guessing!!
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Going back to the OP, just a couple of points ...
Hubby " could use the van and does" - problem solved in that case!
Is there not an alternative toilet left open when the block is being cleaned?
To be honest, having the main block out of use for half an hour or so in return for the normally pristine state they're in after cleaning (especially when compared to the vast majority of "public" toilets) seems a small price to pay to me.
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Yes +1
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Just to clarify a few points:
Most CAMC sites close their toilet blocks for more than half an hour for cleaning.
Very often , they do it at the most inconvenient time - late morning, when people should be leaving.
Many sites do not have alternative facilities to use.
French sites usually don't close the toilets for cleaning, but they are done to at least an equal standard as CAMC sites.
French sites often clean the facilities more than once a day and still charge less than CAMC sites.
I find it odd that people who never use anything other than CAMC sites seem to feel able to offer opinions on how it is done 'over there'.
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Interesting reply, Ian, as ever .... but just to clarify even further
Leaving aside the usual comment about leaving times ( you do mention that an awful lot you know! )
I've never yet visited a CAMC site where some alternative facility wasn't available when the toilets were being cleaned. Have you and which sites?
Many sites have more than one block, but where there is only one, I'd have thought late morning would be the obvious time to clean them (given that there are probably just 1 pair of wardens) so they can be ready for the afternoon arrivals.
And finally, I think the comments about "over there" came from folk who claim to spent a lot of time "over there" didn't they?
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I guess one significant difference is that it's not just toilet cleaning! It's showers and privacy cubicles too! Now in hotels ect. where toilet and bathrooms/showers are cleaned in each apartment they close every 'room' to the next occupants until completed!
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Moulesy......just off the top of my head, York Rowntree, Bladon Chains, Nofolk Seacroft and Baltic Wharf don't have alternative facilities.
All very popular sites.
I would think that, with your vastly greater experience of CAMC sites, you would know many more
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The CMC site we have been on all this week as changed cleaning times to afternoon time & it seems to be well liked by the members we have spoken to .
They do one block 2pm & the other 2.45 pm & it's extremely busy despite the price difference compared to sites over there..........😇
Some people would find that unbelievable....... wouldn't they .......😘