'Hidden' discussions.

There seems to be a new discussion section entitled 'hidden'! I looked at a discussion on cassette toilet warning light malfunction and found that previous posts had gone ( flushed away?).
Hidden and removed"
Is what appears if you click on the link!
Is something similar happening on a battery thread? Two threads started by same spotter at same time. One has 6 replies the other none. These double and triple posts keep occurring and the time is the same on them maybe a minute between. Well beyond my knowledge. But it is frustrating as you know there are answers. Yesterday I went on one that had 11 replies I read 10 and went to next page there were 2 but no previous page.......
Just checked back on latest discussion page for title of thread Some battery questions started by Robster2007 1948 on both new discussions and another has appeared Mud or wet grass grip tracks by Areosailor 0825 twice.
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What devices are you all using? I can only see one thread about Cassettes, with a normal order for the posts, and multiple replies. I have seen other posts which are 'mysterious' and seem to have disappeared, but have never seen any in a section titled 'Hidden' or 'Hidden and removed'.
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ValDa I go in via the club together page - photo of lady on a bench looking towards lake. It has latest activity, latest discussions, latest reviews, latest stories. I chose thread from one of the above sections then select thread. I'm using android phone Samsung S5 but its same on my Kindle Fire. Not checked on laptop as I rarely use it for CT.
Should you get different results from different devices?
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It seems CT is just having another weird day since hidden posts are not the only strange happening. If you look at Caravans topic it shows post about a Bailey Ranger as last post but this is 6 days old and there are more post on other subjects posted since.
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I now wonder if it's when a moderator moves a post - perhaps into some bit of the software which only they are supposed to have access to - ( and Hidden would be a good name for this section). Perhaps with the new 'update' which happened over the weekend posts are no longer being actually moved but can still be accessed in the hidden section.
I've just replied to a post in 'Caravans' which asks advice about shower tray repairs, and just after I posted my reply an identical post appeared in Motorhomes without my reply appearing! Perhaps if the original post isn't actually moved, just hidden at the time when someone is replying, this might lead to the strange anomalies of 'missing' replies which we're all noticing.
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Surely the moderators don't want payment in Bitcoins before they will release hidden files?
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The problem is that people are making multiple posts, probably because the forum is so slow they don't wait long enough to check whether their post has appeared. You will remember we had the same problem within a post but that was corrected and we are currently waiting for this issue to also be corrected. We do have a facility to move excess posts from view. The problem is that somehow these multiple threads are linked so if you hide one it affects the one you leave on show. The only answer, in the short term, is to leave all posts on view and hope that posters concentrate their replies on the one version that has the most replies. I appreciate that is is far from ideal.
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I don't know what causes it, but I don't think it's always the slowness of the forum which leads to multiple posts............... certainly I've had it happen when I have not clicked the send button more than once. In one post where it's happened there was more than an hour in the time listed between the two posts. I think it's more likely to be due to a simple error in the coding of whatever software is used to run the forum. This would explain the problem of these posts being 'linked' and occasionally linked to old posts with the same title, which may be many years old.
Perhaps the odd time someone may click the send button more than once, but interestingly few of those affected remember doing it.
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There's no way the users can be blamed for threads duplicating themselves and the 'Hidden' issue seems a new phenomenon. It's as if, once again, moderation moves are on show to us all.
Thank goodness other forums behave properly.
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BoleroBoy - when I first clicked your link it did take me to a 'section' called 'Hidden' with four posts.................... but the URL you posted above was what showed in my browser. Now when I click it I get to the proper thread with eleven posts, the last one by Pippah. I can't get back to the thread with only four posts, either logged in or not.
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Interestingly the URL for the 'hidden' thread is this one
and the correct thread with many more replies is
so definitely not just a simple duplication of threads!
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A thread about shower tray cracked appears on the latest discussion page 3 yes three times. One has no replies one has 2 replies and one ValDa has written about another thread so see under motorhomes. I know not which sections these are listed under as the latest discussions only give titles of threads poster and time.
Why are errors blamed on users? Surely if the website was fit for purpose this wouldn't be possible? I am far from IT literate but whatever site I used or wherever I've worked such hiccups are sorted so as not to occur again 😉
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And there is a third, unanswered Cassette Toilet thread in the Ask the Expert section.
It's URL is https://www.caravanclub.co.uk/club-together/discussions/ask-the-expert/ask-the-expert-live/thetford-cassette-compartment-2/
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Simple answer - NO🙄
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The answer is yes and it was highlighted as soon as it started happening and I am sure someone from HQ acknowledged it.