What are you all up to
Goldie, I have also commented on the Countryfile thread. Lovely part of the programme. Really interesting and so great to see you and your lovely family and your lovely farm. You must justifyingly be very proud.
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I always have four thermal vests, a couple of pairs of trousers, 8 tee shirts, a pair of jeans and plenty of underwear aboard along with a pair of shoes and slippers . When I was working i would just transfer the contents of the fridge, hitch up and go.
As we are away for longer spells now I do have to take some clothes from home. When I moved home 30 years ago room to park caravan and several cars was a top priority.
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+1 we have no option but to store, as it is not allowed to park including motor caravans at most properties in the conservation areas of this Garden City,and the storage is full at most facilities in Herfordshire,we load the car at home go to storage hook on c/van and transfer to c/van on arrival at first site,have it down to fine art now
Ps after much welcome overnight rain , pond and water buts(3) all topped up now quite bright , sun out as posting
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,Day off yesterday,out for Sunday lunch.Back 'to it' today Overnight rain here in East Kent too,now dull & cloudy
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That's right, EasyT. I bought the seasonal pitch end of last year for £1250. So I have a pitch for the caravan with EHU from 17th March to 7th November this year. It is certainly a huge amount more economical than renting a flat where not only would it cost £650 rent, electric would probably cost another £100 per month, then council tax, tv, water rates etc. I shudder at the thought of all that cost and if you can't pay they take it away! So I can't see any security in that!
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Same here JVB. Our caravan is in storage. So we load the car, go to storage, hitch up and go and then unload the car when we get to the site. Clothes go in a laundry bag which can be stored under one of the seats when empty. Food goes in a cool bag which can also be stored under a seat. Like you we have it down to a fine art.
Spent yesterday doing a lot of gardening and were very pleased to wake up this morning to find that it had rained overnight so water butts topped up - we nearly emptied them yesterday watering pots and plants and topping up the pond. I hope you got some rain Bakers2.
Happy new month everyone.
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I know that you are on a 'protect Malcolm' campaign at the moment, ET, but.......really??
I'm as happy as anyone to offer advice, but when someone keeps on about their problems and lots of people go out of their way to offer solutions......only to be ignored and then the same problems are brought up again......it gets a bit wearying.
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Not for us onlookers Ian, it's great fun, no stress & no dramas
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Perhaps you should watch that programme on tv, IanH, called 'can't pay we'll take it away' where families become homeless when the bailiffs arrive to repossess their home!
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With your (if correct) the income you receive ie pension,then you would not be paying out anywhere near what you *estimate" as you would be on nearly every "benefit"going that everyone in your "position?"is entitled,it just takes a bit of "work" on your part,instead of trying to find every "excuse" not to
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My wife would feel even more insecure if we had bills we couldn't afford to pay, IanH because of housing costs. I know how expensive housing, even social housing can be, I've had previous experience of it. You get your pay check at the end of the month and the money goes straight out again on household bills so there's nothing left for food costs.
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Yes but there are many that don't manage that end up homeless. When travelling between sites, we often meet people, like us, who live all the year round in their caravans or motorhomes because they can manage better that way.
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By living in the caravan, my wife can live off my income so doesn't need to go out to work anymore. She likes to have the time to keep our mobile home looking nice and to cook healthy home cooked meals.
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That's right. The woods in Slindon Estate are full of bluebells which we enjoyed seeing. Today we are moving back to Northbrook Farm so time to get started on getting the van ready and hitched up.
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Happy May day everyone, a wonderful time if year busting with new life. Although this year I think we had some in April too 😆.
We did have some very welcome rain overnight, enough to fill the primary water butts but only to halfway on the overflow butts. But hey much better than nothing. Cloudy and bright at present but more rain forecast.
Managed to get out for a short walk yesterday. Slight dizziness as I lay down in bed last night but so far today fingers crossed 😉. Hoping to go to the Country Show today but need to get others moving 😂😂.
Enjoy your day folks.