What are you all up to



  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,753
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    edited April 2017 #3962

    Whatever it  is HD, I would leave it alone, especially if it has dials, buttons and lights on it!

    It sounds like something we have, and Mrs K has given me strict instructions never to touch it without her permission.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,753
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    edited April 2017 #3963

    Was lovely here earlier, but has now clouded  over.  Just about to start a bit of packing in the van.

    Having packed the car, there is now more space in the spare room to sort out the van stuff, and decide what else must be left at home this time.

    It' not going to be easy.

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited April 2017 #3964

    When at home OH and I each do our own washing. She separates loads into whitish stuff, colours and maybe denims. I have a different policy. If I think that a garment might bleed any colour I will hand wash. If it bleeds after a second hand wash then it is in the recycle box for somebody else to faff with. All my washing goes in as one load.

    On site if we use a machine I do the washing. I might hand wash an odd tee shirt. If OH thinks to do some hand wash as well and there is perhaps 5 or 6 tee shirts she will do it as it affects my damned arthritis. 

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited April 2017 #3965

    Perfect spring day down here - not a cloud in the sky and just a hint of frost on the grass first thing this morning when I took the dogs out. Just collected the van from storage ready for our trip to Moorhampton later this week.

    This afternoon is the final of the club men's 4s bowls tournament which by some chance of fate we've qualified for! So I have to put my feet up for a couple of hours to "get into the zone"! laughing

  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,504
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    edited April 2017 #3966

    Caesarean cow (and calf) doing well.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,413
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    edited April 2017 #3967

    Lovely photo Goldie, pleased that all went well. I just love the expression on Mum cows face!laughing

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited April 2017 #3968

    Lovely warm day here grass cut again (cut three) garden now tidy enough to last until we get back, off Wed back 23rd ,may take some bits to c/van am tomorrow while OH at hairdressers

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,062
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    edited April 2017 #3969

    Weather here not as nice today. We are just home from a weekend aft The Ranch CC had a great time weather was brilliant so sat outside the van with a drink last night admiring the views over the countryside. Just doing some work in the garden this afternoon. Away again on Thursday for the easter weekend

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited April 2017 #3970

    Weather  here  in  South  Cheshire  Absolutely  Appalling  !!  In  fact  it's  so  bloomin'  bad  I've  had  to  forgo  the  use  of  the  tumble  dryer  and  Peg  'em  out  like  me  mammy  used  to.  This  is  much  harder  work  yell  !  At  least  I'm  getting  to  see  some  various  coloured  Lady Bugs  !!

  • trellis
    trellis Forum Participant Posts: 1,102
    edited April 2017 #3971

    If I was Mum I'd be having a strong word with the hair dresser!!laughing.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited April 2017 #3972

    As this is supposed to be the last 20c + day we took the plunge and had a walk into our local ancient woodland which we have not been into since we lost our collie (she loved going there) its only a couple of hundred yards from us,all up hill!!,but we are glad we have broken the "spell" as the Bluebells are carpeting large areas with a really heady aroma,,  also saw a pair of nuthatch going in their nest in a tree hollow  and deafened by birdsong (helped by having hearing aids insurprised),   there are also plenty of different  butterflies about ,  And the Badger set looks much larger and fresh holes,all in all a wonderful  couple of hourssmile

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited April 2017 #3973

    Mum certainly doesn't look 'amused' laughing


    Today started off bright, but now its a bit overcast.

  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited April 2017 #3974

    Those vets do seem to shave a big area before an op, don't they? I've noticed that on Supervet too.

    Still, it will always grow back.

    (As I always say to the barber if he asks whether I'd like a bit more off smile)

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited April 2017 #3975

    Been very busy since we got back from short trip to The Peak District and a visit to youngest son, most of it work related so won't bore everyone with the details. wink 

    Been catching up with posts bit of a mammoth task,  surprised site says over 300 new posts !  surprised Seems everyone has been busy. 

    Good news re Mrs Husky, wishing her a  speedy recovery. smile

    Glorious weather today so decided to take a trip to Batsford Arboretum, the blossom display was wonderful in the sunshine. Spent a lovely few hours wandering amongst the trees. Home now had to bath the dog as he must have rolled in something nasty. yell At least he dries quickly in the sunshine.

    Lovely pics of the new calf Goldie. 


  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited April 2017 #3976

    What happened to the statins thread?

  • Malcolm Mehta
    Malcolm Mehta Forum Participant Posts: 5,660
    edited April 2017 #3977

    We visited WWT Arundel this afternoon, making use of our membership! Lovely weather, not a single cloud in the sky and comfortable temperature. We spent about two and a half hours there from 14:30 to 17:00.

    There was a bit of a traffic jam going back. We called at the Tesco Esso petrol station to fill up fuel for the Smart car and then returned back to the site.

    When shopping at the Tesco Extra this morning, we found some half price lamb, so we've got roast lamb cooking in the oven for tonight's dinner. It's been cooking half an hour already so another two and a half hours before it's ready.

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited April 2017 #3978

    Ian, it seems the duplicate is there without input & the one with ET's helpful post followed by more info on others experiences of Statins has been seemingly lostfrown

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,167
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    edited April 2017 #3979

    Went to the Island of Rugen today to do the the final walk in Julia Bradbury's German Romantic Walks (have completed other 3)  We only did 10miles as Julia obviously gets a lift back to the starting point which would have meant a 30 mile trek.  Lovely weather and good views of the Baltic, most enjoyable.  On our way back from the Island we stopped at the town of Stralsund which has some architectural gems, and the ice cream parlours are spot on as well.

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited April 2017 #3980

    Well, who'd have thought it? Our team of rank outsiders only went and won the men's 4s bowls title this afternoon. Cue lavish celebrations - well a couple of pints of 6X anyway!

    Now all we have to do is turn up for presentation evening when they'll get the shield out of the trophy cabinet, present it to us, and then immediately take it back and return it to the cabinet! Such is the price of success! wink

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,753
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    edited April 2017 #3981

    After  a good start,the day  was mainly dull from about 11am, fortunately mainly dry.

    Packing the van is going reasonably well.  Bed made up and spare bedding stashed, also towels and some kitchen stuff.  OH has removed a couple of kitchen items, and said we should leave the 2 ring electric hob behind, but that means we cannot cook outside, so we may need to reconsider that, or put it in the car.

    OH has laid out the bathroom stuff and the cleaning materials and toilet sachets etc, so those will be packed tomorrow.

    So only food and clothes to go, oh,  and passports etc!  Better not forget those.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,843
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    edited April 2017 #3982

    Just back from Houghton Mill. Had such a lovely time. Thanks for good wishes everyone and thanks for the tip about them booking/allocating pitches JVB. We rang them before we left so had a discussion when we got there about which of our preferred pitches we would like. New wardens this year. A really lovely, helpful and friendly couple. They are employed by National Trust but I think the people helping out with general maintenance might be NT volunteers. Site and facilities are absolutely immaculate. Trying out a system of booking/allocating pitches to stop the rush of everyone arriving at 1.00 to get the best pitch at busy times as it was causing congestion in the village. Much more relaxed now so they are waiting to see how it goes during this summer. We had wonderful weather with only one wet afternoon when we were in Ely on a guided tour if the cathedral (for research purposes you understand wink). Lots of lovely walks both at Wicken Fen, into St Ives and around the local area. Also had a trip into Cambridge on the guided bus. Back again in August (already booked our preferred pitchlaughing)

    Good news about your OH's operation HuskyD. Best wishes for her recovery.

    Hope all elderly relatives recover from their illnesses.

    Enjoy your travels everyone who is out and about this week.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,169
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    edited April 2017 #3983

    We had a nice afternoon. We went to Olney ( just north of MK) to celebrate with two former colleagues their 50th wedding anniversary. It was in an Indian Restaurant. I think our two former colleagues are regulars there so the restaurant decided to close to the general public for the afternoon. A nice occasion and lovely food.


  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited April 2017 #3984

    Glad you had a great time millie its a lovely site,

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited April 2017 #3985

    Polished caravan and car today. 20 mins polishing - 10 mins sat to rest back etc. Made dinner, had a scotch and still can't work out whether I've been slapped, kicked or punched. Think I'll go for a lie down. Have fun all. 

  • SELL
    SELL Forum Participant Posts: 398
    edited April 2017 #3986

    Had a productive day, outside of van all washed ready for our first trip of the year on Friday, plus ran sterilising fluid through pipes now sat relaxing with a beer.

  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited April 2017 #3987


  • triky auto
    triky auto Forum Participant Posts: 8,689
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    edited April 2017 #3988

    Bright ,sunny but cloudy too here in East Kent.Off to the B/yd shortly,one crane lift to do plus going to position the 'Pizza Oven' today .Shan't fire it up 'till later in the month,as I'm away to the I.o.W on Wed'for a weeks relaxing/chilling,winding down cool.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,843
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    edited April 2017 #3989

    Everything was going wonderfully well when we arrived and were setting up at Houghton Mill last week - rather too well it seems. We managed to rip the awning roof while putting it up so spent the week with an awning roof stuck up with gaffer tape - not a good look surprised.  I had said a few months ago that we should get a new awning as the old one had been leaking when it rained last year but Mr H 'treated' it with some anti leak stuff and said 'it would do another season'. Clearly not as it turns out, so guess what we are doing today. laughing

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,317
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    edited April 2017 #3990

    Rocky I've reported your post to bring the liss of such a useful thread to someone's attention. Except after I'd hit the reply button I noticed predictive text had changed it to station rather than statin 🤔

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,317
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    edited April 2017 #3991

    Congratulations to you and your team. Shame you won't have the trophy to have and to hold so to speak. Saves boring friends and neighbours, polishing and general idleness in admiration 😂😂😂