How's your footy team doing?



  • Steve Scott
    Steve Scott Forum Participant Posts: 197
    edited March 2017 #92

    Good luck for tonight Rog do one for Yorkshire.smilesmile

  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited March 2017 #93

    Thanks Steve. I think it will depend on the strength of team City put out. If they're serious about the Cup they might see a trip to Middlesbrough as winnable if they put Town away, and therefore might play a strong side. It seems we might view the weekend's match against Newcastle as being more important and play a few squad players. Having said that  Herr Wagner believes that any of his players are capable of slotting into the side and doing well. On the evidence of past performances it's hard to disagree. UTT

  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited March 2017 #94

    If you're losing at Hartlepools then you really do need to be worrying😱

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited March 2017 #95

    Very  Polite  of  you  to  call  a  4 -- O  drubbing  "losing"

  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited March 2017 #96

    I aim to always be polite . 

    If you want the definition of a drubbing look no further than the Etihad last night. The Terriers did very well to only lose 5-1. City had a full team out, with the exception of Silvia, and we had our second team on the pitch. I've not seen them give the ball away so easily for a long time. It looks as though we will now have to concentrate on the league.🙁

    The writing was on the wall as soon as they announced their line up. When I saw the names Aguero, Sterling, De Bruyne and Sane against our second string back four I knew we were in for long night.

  • Pliers
    Pliers Forum Participant Posts: 1,864
    edited March 2017 #97

    But what did you think when you saw Clownio Bravo in nets 😱?

    I don't know what Joe Hart did to upset Pep, preseason, but he certainly did it big time.

    Great game though, last night, end to end stuff, and wonderful atmosphere created by the Town fans.

    Next round Middlesborough, Saturday dinner time. £5 for pensioners, have to go to that one!

  • Merve
    Merve Forum Participant Posts: 2,333
    500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited March 2017 #98

    Well, a 3-1 result against Klopps Liverpool! Could this be the start of a fight back?? - we'll see tomorrow against Hull! 

  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited March 2017 #99

    Hi Pliers, I didn't really think about the keeper I was dazzled by the four superstars. 7200 Town fans can certainly make some noise and were singing even when we were 4-1 down. Clownio certainly gifted us our goal but saved another chance with his legs late on in the first half. The reaction from some of the home support was interesting.

    Good luck at the Riverside, the OH is a died in the wool City supporter but got a bit disallusioned when the team seemed to engineer the sacking of Mancini.

  • Steve Scott
    Steve Scott Forum Participant Posts: 197
    edited March 2017 #100

    Good win for Leeds keeping the pressure up on Huddersfield. All the best for tomorrow against Newcastle!! Rogfrown


  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited March 2017 #101

    Thanks Steve, don't forget you've played two more games than us. The trouble is that one of them is thus afternoon against the current leaders.UTT.


    ps have you thought what you'll do if your goal scorer gets injured 😱

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited March 2017 #102


    'Eckky  Thump  !!

    I  can  think  of  Three  ( 3 ) at  least  happy  bunnies  on  here  this  afternoon

    Leicester  Won  --  Happy  Merve  laughing

    Forest  won  --  Happy  Pauline   laughing

    and  Crewe  Won  ( surprised )    Happy,  Happy  Brian laughingwink


    Onwards  &  Upwards  !!

  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited March 2017 #103

    Good result for the Alex AB. Now here's a serious question does anyone know of a good referee? I've just witnessed one the worst performances by a ref I've ever seen. 

    He was conned by a dive for their penalty, completely missed a deliberate handball right in front of him and having booked one of their players he bottled sending him off for blatant shirt tug which if he couldn't see it he needs to visit Specsavers. And those are just a sample of the poor decisions. (Other  opticians are available ) This is a so called premier league referee. They don't get any better for being full time.😤

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited March 2017 #104

    surprised  I'll  watch  the  t.v.  re-runs  papgeno  wink

    As  a  thought  has  the  sponsorship  deal  with  Specsavers  finished  then    ??    I  was  hoping  to  get  a  free  personal  whistle  when  I  pick  up  my  new  glasses  this  week  cool


  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited March 2017 #105

    Should  have  been  plenty  of  amateurs  around,  Pg,  they  are  talking  of  a  Strike  in  the  Manchester  area  over  the  protection  they  need  but  never seem  to  get  !

    All  very  sad  that  they  do  something  for  pleasure  &  the  amateur  clubs  treat  them  so  badly !

  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited March 2017 #106

    I agree they do a difficult job and in the amateur leagues they can be roughly treated by both spectators and players. My gripe is with the full time officials who are beyond reproach, full time, well paid and still get a lot of major decisions wrong. They are supposed to be assisted by the new style linesmen (and women) but consistently are let down. There is no consistency from one ref to another.

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited March 2017 #107

    Thats   the  price  of  having  humans  as  refs  I'm  afraid  !!

    Watched  M O T D t'other  night  and  the  "Experts"  could  not  agree  if  a  man,  lying  on  the  floor  had  handled  the  ball  or  not  !

    One  said  no  way,  2nd  said  most  definitely,  3rd    was  not  sure  !!

    Gary  L  was  chuckling  at  them.  They  had  had  hours  to  watch  the  incident  in  private,  plus  the  four  or  more  re-runs  on  the  programme,  so  how  can  we  expect  total  consistency  from  Refs  who  have  to  monitor  22  players  of  doubtful  morals,  plus  listen  to  the  chit  chat  over  their  earpiece.

    Sorry  to  say  papgeno,  we  cannot  expect  consistency  like  that  any  more  than  we  can  expect  a  player,  to  perform  exactly  the  same  as  other  players  in  any  given  situation.  in  midfield  say,  some  will  pass  square,  some  run  with  the  ball,  others  feed  the  winger  or  even  play  back  to  the  keeper  --  the  wonders  of  Football  !!

  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited March 2017 #108

    AB I know you're right I guess I was feeling a bit sore at my team losing an important match partly due to a very poor performance by the officials. It seems to have happened too often this season at the matches I've been to, although everyone says these things even themselves out. Perhaps if we get video technology the men in black, or whatever dayglow colour they appear in, will get more of the important decisions correct. It would appear that the Championship is to get goal line technology next season so that's a start. Mind you I'm hoping we won't be in the Championship by then🤞UTT


  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited March 2017 #109

    I  wish  you  all  I  wish  myself  W R T Footy  Rog  !

    Certainly  High  Speed  connection  'tween  Officials  would  do  the  game  no  harm  at  all  !!

    I'd  like  to  see  purpose  built  multiple screen  video  panels,  if  need  be,  in  'vans  outside  the  ground.  With  just  cameras  to  be  fitted  inside  there  would  be  little  cost  there  and  almost  instant  replays  available  for  the  5th  Official  who  could  be  a  Ref  In  Training,  or  even  A  Ref  In  Retirement  !!

    If  it  ever  happens  it  must,  must,  must  be  faster  than  the  systems  operating  in  Rugby  League,  Tennis  &  Cricket  since  they  are,  by  their  very  nature,  Stop - Start  Sports.

    { Well  a  man  can  dream  can't  he   }

    What  I  really  want  to  see  is  a  degree  of  consistency  about  what  constitutes  a  Foul !  Shirt  pulling,  deliberate  obstruction,  pushing,  holding  are  punished  90%  of  the  time  in  Open  Play,  but  less  than  5%  in  the  penalty  area.  Further  the  one  thing  that  I  hate  to  see  above  all  others  -->  a  Scissor  or  Overhead  kick  in  a  crowded  area  particularly  !

    Just  Imagine  somebody  like  Ibrahimovic (   spelling ??)  catching  a  defender,  or  even  one  of  his  own  side, in  the  face.  The  damage  done  would  be  truly  horrendous  and  at  a  time  when  other  sports  are,  quite  correctly,  getting  worried  about  brain  damage.


  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited March 2017 #110

    Brian. I couldn't  agree more with regard to Rugby League and cricket. I'm sure they delay the decision to build up tension. I suppose it's not too bad with cricket except for 20/20 where they're up against the clock.

    However with FA's track record I won't be holding my breath waiting for video referees.


  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited March 2017 #111

    Why  Not  ?? 

    Think  of  the  jobs  that  the  "Elderly  White  Males"  could  apply  for  if/when  more  of  the  Executive  Posts  are  set  aside  for  the  "Fair  Sex" 


  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited March 2017 #112

    I've exercised my brain. I guess they would fit right in if they decided to help run the CAMC😇


  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited March 2017 #113


  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited March 2017 #114

    Now then Steve, those were good results for us last night, with exception of the Rotherham game. There was a great atmosphere at the John Smiths and Villa actually came to play  football rather than sit back and rely on counterattacking.UTT


  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited March 2017 #115

    Can  we  have  this  thread  consigned  to  History  &  the  waste  bin  ( or  vice  versa   )

    Lost  to  Hartlepoodles,  won  down  on  the  South  coast  and  scored  first  against  Newport  but  ended  up  losing  1 : 2

    Brian  is  NOT  HAPPY  !!  yell x 10

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,168
    2,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited March 2017 #116

    Manager sacked yesterday, player sent off but still managed a draw

  • Pliers
    Pliers Forum Participant Posts: 1,864
    edited March 2017 #117

    Hope things pick up for Norwich, one of my favourite grounds.

    Back from the cup game at 'Borough, another of my favourite grounds. Yes, I do have a few!

    Great game, great atmosphere and a great win for City!

    Fly out to Nice tomorrow, for the Champions' League game v Monaco on Wednesday night. Bet the beer is better, and cheaper in Middlesborough!

  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited March 2017 #118

    Another set of good results for us today. Fulham are the dark horses in the race for the playoffs. I hope you have a successful trip to Monaco Pliers. Don't despair Brian I'm sure the Alex will find a way to survive, you just have to believe. UTT


  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited March 2017 #119

    Rog,  I've  been  "Believing"  for  nearly  70  years  now,  and  I'm  beginning  to  think  the  "believing  barrel"  is  down  to  the  last  dregs  now  frown

    As  me  Owd  Pappy  used  to  say,  build  some  council  'ouses  on  it  !

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited March 2017 #120

    Oh,  Ye  Gawds  --  they've  bin  an  gon  an  dunnit  agin  !!

    Played  away  to  night  and  ( from  BBC  reports )  thoroughly  deserved  the  victory,  which  could have  been  a  lot more than  3 - 0

    Wonder  how  Merve's  feeling  right  now  surprisedlaughing ??

    All  of  a  sudden,  Leicester  seem  to  have  found  that  winning  streak  again,  despite  Vardy's  antics.

  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited March 2017 #121

    I wish I could be as positive. Town were not at the races last night . Losing one of the best players to a bad neck injury didn't help. It took 14 minutes to safely get him off the pitch and I'm sure it affected the rest of the team, possibly the downside of having a tight knit bunch.  Let's hope Leeds and Brighton can fashion a draw tonight. UTT
