The same Club, just better...
To be honest I had to go back and look at what the old logo was - it makes not a jot of difference to me and as for the name - why would it matter? What irritated me was getting stickers through the post - along with personalised number plates I thought these had gone out of fashion many years ago. Anybody that really wanted them could have picked up some from a warden at the next site they visited. As for the nothing has changed point well, all great journeys have a first step. Lets wait and hope.
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Anyone think the clubs management are behaving like politicians?
Remember who ever voted you in can vote you out!
The problem is, some politicians (mostly left wing) have turned to printing money to pay for such grand plans (remember the late seventies), but the Club cannot and has to use the money paid in by the members. Once it’s spent it’s spent, so no investment in sites etc. which we desperately need.
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I saw the eMail first, thought it was a spoof/scam and Deleted User it without reading. Then received a letter and fancy new stickers. Oh dear oh dear oh dear. What have they done? We’ve only been in the club 3 and a bit years. We’re motorhomers. We’ve never felt not included, but we might do now. We’re all doing the same stuff, be it in Caravans, Pop-ops, Motorhomes, Campervans, Tents, whatever. There really doesn’t seem to be any reason for changing the shop front, and we think this is a mistake of Consignia proportions. Think what else could have been done with the money.
Look chaps, two things: First, there’s an old engineers’ adage which says “If it ain’t broke, don’t try and fix it”. Secondly, when you reorganize or rebrand, you bleed, you bleed money, you bleed time, you bleed expertise, you bleed customer loyalty, you bleed brand recognition.
And that’s another thing – the logo – we’ve watched the video and couldn’t understand a thing. Surely someone could have come up with something better. And brown’s a terrible colour to use, really.
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Has anyone else noticed. That 1000 posts but nothing is measurable.
People have asked how much it's going to cost? The answer via Rochelle is very little and it has been budgeted for. Not a single figure.
Apparently we will witness a step change. We have all the soft lovely marketing words about adventure and inclusivity and being pioneers. But again nothing measurable. So nothing anyone could look back on in 5 years and say yes that was achieved or no it wasn't.
It would be perfectly reasonable to state that we want the membership to increase by x % per year, or we want the average age of members to be reduced by 5 years and we are going to increase the number of available site nights by X thousands. Trouble with all these and the numbers and the criteria don't really matter But what does mater is they are measurable and therefore the organisation could be held accountable and I don't believe that the leadership want that.
Much better to have a nice new logo and some fuzzy mission statement meanwhile it will be business as usual.
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I suppose the new name represents more about what the club is about. As a motorhome owner there was always this perception, and it probably was only that, that motorhomes were interlopers and only tolerated because you had to! Once or twice I have had members on sites whinge that "there were of us around these days!"
Anyway what's in a name! There will be those that will never get over losing the empire so this will really blow their minds!
As others have commented on as long as the basics are looked after who cares what the badge looks like.
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Ah! The Empire. Looks like after BR-Exit we are going to need it again. A bit like what is likely to happen to the proper logo in a few years time.
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I just feel that the colours chosen are too weak for the logo to stand out.
Yes include motorhomes, but did we really need a very, very expensive relaunch.? Will we ever find out the true cost?
We need more sites at a fair price, and a WI fi system that people can afford.
I just think having been to the NEC yesterday, it was a very over the top event.
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just had an email from cc&c 25% midweek discount, 10% weekend
Member-Exclusive Offers
20% off ACR stays
20% off for families
Other Offers
30% off grass pitches 25% off mid-week breaks
15% off weekend escapes 10% off - Ultimate offerlooks more exciting than a name change and price hikes to me
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Hi all, just adding a comment in general support of the new logo and name. I'm not in favour of over-frequent rebranding, but comparing the old and new logos & typefaces, I do think the old look was rather dated. The new look is fresh, clean and modern. Motorhomes are increasingly popular and so I think this is a good time to make a change which could well encourage younger people and motorhome owners.
If you think branding and style don't matter, just look at old newspapers, magazines, packaging etc to see how things change over time. It would be a brave company (or club!) that completely ignored this.
Of course it's not all about branding - the site facilities and pricing need to be right. Personally I find many club sites cramped, overpriced, and not always in the best locations. I usually prefer CLs. But there are a lot of potential new members out there with plenty of money to spend - let's hope our 'new-look' club can encourage them to join!
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Well, you ARE after the 1000th. "You are number 1010 in the queue"
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what a waste maybe a loyalty scheme would have been a better use of our clubs money|
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It represented a pennon, the symbol of caravanning (and camping)
Often found being proudly flown from awning guy lines.
The club still uses (used) it for the Red Pennant overseas touring insurance to represent confidence, security and belonging to an organisation with a history of service to members.
Then they throw it away for an ice cream logo.
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I am not sure what all the comments are on here as Phil H is right, the so called club is no more that than by name and has not been a club for years. It is a profit making organisation who has multi income streams, including sites, insurance, campsite guides, travel agency etc etc. Lets just use the correct terminology, the Director General is the CEO abd for surplus read profit on which they pay tax. They make investments (good or bad), such as the acquisition of Alan Rogers, and this yesr they have chosen to rebrand the organisation as you would expect from any marketing led CEO.
If one is willing to pay £49 a year to be allowed the right to book exclusive sites, and have a nightly discount on others, then pay up, if not just walk away from the so called membership. Just to not kid yourselves that the board of directors will listen to you any more than the board of a large national company would listen to you. They are growing the company and improving profits year on year, so they must be right and who can argue with that.
As I said before, it is a profit driven organisation so do not waste your time or patience in trying to change it. Like it stay, if you don't like it go.
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We are staying at Ferry Meadows and on Tuesday morning the wardens were busy replacing the signs on the toilet block and service points following the re-branding. They are now a slightly different shade of green. The 5mph signs have also changed colour. Wardens have new uniforms. I don't have anything against changing the name but I do think that replacing perfectly good signs is a huge waste of money. When we woke up to a flooded awning this morning after the hardstanding pitch flooded, and having to wade through the standing water on the roads, I would have much preferred that they spent the money improving the drainage and the pitches on the site.
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As a member for 40 years I am very disappointed to see that there is no Green or Red (proper red) in the new branding.
I think that Green epitomises the outdoor and 'green' ethos of the club and I just hope that we will not have all the signage etc on the sites in the new colours.
This is a very big change to introduce without any consultation with the members and makes me feel that it is not MY club anymore and that I have no input into how it is run.
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Was it not Nero who was out changing signs when Rome flooded? Or was that another time?
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Just back from the show and whilst there, along with the better half, we spent a good half hour chatting to a couple of staff manning the CAMC stand. We both gave our blessing to the rebrand and had a good chat about how it was being received at the show. In the time we were hanging out on the stand we witnessed numerous new members being signed up.
This much I can pass on from our chat today...
There will be no revoke of the rebrand.
The club know that in recent times they have been losing new leisure vehicle owners to the C&CC, they have seen the C&CC increase its membership whilst the CC membership has been in decline, the rebrand is in response to this trend.
The average age of CC members is considerably higher than that of the C&CC, with this in mind the Club felt a need to modernise in an effort to balance this out to sustain future growth
There has been considerable growth in the sale of leisure orientated vehicles, for example VW T6 conversions and activity style caravans. The Club are looking to attract this new breed of owner by way of modernising it's appearance and outlook
There have been surveys carried out, not exclusively with current members but with leisure vehicle owners and potential owners in general. The overriding response being that the Caravan Club was considered as stuffy, outdated and regimental. The Club want to change this perception.
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What a lot of marketing waffle - does anyone know how much this re brand will cost?? I have a young family and a caravan I am constantly frustrated that the caravan club wifi never works and the booking web site only works on a laptop and not a tablet.
Maybe investing in the essentials on sites might draw in the younger folk.
If the club truly want to embrace more people to enjoy the outdoors - perhaps we should have included the campers and let the tents in we could have renamed ourselves the caravan and camping.....Oops !!!!