The same Club, just better...



  • Briang
    Briang Club Member Posts: 675
    edited February 2017 #184

    This is still not sorted I don't want my from West Glamorgan in my profile. This is not good enough reported this on the 17th December and promised numerous times and this is the result. This is a simple thing to remove in HTML Why hasn't this been done.? As for the new logo totally all the wrong colors this website is going from bad to worse.


    from West Glamorgan


  • fletchrf
    fletchrf Forum Participant Posts: 5
    edited February 2017 #186

    So this is why the handbook has been delayed so long?


  • David Dowling
    David Dowling Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited February 2017 #188

    Well done to the club for trying to develop and modernise. As the number of motorhome owners continues to increase year on year it seems logical to take this step. The new name better reflects the changing proportion of members who have a motorhome rather than a caravan. "If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got".


  • RochelleCC
    RochelleCC Forum Participant Posts: 337
    edited February 2017 #190

    Thanks for your comments ian2deep,

    You can see a short video about how the logo represents our values here:


  • GodivaNige
    GodivaNige Forum Participant Posts: 606
    edited February 2017 #191

    Common sense prevails, a well put post.

    To those beating their drums about not being consulted, if the committee, management however you want to refer to the big chiefs at head office, had asked the opinion of each and every member, what do you think they would have ended up with? A massive pile of conflicting opinion and ideas on how things can be done better, thats what.

    The other 'club' have seen huge increases in membership in the last couple of years as a result of fresh marketing and appealing directly to new vehicle owners and at the same time, pushing themselves as advocates for outdoor leisure. In more recent times, the Caravan Club portrayed itself as an elitist organisation appealing to the 'old guard'. 

    The numbers who commented not that long ago on how the COTY television programme did nothing for the image of the Caravan Club have been heard. Times are a changing, and if the CC had continued along the same path, it would have eventually died. 




  • JohnWebb
    JohnWebb Forum Participant Posts: 7
    edited February 2017 #192

    I am sure it wont change the mental bias against motorhomers! I well remember my father complaining about the way motorhomers were banned many years ago. One of the reasons given at an AGM is that those who own motorhomes are the type of person who eats peas from the back of their knife!

  • Blackdeath
    Blackdeath Forum Participant Posts: 69
    edited February 2017 #194

    I have to say that the remarks in this post justifies the change. The fact that it was originally for caravaners in 1907, doesn't mean to say it can stay being just for caravaners in 2017. Of course it has to change. The world has changed. Motorhome registrations are on the increase and it will be of benefit to all of us if we attract new members. I welcome the new name as a way of doing that.And hard standings are essential for motorhomes in wet conditions so you may have to get used to them

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited February 2017 #195

    There is a new sign already in place on the exit to at least one of our local sitesundecided

  • salisbury
    salisbury Forum Participant Posts: 5
    edited February 2017 #197


    Honest name change.

  • catherinef
    catherinef Forum Participant Posts: 647
    edited February 2017 #199

    Is it 1st April?

  • Rogermcnish1
    Rogermcnish1 Forum Participant Posts: 4
    edited February 2017 #200

    Good job well done. 

    As for those members who ask that the members should have been notified - what a load of Tosh.  This is why we elect a team of work on our behalf. We may moan from time to time but they all have the best of intentions for the club.

  • JayEss
    JayEss Forum Participant Posts: 1,663
    edited February 2017 #202

    Rochelle is the old mission statement still available for comparison?


  • Bugs
    Bugs Forum Participant Posts: 480
    edited February 2017 #204

    Having now watched the videos and read through all of the announcement material provided by the Club today, I think its quite clear that this isn't just a rebrand of the Club's name.

    Its part of a much wider initiative aimed at broadening the appeal of the club for the future.

    Lots of people use caravans, motorhomes etc as an enabler for an increasing range of activities, and the Club needs to ensure it caters for this ever expanding market.

    This approach is summed up quite succinctly in the following extract of the speech by Harvey Alexander at the NEC:

    "We know that members’ outfits, hobbies and interests are becoming more varied so we will be working doubly hard to reflect, support and highlight those opportunities and to open people’s eyes to the possibilities of the adventures available by caravan and motorhome"



  • David2115
    David2115 Club Member Posts: 548
    100 Likes 100 Comments Photogenic Name Dropper
    edited February 2017 #205

    The new logo and name looks modern and up if it loses some of the persistent remoaners on this site then all the better, let's hope it attracts new younger members to caravanning and motorhomesand improve the club for everyone. Well done the caravan and motorhome club 

  • Emplacement23
    Emplacement23 Forum Participant Posts: 7
    edited February 2017 #206

    Couldn't agree more. Well said "Justus2"

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,391
    5,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited February 2017 #207

    Personally I have no problem with the name change, more with the generally unnecessary expense such a rebranding brings. I have not noticed any rebrandings that wait till things wear out to change. Most have everything, signs, paperwork and clothing sorted within 6 months, to a year at most. Many of the signs they have recently replaced would be good for at least another 5 years.

    The big thing I find strange, is that given the incorporation of the word motorhome in the title, the club decided not to go forward with being able to book pitch type. It would seem to be something a large number of motorhomers would like to be able to do. It is also I believe possible with the other club, that does not yet have MH in its title. As apparently 40% of new applications are from MH owners, it would have been a logical step.

  • Pippah45
    Pippah45 Forum Participant Posts: 2,452
    edited February 2017 #208

    Oh dear there goes my last hope that Motorhomes would be excluded again!  surprised  Many many moons ago we swapped from caravanning to a Landrover/Dormobile conversion and were not eligible to join the club!  Clearly the Caravan Club have poached large numbers from the old MHs club with the snail logo.  I can't say I think it necessary to spend money rebranding as Motorhomers have been growing in number - but there you go - I suppose we have to move with the times or give up membership if we feel strongly enough. 

  • Emplacement23
    Emplacement23 Forum Participant Posts: 7
    edited February 2017 #209

    Well said.  Now we know why the membership fee increased.