What are you all up to
Finally got rid of the neighbours microwave today! Apparently we (the great unwashed) are no longer allowed to climb the stairs up to the top of the skips to dispose of our rubbish hence the refurb job going at the main recycling plant.
Very busy day doing lots of small things that need doing so they don't get in the way of enjoying ourselves!
Be glad when this miserable weeks worth of weather is replaced. Seems to have drizzled all week.
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Second attempt
A great couple of winter days here. Tuesday night thermometer down to -7c, glorious day to follow with clear blue skies and frost that didn't shift all day in the shade. Gave the birds additional rations and broke the ice on their water three times in two hours - didn't start until 8am either, brrrrrrrrrr. Fabulous walk with the dog through the local estate, in the woods as nicely frozen and no mud, less chance of a Guinness dog
. The estate use horses for hauling and other jobs and we had the privilege of meeting these magnificent beasts as we wandered through the woods. I got a great photo on my phone, timeless scene really with beautiful frosty backdrop - typed originally on my phone only to loose the text when trying to added photo
. As I went to do the photo I thought should have copied that, but too late, photo wouldn't add and going back it had eaten my words. Wednesday night -5c followed by another cracker of a day, so still. Another clear night, stars are very visible even in the city at 7pm.
Went to Mum's, hubby stayed home to be there for the fire repair, part we had to source fitted so have ordered another as a spare for the future as now not made by Valor. Took mum out to look at kitchen carpet, she got a bee in her bonnet to replace hers. She didn't like modern Flotex designs so sticking with what she has - which shows no signs of wear after years of use, it's only a square over cushion floor. Good call I'd say as she didn't want to do anything else to the kitchen. Left there and as she waved me off her phone rang (unbeknown to me) it was my cousin to say her mum, my mum's eldest sister had passed away, it was very expected following her stroke last Friday. I didn't know until I got in and hubby said she'd phoned, he suggested we could go back over but she said no. They were very close so I think she'll take it very hard. Spoken to her a couple of times since and she seems ok.
Had some fabulous photos from daughter of granddaughters and Aunty Rob and Aunty Hannah. Looks like they're having a ball - so wish we could all have been together.
Son and girlfriend going to Hot Water Beach Friday, he's done before she hasn't, and then they are all off to Taupo for a holiday together before son and girlfriend fly home next week. That means we loose the dog soon after their return
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PS dog delighted to have the fire alight, paws in the hearth
. I'm almost too warm with it on but it's nice to see the flames and at least the bedroom will be cooler tonight.
We don't have TRV's and thermostat in hall so north facing lounge hard to heat if it's as cold as it is at the moment, but at least there has been no wind of late. Solid walls in a 1930's house are always cool to the touch
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Glad you managed to post B2, I wonder how many others are still having difficulty posting on CT? Sounds as though you had a busy day with sad news at the end, hope your Mum copes with this latest event. You'll be pleased to have the younger family members back soon no doubt!
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Brue I can post on my phone or on my non portable laptop but I find even if you're typing you can be logged out, I have decided to copy the text before pressing any buttons but only thought that after I'd tried to post photo 😭. The site doesn't allow me to post in my Kindle Fire without eating words at random - no news in that front. The laptop with excellent speeds lagoon typing and the phone is fiddly. Otherwise the new forum is great 😂😂😂.
I like to keep up with reading but posting is just a pain to be honest.
Thanks for your good wishes. It'll all come out in the wash as they say! All part of life's rich tapestry.
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Of course not. If you don't ask you'll never know what you might just miss out on. I asked at the Regatta store if they gave a discount to CC members, and got 10% off.
Good New, Robsail. Bet she's well pleased... as they say!!
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Home safe and sound from our 7 wk trip. Van away and emptied, and washing machine on by noon. Just have to get it dried now around the house as it's been a grey and damp day.
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Well it's been a fun night. The cat brought a live vole in earlier tonight and I closed all the doors and removed myself to another room whilst Mr Brue spent the evening scrabbling around under the piano in the hall. The vole has finally been cornered and released outside, the cat is annoyed and we can settle down once more. So much for the cosy fire side evening! A peaceful night to you all.
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Managed to achieve something today that has taken 10 years!!! Actually purchased new lounge furniture, just hope we have made the right decision!!! When Margaret retired 10 years ago one of her main objectives was the replace our already old Parker Knoll suite. After a while you go furniture blind and just can't make up your mind. I don't think it was a new year's resolution but decision time seemed to accelerate immediately after Christmas. Always good to cross something off the list that has been there some time.
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A sad start to the day
For months we have had 2 fox's come in to the garden ,and this morning I was woken at 5.30 by them barking and calling as they chased each other round the front garden ,later I went out to de-ice the van and glanced down the road as to why cars were driving round something , I looked further ,and no, it was one of the fox's laying dead in the road , I walked down to remove him and lay him in the hedge ,so he didn't keep getting run over
, can't help but keep thinking of Mr's fox waiting for Mr fox to come home
Life can be cruel at times
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Good news Robsail. Hope your OH's monitoring goes well.
So sorry to hear about your aunt Bakers. I hope your Mum will be OK after the sad news. Sounds like you have had some wonderful weather in your area. It has been grey, cold, damp and miserable here for the past few days but have woken to a glorious day here today. It was a bit misty first thing but clear blue sky and very frosty now.
Enjoy your mover JVB. We couldn't have managed without ours. When Mr H decided he wanted a caravan instead of the motorhome I said not unless we had a mover. Enjoy FM. Hope the weather behaves for you.
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VERY bright & sunny here in East Kent.
"Concorde" scheduled take off is ON .Departure is cleared.Engine fired up .Stand by .All systems checked .We have a GO GO GO !!
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A different sort of day here - we have taken on new staff for the first time in over 40 years!
Disconcertingly I am old enough to be her grandmother.
I'm still the Big Chief in charge of all things financial/clerical/record keeping/catering.
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Just about to catch up with CT been busy this week, my knitting has kept me off CT too.
Seems everyone has been busy.
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Hope the washing machine still working Millie, and Mr MH is still doing well after his eye op.
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Have a great time Triky. ☺
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Have been reading through all the posts, have missed rather a lot.
Belated Happy Birthday Moulesy, have a great week in Cornwall. Good news that Harry all ok now.
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David, we had our Parker Knolls for fifteen years and 12 months ago did exactly what you have done. We eventually bought a 2 seater sofa and 2 chairs in a set. They were extremely comfortable .... for the 15 minutes we sat in them in the shop and still are but only for the first 15 minutes. We then end up with back ache.
After putting up with it for a full year we've decided to cut our losses and buy 2 new chairs and if the guests don't like sitting in the 2 seater they can leave any time after 15 minutes!
New chairs arrive next Wednesday. Fingers crossed as it's an expensive business. Explained the position to a hospice about the chairs being new but uncomfortable for us and they said they wanted them as everyone is different so that's where they're going.
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A triple whammy!
Cleaning day. Car gone into shock. Gutters cleaned out. Windows then needed doing! Walking boots (8 pairs!) cleaned and waxed/waterproofed. All bird feeders and water bowls cleaned and filled. Mr WN mopped the kitchen floor and did the two bathrooms as well.
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Just had a text from our lovely hairdresser who has been having treatment for breast cancer for the past 6 months. She had her surgery last week and her results today - all clear.
. I am so relieved and very emotional.