Fault with CL search engine
Yep, we need to rally round the CL owners and use the old fashioned method at the very least, but I posted because I am getting heartily fed up of things on the website not working, and if as many members as possible register their concerns, along with the
CL owners, then the Club will get the message about prioritising this and getting something sorted with the website. It really isn't good enough, as someone else pointed out this is a 24/7 leisure industry, a multi million pound business with a million members!I don't want an apologetic email, save time and just fix the bloody thing!
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IMO CL's are the jewel in the crown of the CC. I think CL owners have been treated with disdain by the CC. You can bet your bottom dollar that had the IT problem affected main club sites in England the IT department would be working massive overtime To
rectify. What I can't fathom is why only English sites have been taken down on what is essentially an alphabetical listing.0 -
Can I take this opportunity to make what I feel is a valid point. As nth has pointed out, any CL owners who joined the network in the last 18 months will not be in the hand book, so no way of advertising there.Surely it would be better for all to update
important information on an annual basis. Fortunately for us, word of mouth is a great thing, we have had new guests from this, guests who don't use computers, people who are wairy of modern technologies. EV0 -
I noticed this problem last night, specifically with regard to the app and have reported it to the person who deals with the apps. Hopefully, when he looks at it, he will realise that it is a 'whole site' problem and refer it on to the relevant person.
Thanks for pointing it out. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.
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I've just sent another email to the sites app person explaining that it is a 'whole site' problem. I've asked him to pass the information on to the appropriate person just in case they are not aware, so that it can be dealt with.
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Why don't you just look in your site directory & site map for a site in the area you want to visit? All, apart from those open within the last 18mths, will be in there. It may take a bit longer than normal, but it's not the end of the world if you
are desparate to find a CL.We are all paying to have a functional website and a competent IT team! However what would most people do if Facebook or Twitter went down for a weekend? Are we too reliant on technology?
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Yes we used to do without all the tech toys, however in the last 30/40 years we have been persuaded to use the tech and unfortunately there are people around now who have never used 'old fashioned methods' I don't blame them,in this case it's the fault
of the CC for failing to provide the service that a 24/7/365 liesure industry requires.0 -
Hi everyone,
Our web team are aware of the problem and are working on this today. We apologise for any incovenience caused.
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Thanks Rochelle.
When it is known could we be told what caused the problem and what steps are being taken to prevent it happening again.
Could you also explain what out of hours cover is provided for the website and to whom should we report out of hours problems.
This is a busy time for bookings for CL owners and this failure has resulted in lost bookings and a great deal of inconvenience.
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Just went to check my site details as requested by CC to check and update by Mid may for the new 2017/18 Directory and still not working. I used chat and they said know of issue use the Directory!
So it looks as it been down for over 2 days from this thread with a bank holiday comming up. Hopefully back up by May!
John Clifton
NEWTON GROVE, Barford Road, South Newington, BANBURY, OX15 4LN
E: newton.grove@btconnect.com
P: 07941 747864
W: newtongrove.co.uk0 -
Hi everyone,
Our web team are aware of the problem and are working on this today. We apologise for any incovenience caused.
Thanks for your response Rochelle. I have just had a response to my email too - I was just about to write a similar response.
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We apologise for any incovenience caused
Obviously not your fault and you are apologising on behalf of the CC
but is there going to be an explanation as to why it was allowed to
be 'broken' for the duration of the weekend?As the CL network is important to many, and with the BH approaching, should this be allowed to happen. Whatever happened to 24/7 coverage, is no-one on call for web service outage?
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Hi all,
The Web Team have notified me that the problem with the England-based CLs search engine has now been rectified.
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Good News Rochelle, thankyou.
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Hi all,
The Web Team have notified me that the problem with the England-based CLs search engine has now been rectified.
One ahead of me again Rochelle....
However.... the main site is working but the app still isn't yet populating. If you are using the app, hang fire for the moment - they are working on this as we speak!
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So the only questions left are why did the problem happen and why it took until today to fix when most companys have a 24/7/365 cover for their websites
I'm afraid 'management' are very selective in the questions they answer.
Agree Dave, this has been noted on previous occasions...
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Hi all,
The Web Team have notified me that the problem with the England-based CLs search engine has now been rectified.
One ahead of me again Rochelle....
However.... the main site is working but the app still isn't yet populating. If you are using the app, hang fire for the moment - they are working on this as we speak!
Although the app isn't fully working yet. If, like me, you are a little impatient, it will work fully if you uninstall and reinstall the app.
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I have never understood why CL owners accept the restriction of only accommodating CC members. The only benefit I can see for a CL being locked into the CC is an entry in the Sites Guide or on the CC website.
There are no end of other guides and websites that could generate clients for them from a much larger market than just the CC membership. I often use the free www.ukcampsite.co.uk website which shows CC, commercial and
CL/CS sites with the caviat 'CC Members only'.I fully understand and am happy that some CL owners accept non members if it helps to maintain their viability and doubt that it would result in them being constantly fully booked.
I'm a CL devotee and only subscribed to this 'Club' for access to them.
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Hi everyone,
We’re sorry some users are not getting any results for CL searches on the app. This is actually due to a fault on our content management system which has now been rectified. The app will refresh itself in the next couple of days and show the full site catalogue
again automatically, however if any user would like to speed this up they can uninstall and then reinstall the app. This forces an early catalogue update and will ensure users get the correct results.Rochelle
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Thanks Rochelle, can now see all of the counties again (Hurray - North Yorkshire exists again!) but there are still dozens of farms showing in the Search Counties box...Since when has Airhouse Archived or Badgers Oak Farm been a County in the UK?
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And still no reason given why the system did what it did. Will we ever find out? I very much doubt it.
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I have been looking for a CL in the Western Isles recently. The search by county facility on the website does not show any CLs for this area even though one definitely exists. I've even been in touch with the owner to confirm this. I spoke to someone from
the club last evening on their live chat option. She assured me the CL was visible on the search by map facility. This is true but the details on the link are not available. I wonder how many other CLs are losing out!0