Are CLs strictly for 5 caravans
I was just wondering if the 5 maximum units is ever waived or it it really strictly adhered to?
Unfortunately yes it is, but can lead to loss of license.
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The short answer is that there should only be 5 and any CL that takes more than 5 should be reported to the Club. Taking more than 5 units is against the terms of the act and could, ultimately put the system in jeopardy.
However, I have heard talk of cases where there are two CL's next door to each other and owned by the same people!!
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Overcrowding is quite rampant.We wre on a site last year that had multiple connction leads on the EHU.The most were 8 vans on one night. The rule is 50+ years old. Its difficult to make a Cl pay and honestly would you turn a van away particularly at peak
times when the site has been empty for most of the year.The local authorities, Nat Parks dont have the resources to monitor, In fact I know of owners who have used the overcrowding reason to argue in the Nat Park for extra units as they move to commercial
status. There will be a lot of teeth gnashing following this but you have to live in the real world0 -
Mongoose and Fisherman. This topic has been endlessly debated here on CT. Please refer to previous threads. As DSB has said, if you find a CL with more than 5 vans on it, please report it to the CL team at HQ.
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What's with this attitude to report everyone. It saddens me that a bit of common sense can't be used, surely on a large cl site a blind eye could be turned to an extra van. I know what the rules are but we have all bent different rules to suit in our lives.
A cl site I visited recently could have had ten vans on and still had more space than a club site, would it really have hurt if the odd night they had had an extra van, not really but it might be the difference between that cl staying open or closing. Either
way I'm not becoming a grass on someone just trying to make a few quid.0 -
I feel the same.The site with 8 vans was more than adequate. Live & let Live. Never entered my head to report it. Maybe its the Ostriches with their heads in the sand that need to reasses, and consider why all the closures.
Sorry but I don't get this reasoning. If that CL has 8 vans then there is probably another nearby that could do with the extra 3 bookings. It is that other site that could face closure surely? If everyone stuck to 5 there would be enough pitches, and business,
for everyone.0 -
There is a CL that I know of near Dover that caters mainly for the ferry traffic. It could esily accomodate far more than five units and has enough EHUs for probably 20. We have been there when there has been more than five but I was told by the owner that
the local council turn a blind eye as they would sooner the caravans / motorhomes be on the CL rather than parking on the roads in the town.There is also the problem that outfits are coming and going at all sorts of times during the day and night which means that at times there can be more than five but at other times far less depending on ferry times causing an overlap of visitors. In reality
I expect most are there for far less than twentyfour hours.In this instance I think the CL is providing a service to caravanners and to the local area rather than being greedy.
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I have to disagree oakapple my choice of cl would first be is it in an area I wish to visit or tour around,then I would look for reviews on cl and Google local surroundings.
on arrival you can see immediately if it's ok. If it has more than 5 units on it, providing there is plenty of room and enough facility's to cope,that would not concern me at all. In fact that would lead me to think the cl owner was in a very good spot or
supplieing value for money.If a cl in the vicinity that is empty or only part filled, it is either not in as good a spot,costing to much or not run as clean or efficient as the over full one.
As I have said providing the cl is not cramming them in for pure profit I don't have a problem, and most certainly would not report a well run cl due to a small excess of units.
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I was taught, at an early age, never to tell tales.
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Nothing to stop them having more than 5 vans if the aquire planning permission but no, these people want to take advantage of the excemption certificate and then flout the rules to the detriment of the CL owners who abide by the rules and the members who
arrive on a CL expecting to get what they have paid for be one of a maximum of five.0 -
As I made a point earlier on the CL Closures post, perhaps one of the reasons for a number closing down from lack of visitor is that certain others close by are flouting the rules and hence robbing them of customers.
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Hi , I only tend to use CLs , more than five vans can cause a problem .
A few years back before I became self sufficient with cassette loo and seprate shower I always choose CLs that had a shower and a Loo
When we arrived on a cl in Wales , we made the five, and for two days all was fine , then 3 more vans arrived , we we asked to bunch up more ! To make more room , each of the three vans had four campers so with an extra 12 people shower use became difficult
, the meadow was really only suitable for 5 vans and thats why we chose it , a couple of us members spoke to the farmer owner and refused to move , so he reluctantly opened another field , however this did not releve the shower , loo over crowding for this
reason I believe five should mean five .0 -
The five 'van limit is a condition of the granting of permission by the Local Authority under the exemption for members of a caravaning club that exists in what was the "Town and Country Planning Act".
It is not set by the site owner or the Caravan Club. So it is much the same as your neighbour building a four storey extension looking over your garden and saying "Oh - I have a big garden, it does not matter".
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Crikey, it sounds as though having more than 5 vans on a CL is fairly commonplace, then......?
Not commonplace, Ian, but certainly there are more & more doing it, unfortunately.
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Exceeding the 5 van limit may also invalidate their insurance policies... as well as planning exemptions.
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If the caravan owner's insurance has a restrictive clause about "while sited on a licensed site" that insurance also could be invalidted by more than 5 outfits being present.
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Some say that I am confused; other say permanently so
. But what is confusing about the following?
This morning we visited NT Stourhead, it is not too far from where we live and just a nice place to visit. They have recently moved and upgraded their CL. Nice position lovely surroundings, etc.
I ask how much per night and was told NT members £16.50, CC Ltd. members £16.50, but if you are a member of both organisations £13.50. Now, I thought CL were restricted to CC Ltd members only.
Are any of you CL aficionados able to explain the odd pricing and strange membership rules bearing in mind that even if you are not a member of either organisation you can still use NT Stourhead CL.
You should have reported this to the CC, I have asked them for a response.Are you sure it is still a CL.CL's are for members only,It sounds as though they might have turned it into a commercial site.
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What's wrong with the CC website! It says you MUST be a CC member to stay (read a little further down), it's £16 to stay as a CC member or £13 if a CC member AND a NT member, with the option to join the NT whilst staying
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The 5 van argument has been around as long as I have been caravaning (30+ years). I simply see it as the owners know full well what their income will be and what the rules are when they join into this scheme, most sites are abiding, however, I have been
on many a crowded site which is contrary to what my expectations were when booking, which has on occasion spoilt our stay. Granted this seems to be at peak times like bank holidays. The biggest problem is on smaller CL's where over crowding becomes a problem.
The much larger 2 acre+ sites can accommodate but I still feel it should be 5 vans as the noise levels, cars, dogs, scenery, bins, facilities (we have our own but must be a problem if over 5 wanted to use them etc. I am in the 5 van only camp. Why doesn't
the Caravan Club keep the 5 van but also have a 7 or max 10 van site scheme and then the owners can then rake in the extra money if they want to.0 -
Forgot to say that I booked a site for the Easter weekend and after reading the comments on this particular CL a person noted that when they camped there up to 8 vans were on site on a 0.5 acre site, he noted that it was overcrowded and suggested people
check when booking. I did to be told quote from email "We do try and conform to Caravan Club regulations and don’t normally have any complaints, but as you obviously have concerns perhaps it would be better for you to go elsewhere.
So what do you think to that comment after asking if they only allow 5 vans !!
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Forgot to say that I booked a site for the Easter weekend and after reading the comments on this particular CL a person noted that when they camped there up to 8 vans were on site on a 0.5 acre site, he noted that it was overcrowded and suggested people
check when booking. I did to be told quote from email "We do try and conform to Caravan Club regulations and don’t normally have any complaints, but as you obviously have concerns perhaps it would be better for you to go elsewhere.
So what do you think to that comment after asking if they only allow 5 vans !!
Personally I'd forward this comment to the CC's CL administration dept. I know full well that I'll get called down by some for suggesting this, but I think that this attitude by certain CL owners will result in the end with the loss of full CL network.
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Are you willing to name the site, bev, so that we can avoid it in the future?
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Some say that I am confused; other say permanently so
. But what is confusing about the following?
This morning we visited NT Stourhead, it is not too far from where we live and just a nice place to visit. They have recently moved and upgraded their CL. Nice position lovely surroundings, etc.
I ask how much per night and was told NT members £16.50, CC Ltd. members £16.50, but if you are a member of both organisations £13.50. Now, I thought CL were restricted to CC Ltd members only.
Are any of you CL aficionados able to explain the odd pricing and strange membership rules bearing in mind that even if you are not a member of either organisation you can still use NT Stourhead CL.
You should have reported this to the CC, I have asked them for a response.Are you sure it is still a CL.CL's are for members only,It sounds as though they might have turned it into a commercial site.
Very high handed Vulcan and not necessary. I now regret my post.
The CC have made it clear that CL's abusing the regulations should be reported to them, clearly if the statement in your last pararaph is true and they are allowing non members to use the CL it needs looking in to.