Dogs that can be dangerous



  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited September 2016 #32

    If you saw the program on dogs with Martin Clunes,one of the comments he made is something that all need to note, and that was "No matter what size or temperament your dog is remember you are living with a wolf" 

  • Pippah45
    Pippah45 Forum Participant Posts: 2,452
    edited September 2016 #33

    I heard of some people who shouldn't have bought a puppy.  Took it from the breeder at 8 weeks old.  2 weeks later it was back because it "chewed stuff",  My daughter was recently asked by a prospective puppy purchaser how long it took to train?  No sale!
     It's the ignorant people who wreck dogs.  

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited September 2016 #34

    Pip, spot onHappy. I had 6 pups a few years ago, 5 of them found homes I chose, from those 5, 4 of them keep contact. I rejected at least
    10 potential new homes due to the lack of experience or common sense or not being Dog oriented. I had at least 3 meetings & numerous mails. They're not just Dogs they're family. Your daughter is my kind of Dog owner. You've brought up a gud unCool

  • Pippah45
    Pippah45 Forum Participant Posts: 2,452
    edited September 2016 #35

    Thanks Rocky - she does work hard at it - last month she had a pup to stay while the new owners went on holiday - and they were worried about the weight of the pup - at 6 months it weighed 19kg - not much for a lab maybe but the mother only weighs 23kg - and the father wasn't big either - but this lady's vet had worried her that it was underweight for its age!  She is a slightly strange shaped pup though having gone from being one of the biggest girl pups - her legs stopped growing!  Bit like a Dexter cow perhaps!  At least the owners love her - and are happy to ask advice.  My daughter would take her back in the blink of an eye if they made the wrong noises too.  I have had to take back one pup I sold some years ago - I had a bad feeling about the home but the woman was insistant she knew what she was doing with GSDs.  The dog lived with me till she was 16.5 years old - not bad for a big breed!  That woman - or more likely her son - turned that dog into a wreck that  was definitely capable of causing damage - but she didn't get the chance once I had her back. 

  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited September 2016 #36

    IMO there are NO naturally bad dogs.  There are however bad owners who. cant be bothered to  teach their dog what is unacceptable and acceptable behavior. . They only have themselves to blame when their dog.bites a person or rips furniture apart.


  • Pippah45
    Pippah45 Forum Participant Posts: 2,452
    edited September 2016 #37

    Right Kenine that GSD I took back had destroyed 11 pairs of curtains!  And neither the paperboy or the Postie would deliver to that house unless the dog was inside.  Unfortunately it doesn't help the victims if the owners are at fault.  I do believe there
    should be some form of protection to the general public from irresponsible owners. 

  • Oldgirl and Staffy
    Oldgirl and Staffy Forum Participant Posts: 414
    edited October 2016 #38

    as most will be aware two people have died this week from injuries sustained by dogs and im sure you will join me in extending condolancies to their families, i have deliberately titled this thread this way because i believe that the dogs are only dangerous
    if allowed to be sometimes "deliberately" others by pure chance,eg it makes a bid for freedom by chance,never the less any death that could have been prevented is one too many,and before the doggy people attack me, the question (debate) is should the law now
    be tightened as to what type of dogs people are allowed to keep and penalties for owners of dogs that are not controlled properly as i believe most do

    Going back to the OP.  No changes to the law are going to make irresponsible dog owners responsible.   We live in a society that is controlling enough without diminishing freedom even further.   Breed specific legislation has been discredited over the past
    few years and does nothing to tackle the issue of dangerous dogs.  A Jack Russell or West Highland White Terrier can just as easily become vicious and bite.  Have a look at the figures on which dogs are most likely to bite their owners - they show the

    has the worst record.....!.

  • Pippah45
    Pippah45 Forum Participant Posts: 2,452
    edited October 2016 #39

    When I first started rescuing GSDs - my vet said he would rather have a GSD on his table than a Ladrador!  I was quite shocked but now I know what he meant. 


  • GandMTBKeens
    GandMTBKeens Forum Participant Posts: 6
    edited October 2016 #40

    Some weeks go we were on the Clumber Park caravan site, a large area set within a National Trust property. Unfortunately on an otherwise peaceful afternoon we were surrounded by the sound of dogs - what a nuisance to say the least - I don't like dogs at
    the best of times. Barking dogs, yelping dogs, whining dogs. If I wanted to spend my leisure time in a 'dog kennels' I would. So on a quick count there were eleven dogs in close proximity to us. So on the site there must have been a least a hundred dogs of
    all types shapes and sizes. Dog nightmare. Strangely far more dogs on site than children - very sad for the future of the Caravan Club.

    I understand that dogs are allowed to stay for free - Caravan Club missing a revenue stream here.

    Why can't a large site like Clumber Park have a segregated area for dog owners, and leave the rest of us in peace, safety and quiet. 

    I noticed one dog owner allow her small dog which was on an extendable lead to wander onto another caravans hardstanding pitch to 'deposit'. The owner then went onto the pitch to 'plastic bag' the contents. How disgusting can you get ?

    The reason for my mistrust of dogs - when I was a teenager, a friend of mine went to pet a dog, whilst I stood away. The attack that followed by the dog, which took no more than a minute, left him in hospital for a week to recover all of his wounds. He never
    went near a dog again.


  • halohodge
    halohodge Forum Participant Posts: 9
    edited October 2016 #41

    I agree with the last person comments, there are just too many dogs on site, as they said, there appears more dog than people. perhaps with should rename the club to Caravan and Dog Club as it seems their are as many dogs as vans, I think the club should
    realise that not everybody likes dogs and should be segregated, its not just the dogs its the stuff they leave behind.


  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,461
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    edited October 2016 #42

    The club 'should' realise..... Should they really? That's your opinion, HH, but please don't presume to tell CC, or the rest of us, how things should work.

    We are getting way off topic now. Perhaps HH and Keens haven't seen the sticky thread in UK sites about caravanning with dogs. The Community Manager's opening post in that thread is well worth reading.

    Happy to help.

  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited October 2016 #43

    , its not just the dogs its the stuff they leave behind.


    Yes , my dog left her favorite toy behindHappy

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited October 2016 #44

    Don't cryWhen we had our last Collie she tended to leave behind sad neigbours on adjacent pitchesWink

  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited October 2016 #45

    I agree with the last person comments, there are just too many dogs on site, as they said, there appears more dog than people. perhaps with should rename the club to Caravan and Dog Club as it seems their are as many dogs as vans, I think the club should realise that not everybody likes dogs and should be segregated, its not just the dogs its the stuff they leave behind.


    Write your comments here...I have to disagree with you about the number of dogs on sites. The CC do allow customers to bring their dogs to their campsites. The dog owners are doing nothing wrong in doing so. 

    Most of us on this forum will disagree in an agreeable way, . Unfortunately you appear to have been subjected to, IMO, a very agressive post from a previous poster.  

    Quote from that post  "The club 'should' realise..... Should they really? That's your opinion, HH, but please don't presume to tell CC, or the rest of us, how things should work".

    The subject of dogs can bring out strong emotions as we can all see. But individuals should be entitled to express their views in a friendly way.--- It is written into the Forum's T&C's.

    K Cool 



  • Pippah45
    Pippah45 Forum Participant Posts: 2,452
    edited October 2016 #46

    I think the club would loose a lot of money if they started charging for dogs, I for one would walk.  What would help in my opinion is enforcing of the rules on responsible behaviour on dog owners.  One site I stayed on this year had clear notices that not
    clearing up after your dog would result in being asked to leave. An AS site I think.  

  • Oldgirl and Staffy
    Oldgirl and Staffy Forum Participant Posts: 414
    edited October 2016 #47

    Forgive me for referring to the original post, but wasn't it about Dangerous Dogs, not all dogs?      I was brought up to 'live and let live' in a society which contains all sorts and types of people (including children!), dogs, chickens and a myriad of
    other animals.  Regrettably, many debates on this site revert to suggestions to 'ban' or 'charge for' things that the poster does not personally like.  Some of the previous posts on this thread fall into that category.  

    If it was me, I would ask for 'grumpy old so and so's' to be banned from all Caravan Club sites in the interests of the majority.  I would be interested to know how many people agree?

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited October 2016 #48

    Forgive me for referring to the original post, but wasn't it about Dangerous Dogs, not all dogs?      I was brought up to 'live and let live' in a society which contains all sorts and types of people (including children!), dogs, chickens and a myriad of
    other animals.  Regrettably, many debates on this site revert to suggestions to 'ban' or 'charge for' things that the poster does not personally like.  Some of the previous posts on this thread fall into that category.  

    If it was me, I would ask for 'grumpy old so and so's' to be banned from all Caravan Club sites in the interests of the majority.  I would be interested to know how many people agree?


  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,892
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    edited October 2016 #49

    I think the club should realise that not everybody likes dogs and should be segregated,


    Can I offer a slight correction here?   "The CC must take into account that .....".  It is a straightforward Health and Safety issue.  If it was anything else causing noise polution, smearing the ground with fecal matter, or causing people to be
    in fear of moving about outside it would be being dealt with by the courts with considerable fines.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,461
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    edited October 2016 #50

    Forgive me for referring to the original post, but wasn't it about Dangerous Dogs, not all dogs?      I was brought up to 'live and let live' in a society which contains all sorts and types of people (including children!), dogs, chickens and a myriad of
    other animals.  Regrettably, many debates on this site revert to suggestions to 'ban' or 'charge for' things that the poster does not personally like.  Some of the previous posts on this thread fall into that category.  

    If it was me, I would ask for 'grumpy old so and so's' to be banned from all Caravan Club sites in the interests of the majority.  I would be interested to know how many people agree?


    + 2 Laughing

  • jeffcc
    jeffcc Forum Participant Posts: 430
    edited October 2016 #51

    Forgive me for referring to the original post, but wasn't it about Dangerous Dogs, not all dogs?      I was brought up to 'live and let live' in a society which contains all sorts and types of people (including children!), dogs, chickens and a myriad of
    other animals.  Regrettably, many debates on this site revert to suggestions to 'ban' or 'charge for' things that the poster does not personally like.  Some of the previous posts on this thread fall into that category.  

    If it was me, I would ask for 'grumpy old so and so's' to be banned from all Caravan Club sites in the interests of the majority.  I would be interested to know how many people agree?


    + 2 Laughing

    Laughing. Use left and right arrows to navigate.
      whos going to get the plus 4's

  • spk
    spk Forum Participant Posts: 406
    edited October 2016 #52

    I would plus 4 but according to Mrs ips I am a grumpy old git so I shall refrain

  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
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    edited October 2016 #53

    Forgive me for referring to the original post, but wasn't it about Dangerous Dogs, not all dogs?      I was brought up to 'live and let live' in a society which contains all sorts and types of people (including children!), dogs, chickens and a myriad of
    other animals.  Regrettably, many debates on this site revert to suggestions to 'ban' or 'charge for' things that the poster does not personally like.  Some of the previous posts on this thread fall into that category.  

    If it was me, I would ask for 'grumpy old so and so's' to be banned from all Caravan Club sites in the interests of the majority.  I would be interested to know how many people agree?


    + 2 Laughing

    Laughing. Use left and right arrows to navigate.
      whos going to get the plus 4's

    Oh, I'll do it, +4 and raise you a high 5

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited October 2016 #54

    +5, that's for the shy boy spkTongue Out

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited October 2016 #55

    Forgive me for referring to the original post, but wasn't it about Dangerous Dogs, not all dogs?      I was brought up to 'live and let live' in a society which contains all sorts and types of people (including children!), dogs, chickens and a myriad of
    other animals.  Regrettably, many debates on this site revert to suggestions to 'ban' or 'charge for' things that the poster does not personally like.  Some of the previous posts on this thread fall into that category.  

    If it was me, I would ask for 'grumpy old so and so's' to be banned from all Caravan Club sites in the interests of the majority.  I would be interested to know how many people agree?


    + 2 Laughing

    Laughing. Use left and right arrows to navigate.
      whos going to get the plus 4's

    ...Are they back in fashion?Surprised

  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,892
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    edited October 2016 #56

    Forgive me for referring to the original post, but wasn't it about Dangerous Dogs,

    Exactly!.  Any dog can be dangerous at some time, so that means all dogs.

  • tombar
    tombar Forum Participant Posts: 408
    edited October 2016 #57

    Trouble is that dog owners treat their pets as "children" and think they will not attack.  At the end of the day, they are animals and will go to basics and attack if given the correct incentive

  • jeffcc
    jeffcc Forum Participant Posts: 430
    edited October 2016 #58

    Trouble is that dog owners treat their pets as "children" and think they will not attack.  At the end of the day, they are animals and will go to basics and attack if given the correct incentive

    I think you mean some dog owners, as the majority of us are sensible it is as usual the odd few as with any behavioural traits.Frown. Use left and right arrows to navigate. 

  • Pippah45
    Pippah45 Forum Participant Posts: 2,452
    edited October 2016 #59

    Its the ones that are spoilt rotten (as children or just as dogs) that very easily can turn dangerous.  Dogs need clear boundaries in their training. 

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,170
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    edited October 2016 #60

    Just reported that another child has died and another with life changing injuries after being attacked by a dog in Colchester.  No other info available yet.  The thing is that stuff like this keeps happening and on past evidence it seems that inappropriate
    people are keeping inappropriate dogs for their circumstances. 

    Mrs One was knock over by an out of control Boxer dog in Lowestoft on Wednesday.  The owner didn't apologies just come up with the usual, 'he's just being friendly', when I suggested they put their pet on a lead as they didn't have any control of it, you
    can guess the response, it ended with "off " 

    As I've said previously I'm not anti dog just anti irresponsible owners and the sooner they are banned from keeping dogs the better.

  • Whittakerr
    Whittakerr Club Member Posts: 3,486
    1000 Comments Photogenic
    edited October 2016 #61

    Just reported that another child has died and another with life changing injuries after being attacked by a dog in Colchester.  No other info available yet.  The thing is that stuff like this keeps happening and on past evidence it seems that inappropriate
    people are keeping inappropriate dogs for their circumstances. 

    Mrs One was knock over by an out of control Boxer dog in Lowestoft on Wednesday.  The owner didn't apologies just come up with the usual, 'he's just being friendly', when I suggested they put their pet on a lead as they didn't have any control of it, you
    can guess the response, it ended with "off " 

    As I've said previously I'm not anti dog just anti irresponsible owners and the sooner they are banned from keeping dogs the better.

    The problem is Oneputt these irresponsible people will take no notice of a ban, just like the guy in Manchester who was recently caught driving while disqualified for the 61st time.