Mirrors or Not

poppypetal Forum Participant Posts: 3

Hi , I have a Peugeot Boxer van and when towing the caravan it's only 2" wider than the van ... the mirrors have no issues seeing behind and the lower one gives a better view than the extending mirrors the tow shop flogged me which promptly fell off ! .
Does anyone know if I actually need to fit them  please ? Thanks in anticipation ..


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  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,474
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    edited November 2016 #2

    Only you can tell. Extension mirrors are not a legal requirement but the need to see down both sides of the caravan and the road behind

  • compass362
    compass362 Forum Participant Posts: 619
    edited November 2016 #3

    I think you'll find you need mirrors regardless of what you think.

    There is a legal requirement for mirrors

    The law says when towing you must have a view to both sides of your caravan /trailer of 4 metres   & must have a rear view of 20 metres behind you .

    It's required you only attache towing mirrors to the towing vehicle when towing also .

  • JillwithaJay
    JillwithaJay Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 2,487
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    edited November 2016 #4

    Does this help?

    photo ccd82186-cd98-4547-8692-a18c02590b72_zpsbzcaxesd.jpg

  • abinitio1980
    abinitio1980 Forum Participant Posts: 37
    edited November 2016 #5

    If you stand at the back of the caravan and look straight down the side and can't see the mirrors on your van, you need mirror extensions. 


    Even if you can see (part) of the vans mirrors, you will be much safer (less of a hazard) to OTHER road users by  of the improved view extensions will provide when fitted. 

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited November 2016 #6
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  • Wildwood
    Wildwood Club Member Posts: 3,777
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    edited November 2016 #7

    You need to check where the mirrors are as against the width of the caravan. If they stick out further than the caravan then you are legal, if not mirrors are needed. Jills diagram is the legal position.

    If you need mirtors I would look closely at the profile of the ones on the van to see how you would attach them. Some dealers will let you try them in their yard if it looks like a problem.

  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,892
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    edited November 2016 #8

    No legal requirement for towing mirrors when towing.

    The interior mirror can provide some/all of the legal requirement.

    Towing mirrors fitted while not towing are legal if they do not exceed a certain distance beyond the widest part of the vehicle. [someone with more free time than me will be along shortly to look it up].

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,474
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    edited November 2016 #9

    Providing the field of vision is as per the blue area in Jill's diagram, that is all that matters in terms of the law. If that can be achieved using the vehicle's mirrors, there is no requirement for extension mirrors.

    As the OP tows with a commercial vehicle it's very likely extension mirrors will not be necessary as mirrors fitted to commercials are generally far better and with a greater field of vision than those fitted to cars.

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,406
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    edited November 2016 #10

    No legal requirement for towing mirrors when towing.

    The interior mirror can provide some/all of the legal requirement.

    Towing mirrors fitted while not towing are legal if they do not exceed a certain distance beyond the widest part of the vehicle. [someone with more free time than me will be along shortly to look it up].

    All I can see in mine is a big caravan.???

  • compass362
    compass362 Forum Participant Posts: 619
    edited November 2016 #11

    No legal requirement for towing mirrors when towing.

    The interior mirror can provide some/all of the legal requirement.

    Towing mirrors fitted while not towing are legal if they do not exceed a certain distance beyond the widest part of the vehicle. [someone with more free time than me will be along shortly to look it up].

    Write your comments here...http://www.broadlane.co.uk/caravans/help-advice/why-you-need-caravan-towing-mirrors 

    Hope this sheds a little more light on the matter.

    The fine for towing BLIND can be up to £1000

    The risk of not using caravan mirrors

    If caught and prosecuted for ‘towing blind’ in the UK, i.e. without any caravan mirrors or using mirrors that are too narrow, you could receive three points on your licence and be fined up to £1,000 for each side

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,474
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    edited November 2016 #12

    "....prosecuted for ‘towing blind’ in the UK, i.e. without any caravan mirrors or using mirrors that are too narrow, you could receive three points on your licence and be fined up to £1,000 for each side"

    I agree it's an offence not to have adequate vision, Compass, but what you have quoted is either/or and does not say that extension mirrors are a legal requirement. It's the field of vision which is mandatory, not the extension mirrors. 

  • kaenergas
    kaenergas Forum Participant Posts: 171
    edited November 2016 #13

    saw the police on the N332 in Spain chatting to a British unit which had no mirrors? Beggars belief that he could see who was overtaking him on his travels down here. 

  • compass362
    compass362 Forum Participant Posts: 619
    edited November 2016 #14

    "....prosecuted for ‘towing blind’ in the UK, i.e. without any caravan mirrors or using mirrors that are too narrow, you could receive three points on your licence and be fined up to £1,000 for each side"

    I agree it's an offence not to have adequate vision, Compass, but what you have quoted is either/or and does not say that extension mirrors are a legal requirement. It's the field of vision which is mandatory, not the extension mirrors. 

    Write your comments here...yep sorry , hands up I got that one wrong , I suppose I always thought extension mirrors were law.

    certainly for your own safety using mirrors is a no brainier , regardless to say spending a modest amount for these could in fact save a considerable fine if God forbid you were stopped for non compliance of the rear vision requirements

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,474
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    edited November 2016 #15

    "....prosecuted for ‘towing blind’ in the UK, i.e. without any caravan mirrors or using mirrors that are too narrow, you could receive three points on your licence and be fined up to £1,000 for each side"

    I agree it's an offence not to have adequate vision, Compass, but what you have quoted is either/or and does not say that extension mirrors are a legal requirement. It's the field of vision which is mandatory, not the extension mirrors. 

    Write your comments here...yep sorry , hands up I got that one wrong , I suppose I always thought extension mirrors were law.

    certainly for your own safety using mirrors is a no brainier , regardless to say spending a modest amount for these could in fact save a considerable fine if God forbid you were stopped for non compliance of the rear vision requirements

    No problem, Compass, and I agree with your views but I think the OP towing with a Boxer might be the exception to the 'rule'. Only he/she can tell. 

  • AndyNYorks
    AndyNYorks Forum Participant Posts: 144
    edited November 2016 #16

    Extract from the CC leaflet on towing mirrors:

    A car towing a caravan, if first used on or after 1 June 1978 and before 26 January 2010
    (ie the majority of cars in use now) must have:
    a) at least one exterior mirror fitted on the offside of the vehicle: and
    b) at least one interior mirror, unless a mirror so fitted would give the driver no view to the rear of the vehicle; and
    c) at least one exterior mirror fitted on the nearside of the vehicle unless an interior mirror gives the driver an adequate view to the rear.

    In short there is a requirement to fit towing mirrors to both offside and nearside  regardless of what type of vehicle unless there is adequate through vision (not often possible with a modern caravan)

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,474
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    edited November 2016 #17

    Exterior mirrors, not extension / towing mirrors. 

    The requirement is for exterior mirrors and the vehicle's own mirrors are exterior mirrors. 

  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited November 2016 #18

    For the small cost of a couple of towing mirrors, why not use them every time you tow. Much better to be within the law and safe than take a risk just save a few pounds.

    Cheers ......K

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,474
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    edited November 2016 #19

    I think we've said that, K. 

    The OP's problem was making them stay on the larger commercial vehicle mirrors. Hence the question whether he/ she really needed them. 

  • spk
    spk Forum Participant Posts: 406
    edited November 2016 #20

    I doubt the op needs them unless his van is very wide. My van is 2.2 metres wide and I can see perfectly well through my Citroën multispace van thing without extension mirrors, it is borderline going off the chart posted earlier but very close

  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,892
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    edited November 2016 #21

    I have yet to see a truck delivering caravans where towing mirrors had been added!  Why?  Because the legally required vision is obtained with standard manufacturers mirrors!  Same with large vans, etc!

  • Lutz
    Lutz Forum Participant Posts: 1,572
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    edited November 2016 #22

    The regulations are quite clear in specifying a required angle of vision to the rear through the exterior mirrors. If that angle of vision is achievable without towing mirrors you don't need them, if not you do.

  • jeffcc
    jeffcc Forum Participant Posts: 430
    edited November 2016 #23

    I am belt and braces pair of milenco aeros and two rearview cameras on a split monitor, Also makes for easy parking and maouvering, But hey thats just me, each to their own as long as you are legal.

  • spk
    spk Forum Participant Posts: 406
    edited November 2016 #24

    every type of mirror I have tried over the last thirty years   have been useless, shaky and with blind spots you could hide a bus in. Personally I consider e en if you cannot quite se the required angle car mirrors are safer, and if you move your head a
    couple of inches forward you generally cover the required angle. Not that I advocate not using towing mirrors if your van is wide .

  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,892
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    edited November 2016 #25

    If that angle of vision is achievable without towing mirrors you don't need them,

    That is the concept that it seems impossible for some people to grasp.  It is quite a bit frightening that it is seen to make towing "safe" by simply having towing mirrors fitted by those who don't see that they are not enhancing their vision.

    There are those who might say that it does not matter since the driver does not look at the mirrors anyway!

  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited November 2016 #26

    For the avoidance of doubt, a Boxer is 2mm under 2 Metres wide. With very few exceptions, there aren't any caravans under 2.2Metres and most are a whisker over that. The only vehicle I know, and even that is only just 2.2 Metres, is the Hummer. Come on,
    own up. Who tows with one of those?

  • Wildwood
    Wildwood Club Member Posts: 3,777
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    edited November 2016 #27

    every type of mirror I have tried over the last thirty years   have been useless, shaky and with blind spots you could hide a bus in. Personally I consider e en if you cannot quite se the required angle car mirrors are safer, and if you move your head a
    couple of inches forward you generally cover the required angle. Not that I advocate not using towing mirrors if your van is wide .

    Towing mirrors are a legal requirement on most outfits so shaky or not, blind spots or not they are cheaper than a fine and better than points on your licence.

    I would admit mine shake a bit but they do increase my view and combined with the car mirrors I get far more rear view than without. I cannot see me ditching them law or no law.

  • AlanandClare
    AlanandClare Forum Participant Posts: 22
    edited November 2016 #28

    I overheard this in my local " Taxi Drivers always check their mirrors twice - once to see if theres anything there and another to see if they have smacked it" Amused me at the time.

  • RangeRoverMan
    RangeRoverMan Forum Participant Posts: 125
    edited November 2016 #29

    Bear in mind also that as soon as one deviates from a straight line the whole thing becomes a nonsense.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited November 2016 #30

    Bear in mind also that as soon as one deviates from a straight line the whole thing becomes a nonsense.

    ...Got to be quite a deviation if towing mirrors fitted correctly

  • Boff
    Boff Forum Participant Posts: 1,742
    edited November 2016 #31

    Bear in mind also that as soon as one deviates from a straight line the whole thing becomes a nonsense.

    Doesnt mirror, signal, manoeuvre apply these days?



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