Caravanner of the Year on BBC this April!



  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
    2,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited April 2016 #842

    It's interesting that the average view to post ratio on active threads is between 6 and 8 to 1. The view ratio of this thread is 25 to 1, so it's certainly got peoples attention.

  • jamesbofishman
    jamesbofishman Forum Participant Posts: 25
    edited April 2016 #843

    It's interesting that the average view to post ratio on active threads is between 6 and 8 to 1. The view ratio of this thread is 25 to 1, so it's certainly got peoples attention.

    Write your comments here...don't fancy calculatiing the proportion of Motorhomers to Caravanners posting do youHappy?

  • Lansdorf
    Lansdorf Forum Participant Posts: 37
    edited April 2016 #844

    You too Landsdorf" Ivory towers" Mffia on your trail.Well not till Monday Anyway at the earliest.

    Write your comments here... Probably right Stano. I fear I shall be paraded in the car park at E.G. and my 98 individual site badges confiscated in disgrace. Banished from the kingdom and all that.

  • harrythecat
    harrythecat Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited April 2016 #845

     What an absolute load of utter rubbish the program was My non caravan mates have ripped me to threads about the program and they now think i socalise with the nerds on the program The chairman needs to resign NOW for allowing this to be shown its an outrage
    to the members of the club

  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited April 2016 #846

    I do wonder if this thread will be on this forum next week, or will the system "benefit" from yet another system upgrade after which only this thread will mysteriously disappear.

    Lets see !!!!

    K Wink

  • Blue Peter
    Blue Peter Forum Participant Posts: 5
    edited April 2016 #847

    Just watched this farce on catch up !!!!!! How on earth can OUR club justify endorsing such rubbish, it really does encourage the p*ss takers to believe they are right in thinking all caravanners are total idiots. PLEASE get the BBC to issue a comment at
    the start of episode two to confirm that this was a late April fool joke, and was meant to be screened on April 1st.

  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
    2,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited April 2016 #848

    You too Landsdorf" Ivory towers" Mffia on your trail.Well not till Monday Anyway at the earliest.

    Write your comments here... Probably right Stano. I fear I shall be paraded in the car park at E.G. and my 98 individual site badges confiscated in disgrace. Banished from the kingdom and all that.

    If they dress you in orange overalls.....

  • Bugs
    Bugs Forum Participant Posts: 480
    edited April 2016 #849

    I do wonder if this thread will be on this forum next week, or will the system "benefit" from yet another system upgrade after which only this thread will mysteriously disappear.

    Lets see !!!!

    K Wink

    A cynic might say that's a bit far-fetched.

    Not me, of course.


  • Neries
    Neries Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited April 2016 #850

    To me for entertainment value it was priceless, I laughed so much. Hubby was like the majority on here 'how could they portray the Caravan Club like this' and talking about resigning after being a member for 42 years. The programme reminded me so much of
    a similar series in the mid 90's by BBC Wales called 'The Rally'.

    I expect the contestants were picked on the British National Rally. Yes they do get the white gloves out, inspect your cupboards if you are daft enough to enter. Fancy dress, decorated car etc. can be fun especially for the children attending. Regional Nationals
    like the Welsh National have similar competitions.

    I have set next weeks final to record as we will going away next Thursday (to a rally, but not with C.C.) just in case we might not have set up in time.

  • jasonjarrow
    jasonjarrow Forum Participant Posts: 10
    edited April 2016 #851

    Suely if the COTY program was meant as a vehicle for promoting the caravan club and the leisure pursuit of caravanning itself wouldn't it have been better served producing a program with a family with young kids or even a celebrity caravan or motorhomer
    and following their holiday i.e. their days out, part of the country they visited maybe even something similar to the program about walks around britain that seem to be very popular on tv at the moment just based around travelling to these parts of the country
    setting up their van, planning their walks or trips etc and showing off some of the lovely places we caravanners and motorhomers get to enjoy..

    lets face it basing a program around a competition was only going to result in someone, no matter how good the caravanners were having a prang or failing to do a task properly and therefore highlighting failure.

    I think the puplic perception of caravanners is bad enough without giving them more ammunition to use against us.

    Also not sure if anyone saw the Saturday morning show and their little feature on the COTY show?

    as if things weren't bad enough we had gaby Roslin going on about all over body wipes and a camping coffee grinder / perculator for use when we go caravanning before her co- presenter Matt Barbet came out on a mobility scooter towing a balsa wood caravan
    for one!!

    While poor Matt Allwright ( a recent purchaser of a motorhome) tried to talk sensibly about the virtues of caravanning & motorhome holidays

  • kushka
    kushka Forum Participant Posts: 4
    edited April 2016 #852

    We watched this programe and was very dissapointed. We get a lot of family and friends poking fun of our caravan hollidays. and after watching this they will have a feild day. I am surprised at the cc putting on such a silly programe wont be watching the next one. 

  • ClubMember1333A783BB
    ClubMember1333A783BB Forum Participant Posts: 41
    edited April 2016 #853

    Totally bemused by the negative comments, you all seem to have had a sense of humour bypass! The competition is just 'tongue in cheek' . They picked a few 'characters' to take part otherwise it would have been boring.....I thought the setup/awning erection
    was priceless with the associated true! Actually a couple of the caravaners reversing around that tree did a fantastic job of it! Really looking forward to the next show!

  • Bigburtha
    Bigburtha Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited April 2016 #854

    Just stayed at Ferry Meadows and they said that was where the programme was filmed so thought we would watch.  Apart from Top Gear never seen such rubbish - embarrassed to watch it.  Can't believe CC agreed to have anything to do with it.  Another huge waste
    of licence fees money by the BBC.

  • DS3
    DS3 Forum Participant Posts: 108
    edited April 2016 #855

    So these people are the best out of all the caravan members, are they? Hilariously inept.

    I was worried when we bought a caravan and joined the caravan club, would we make ourselves look stupid? Would we mess up so badly that we'd never go back?

    Well, from what I've seen on sites and on this programme I feel like a seasoned veteran of 30 years and a professional caravanner.

    Oh, and we were never invited to take part in any caravan club competition, so the claim that these six couples were the best of every member is a tad economical with the truth.

    This programme made me squirm, if this is the best the caravan club could find to represent us, we're an even bigger laughing stock than we already were!

  • GarryP
    GarryP Club Member Posts: 38
    edited April 2016 #856

    So glad I am retired now, as I would not have been able to face my work mates after this program, they couldn't work out why I spent my weekends in a tin tent and p**s in a bucket anyway, so would not like to guess what I would have been bombarded with after this program, I think we would all agree that there are some 'unusual' people on sites and it makes entertainment sometimes, but if these are the best 6, apart from the Welsh guy who did his bit to show what most of us are like, then we don't stand much chance of defending ourselves from the likes of JC.

  • 19Gra40
    19Gra40 Forum Participant Posts: 49
    edited April 2016 #857

    Totally bemused by the negative comments, you all seem to have had a sense of humour bypass! The competition is just 'tongue in cheek' . They picked a few 'characters' to take part otherwise it would have been boring.....I thought the setup/awning erection
    was priceless with the associated true! Actually a couple of the caravaners reversing around that tree did a fantastic job of it! Really looking forward to the next show!

    Write your comments here...Humourous!!!! Your joking!!

  • ixam elbon
    ixam elbon Forum Participant Posts: 2
    edited April 2016 #858

    What a fool the so call top man of the cc was, attempting to take his outfit onto such uneven ground causing what to genuine caravanners was obviously going to cause damage.    We have been caravanning for 50 years and happy to say we have never seen the
    likes of what that programme produced.

  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
    1,500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited April 2016 #859

    they couldn't work out why I spent my weekends in a tin tent and p**s in a bucket

    Ewwh, that's nearly as extreme as the colour coordinated knickers, I take it you'll post what you do with the bucket after next weeks show Worried

  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited April 2016 #860


    Oh, and we were never invited to take part in any caravan club competition, so the claim that these six couples were the best of every member is a tad economical with the truth. ....

    You were. Rowena put a post up here to apply ... someone (lynnruby on pg 76) recently quoted it

  • SELL
    SELL Forum Participant Posts: 398
    edited April 2016 #861


    What a fool the so call top man of the cc was, attempting to take his outfit onto such uneven ground causing what to genuine caravanners was obviously going to cause damage.    We have been caravanning for 50 years and happy to say we have never seen the likes of what that programme produced.

    Wonder what the comments would have been like if Andy Harris had damaged his motorhome first.

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited April 2016 #862
    The user and all related content has been Deleted User
  • SueandKeith
    SueandKeith Club Member Posts: 20
    edited April 2016 #863

    From today's Observer review

    We knew, of course, we were meant to find it all sweetly and eccentrically British, in just the way foreigners find us so winsome and charming (or so we kid ourselves). And there were sweet and human aspects, but also much, much bickering and legally
    defensible grounds for divorce or, quite possibly, a bijou gun rampage. And if these were, handpicked from a million members, the very crème, it’s little wonder caravans generally are accorded as warm a welcome on back roads in high summer as a turd
    in a punchbowl. Who will win? Tenterhooks isn’t the word.

  • BrianJosie
    BrianJosie Forum Participant Posts: 391
    edited April 2016 #864

    Well what we thought was that for comedy entertainment value the programme gets a 10/10Happy but from the CC point of view it hasn't done
    the club any favours at all.we are also members of Motorhome Fun which is the largest Motorhome based club in the UK and after that fiasco on the TVs I think we will be gaining a lot more members.Just to clarify and show that I'm not bias we have been members
    of the CC for 22yrs.

    Brian & Jo

  • Aspenshaw
    Aspenshaw Forum Participant Posts: 611
    edited April 2016 #865

    Brian and Jo, have you ever wondered what none Funsters think of members of Motorhome Fun? 

    STANO Forum Participant Posts: 16
    edited April 2016 #866

    The penny has just dropped.It's Ivory Towers way of making us feel good about ourselves. None of us  could be as incompetent as the majority of these people, it will however encourage people with no caravan or motorhome experience to join the club "Brilliant""certainly
    a promotion for the person who thought of that.Maybe even promotion to"CEO"

  • TanyaandMick
    TanyaandMick Forum Participant Posts: 139
    edited April 2016 #867

    Brian and Jo, have you ever wondered what none Funsters think of members of Motorhome Fun? 

    Write your comments here...I'm a member of both, and although I have never wondered, it's always good to get feedback. Perhaps as this is off topic Apenshaw good share the view on another thread?

  • Parksy
    Parksy Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited April 2016 #868

    The comments on this and other forums are funnier than the actual tv programme which was cringeworthy in the extreme.

    To be fair it's possible that the Caravan Club, led by the Chairman, hoped to show caravanners and motorhomers who are club members in a good light as harmless tidy minded couples who posses excellent driving and towing skills and who good naturedly vie
    with each other to be the very best of the best.

    Unfortunately the competition, which seemed to be taken quite seriously by the participants and judges, was unintentionally very funny and not in a good way.Foot in Mouth

    The contestants ( victims in my view)  were somehow transported back to the 1950s, before touring became a leisure activity and was seen by hardy clique ridden rally goers in khaki shorts and army boots as an opportunity to display some one upmanship, by
    competing to see who could best manoeuver their outfit, who made the best cakes, who had the best bone china tea set and who could wang a welly the furthest.

    No sane person, rally enthusiast or not, would consider risking an outfit that may have cost over £20,000 in that way these days. Caravan ownership for most of us now is a means to an end, to use as a very nice comfortable mobile hotel room for when we are
    doing something interesting away from the caravan.

    It's nice to give the caravan a quick once over with the Fenwicks now and again, but tape measure precision, white glove inspections and colour co-ordinated pants lockers are surely a throwback to the 'good old days' of National Service when discipline and
    respect ruled every aspect of our lives?

    The only thing missing to complete the 1950s style agony is the fancy dress, but I strongly suspect that we've got that to come next week

    The CC missed a golden opportunity to show young families with children enjoying what we all know can be a great way for families to spend time together either on fully pimped up seaside fun parks, quiet certified locations in farmland or, dare I say it,
    on club rallies at weekends which can be a childrens paradise because they all become friends and can play safely and relatively unsupervised for a change.

    After watching this programme I'm very happy to say that I'm delighted to be a member......... of the Camping and Caravanning Club!


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited April 2016 #869

    It was perfect fodder for the BBC entertainment section, anyone who takes part in a TV programme will be edited for the delight of the audience and viewing figures. I will happily be part of the viewing figures this coming week  and then forget about it.
    No publicity is bad publicity and everyone loves a fool.Laughing

  • BrianJosie
    BrianJosie Forum Participant Posts: 391
    edited April 2016 #870

    Brian and Jo, have you ever wondered what none Funsters think of members of Motorhome Fun? 

    Write your comments

    Brian & Jo

  • BrianJosie
    BrianJosie Forum Participant Posts: 391
    edited April 2016 #871

    Brian and Jo, have you ever wondered what none Funsters think of members of Motorhome Fun? 

    Write your comments here...why would you make a comment like that.My post was not nasty in any way,so why would you say that.

    Brian& Jo