Water Meters



  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited July 2016 #32

    When a meter is installed in our (east anglia)area of england we then do not have the "fixed charges" of the past ,we only pay for what we use 

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited July 2016 #33

    When a meter is installed in our (east anglia)area of england we then do not have the "fixed charges" of the past ,we only pay for what we use 

    +1 with Yorkshire Water @£14 p/mth. Our waste goes to a village cesspit that YW is responsible for.

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,399
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    edited July 2016 #34

    Up here, water and sewerage are included on the Council Tax bill, so we are paying on some notional house value back in 1990-something, no account taken of actual use. 

    We would be better (cheaper) with a meter I think, as we currently pay over £800 per annum for water and sewerage.

    I am glad we are not charged Scotish rates for our water. Our annual charge to March next year, from SevernTrent, is £363.14. It incs. water and sewage / run off. So if I switched to a meter my cost would have to be less than £30 to make it worthwhile.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,461
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    edited July 2016 #35

    I can't tell you how much water we use offhand but SW Water is the dearest in the country and our metered supply costs us £46 per month
    after the Govt rebate of £50 has been deducted.

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited July 2016 #36

    Tinny, do you know why it is so high?, it's a shockerSurprised

  • Rubytuesday
    Rubytuesday Forum Participant Posts: 952
    edited July 2016 #37

    we were paying £48 per mth , Welsh water now on metre £15 per mth and we had a rebate back last yr think it was about £28 , yes we have moved from 3 bed to a two bed but it's also in a better area 

    expecting to break even this yr as garden now planted and needs water 

  • wedgy
    wedgy Club Member Posts: 429
    edited July 2016 #38

    Yorkshire Water none of the fixed charges as of Scotish Water. Maybe Nicola can negotiate a rebate on those on her next trip to Brussels Only joking of course. 

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,461
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    edited July 2016 #39

    Tinny, do you know why it is so high?, it's a shockerSurprised

    It's said to be due to the amount of coastline, Rocky. Beaches to keep clean, sewage outfalls to be replaced with treatment works and so on. SWW also need to make provision for a vast increase in the population in the summer months.

    The special circumstances have been recognised by Govt which is why each household gets £50 per year from the Govt to help towards costs. It's our money they give back I suppose.

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited July 2016 #40

    Thanks, makes sense muckerHappy

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,461
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    edited July 2016 #41

    Thanks, makes sense muckerHappy

    You're welcome, Mate.Smile

  • redface
    redface Forum Participant Posts: 1,701
    edited July 2016 #42

    South East water meter has saved me lots. currently 2 people usage of 18 cubic metres per 6 months at a cost of £41.60 which includes a standing charge of £14.70. Meter on property edge at pavement.

  • Natasha2
    Natasha2 Forum Participant Posts: 306
    edited July 2016 #43

    South East water meter has saved me lots. currently 2 people usage of 18 cubic metres per 6 months at a cost of £41.60 which includes a standing charge of £14.70. Meter on property edge at pavement.

    Thank you redface for your input. Wow that is low usage and cheap too. 

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,755
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    edited July 2016 #44

    Well, I am feeling really hard done by!

    All this rain, never any shortages, and still we are paying way more than the rest of you.  

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited July 2016 #45

    Well, I am feeling really hard done by!

    All this rain, never any shortages, and still we are paying way more than the rest of you.  

    ...And thats with all the money we send up there as well,Surprised

  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited July 2016 #46

    I have just done a comparison test on my local water board website and it would cost more to have a water meter fitted Surprised

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited July 2016 #47

    I have just done a comparison test on my local water board website and it would cost more to have a water meter fitted Surprised

    ..Is that because your not domesticWink

  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited July 2016 #48

    I have just done a comparison test on my local water board website and it would cost more to have a water meter fitted Surprised

    ..Is that because your not domesticWink

    that was my house , my shop is metered and costs me £32 a year plus the standing charge 

    P.S, I'm very domesticated Smile

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,755
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    edited July 2016 #49

    Well, I am feeling really hard done by!

    All this rain, never any shortages, and still we are paying way more than the rest of you.  

    ...And thats with all the money we send up there as well,Surprised

    Obviously not sending enough then!  Innocent

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited July 2016 #50

    Well, I am feeling really hard done by!

    All this rain, never any shortages, and still we are paying way more than the rest of you.  

    ...And thats with all the money we send up there as well,Surprised

    Obviously not sending enough then!  Innocent

    ..It could get worseCool

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited July 2016 #51

    I have just done a comparison test on my local water board website and it would cost more to have a water meter fitted Surprised

    ..Is that because your not domesticWink

    that was my house , my shop is metered and costs me £32 a year plus the standing charge 

    P.S, I'm very domesticated Smile

    ...Then stop going in all the muddy and other places then you would not need so many showers and reduce your usageHappy

  • Snowy1
    Snowy1 Forum Participant Posts: 263
    edited July 2016 #52

    South East water meter has saved me lots. currently 2 people usage of 18 cubic metres per 6 months at a cost of £41.60 which includes a standing charge of £14.70. Meter on property edge at pavement.

    Are you sure the above consumption is correct? That works out to 50L (ten gal) per person per day averaged over the year. This would be used up undretaking only five toilet flushes per person in a 24 hour period. What about washing clothes, showering, cooking, house cleaning i.e. Per person per day? We have been on water meter for 16 years and have had our water meter changed twice (so meter is proven to be correct) and we average 100L (20 gal) per person per day.

    18 cubic metres for 2 people in six months = 18000L x 182 days = 50L (10 gal) per person per day. Example, toilet uses 10L (2 gall) per flush.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,755
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    edited July 2016 #53

    The place I looked at said for average users, 2 people use 109 cubic metres per year.  That sounds like a lot?

    Low users were said to use 58 cubic metres for 2 people.

  • Snowy1
    Snowy1 Forum Participant Posts: 263
    edited July 2016 #54

    The place I looked at said for average users, 2 people use 109 cubic metres per year.  That sounds like a lot?

    Low users were said to use 58 cubic metres for 2 people.

    My brothers house is round about the same as ours, 100L per person per day. To be exact; 100L \ 4.545 = 22 gallons per person  per day. From my experience, I personally think that if there is only two people living in a house with a meter it is cheaper, anymore than two people then your better off not on meter.


  • Snowy1
    Snowy1 Forum Participant Posts: 263
    edited July 2016 #55

    KjellNN Sir,

    I would agree with those figures as for us; two people, we are using an average of 73 cubic metres per year at the rate of 100L per person per day.

  • Flutel
    Flutel Forum Participant Posts: 113
    edited July 2016 #56

    My mum, with Altzheimers uses excessive amounts of water and her bills are more with a water meter (my brother, her carer, regrets the change to a meter). I have a daughter who loves the bathroom and also a reverse osmosis water filter, which necessitates some waste. I think having a meter would give me the unwanted pressure of worrying that I needed to cut back and I can do without that, on top of everything else.

  • tigerfish
    tigerfish Forum Participant Posts: 1,362
    edited July 2016 #57

    With only two of us now living in a fairly large 4 bedroom house, the change to a water meter rather than paying on rateable value, saved us hundreds of £s a year!


  • Unknown
    edited July 2016 #58
    This content has been removed.
  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,182
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    edited July 2016 #59

    I have just had a look at my paperwork. The last bill we had based on rateable value was dated 31st of March 1999 and came to £417. In 2013, fourteen years later,  our water bill for the year was £288. Our current DD is for £30 a month so we are still paying
    less than we were before we had the meter installed 16 years ago. We must have made a massive saving over that time.


  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,755
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    edited July 2016 #60

    Do the charging structures vary in England between the various water suppliers?

    Some of you seem to be paying only for consumption, while others have mentioned a standing charge.

    Some sort of fixed amount to cover the cost of meters and reading them seems reasonable, but what Scottish Water want to charge is just excessive.

    Does not sem there is much saving at all to be made up here by having a meter.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,755
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    edited July 2016 #61

    This is what our lot tell us.....

    "In 2016/17, the charges which cover the water supply and waste water collection services to your home (your Combined Services charge), detailed on your Council Tax bill, will be limited to 1.6% higher than the amount you paid last year (2015/16) -
    just over £5 a year for average household.

    The charge for the average household bill in Scotland (around £351) is expected to stay well below the average bill of the private water companies in England and Wales. This will mean that the average household will still pay less than £1 a day for the water
    services you receive.

    The average household is between Council Tax Band B and Band C and has a combined bill of less than £1 a day. Individual water supply and waste water collection charges are less than £1 a day for all households (except for the individual Waste Water Collection
    charges for Band G households and the individual Water Supply and Waste Water Collection charges for Band H households)."