T'other Club's sites too expensive?



  • JayEss
    JayEss Forum Participant Posts: 1,663
    edited March 2016 #32

    Looks like a lack of bookings has prompted this as the people booking out of the high seasons are mainly older and not tied to school holidays. We get the age discount which helps give a reasonable balance between the clubs charges but the C&CCsystem makes
    calculating the costs far more long winded, they do however give better family deals.

    could be. The booking I've just cancelled and rebooked is in peak season. When I rang to cancel they said there were 45 free pitches. So they've sold 21 

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited March 2016 #33

    CY could have got his break at £8.50 a night and even the Easter prices are being discounted by a similar 15%....

    so, some are flexible and move to meet the market demands, some dontUndecided

    ...And the market leader seems not to need toWink

    ...but only in peak, as has been stated many times.

    out of peak, sites are empty due to overly high prices.

    who os going to pay £20 a night for a club site when you can have five nights at a place like SB for the cost of two club nights?

    ...A loss leader is only is as you know, available to the few who can afford the time,the cc  seem to be able to encourage enough to the sites off peak for them to be viable,and still fill the majority of site in the peak as people on here complain about 

  • Unknown
    edited March 2016 #34
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  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited March 2016 #35

    As do the majority of the tourist industry,and still people complain that the sites are always full,except when us oldies go because we can, and posibly as some people might think, subsidise the Families who have little choice when going in all the peaks

  • Unknown
    edited March 2016 #36
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  • bargeebill
    bargeebill Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited March 2016 #37

    Absolute rip off this year we are on Tewksbury Abbey site at the moment £29.44 per night. looking at other sites the price rise is an average of 25% over last year. WHY ?? its March for Gods sake. We are heading down to Cornwall and booked ont private sites far better than this for £10 per night less. I will certainly have to think twice before rejoining The Caravan Club.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited March 2016 #38

    Absolute rip off this year we are on Tewksbury Abbey site at the moment £29.44 per night. looking at other sites the price rise is an average of 25% over last year. WHY ?? its March for Gods sake. We are heading down to Cornwall and booked ont private sites far better than this for £10 per night less. I will certainly have to think twice before rejoining The Caravan Club.

    . Available pitches are..Still full this Easter 

  • Unknown
    edited March 2016 #39
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  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,686
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    edited March 2016 #40

    ...but why dont they try and fill them all of the time....?

    are they happy with their mid week performance?

    a few years ago, the majority of the year was 'off peak' with a few 'peaks' thrown in....

    now, the club seems to have a peak for every half term (at least a week) every bank holiday (usually a fortnight) and every time there is an 'R' in the month.

    if thats not blatent marketeering, i dont know what is.?

    not true at all, sowing seeds again BB?,

    I've been visiting club sites for the past 16 (almost 17) years during all school holidays throughout the year and they were always more expensive than non school holidays. 

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,686
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    edited March 2016 #41

    and once again, if you think the club prices are too expensive DON'T use them, why is this so difficult?

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited March 2016 #42

    yes, £30 a night in March speaks for itself....Sad

    Write your comments here...£24.70 march  £20.60 april for two adults and april is school hols for a lot

  • Unknown
    edited March 2016 #43
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  • Unknown
    edited March 2016 #44
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  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited March 2016 #45

    Just think how many less dates will be available as Loss leaders for the Holiday camps will available if schools start to adopt the shorter but more often turm times

  • Unknown
    edited March 2016 #46
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  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,686
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    edited March 2016 #47

    Ok boys and girls, I have in front of me the site collection book for 1999 (the year we joined) 

    The membership fee was £27.50

    and quote:

    Club site fees vary per site and depends on the dates of each visit. On the following two pages we list each site... and the band fee... You will see that we highlight the main holiday periods Easter, spring bank, and the summer.

    So much for BB's claim!

    There were six bands A - F with pitch fees from £1 - £2, the adult fee went from £1.50 - £4.00, child from 50p to £1.20.

    EHU was £2.20 from October to March, and £1.45 for the rest of the year.

    I can confirm that Easter was two weeks around the BH and it was the peak rate.


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,114
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    edited March 2016 #48

    Just what I said prviously. Now though peak periods include May Bank holiday weekend and the Autumn Half Term. And I suspect that the lenght of the Summer peak period is a lot longer in 2016 than it was in 1999.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,686
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    edited March 2016 #49

    Yes and no, the summer season ran from early July till early September, but you are correct the low season ran from October till the following Easter

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited March 2016 #50

    ??????????? what?Undecided

    Write your comments here...I think its been mooted ask  Corners

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,686
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    edited March 2016 #51

    Bonus question 1, what car 'had 50% more pulling power' and was the 'undisputed Master of Towing' 

    (Advert of the back page.)

    Bonus question 2, what was the deposit which was non refundable and deducted from site fees on arrival?

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited March 2016 #52

    Yes and no, the summer season ran from early July till early September, but you are correct the low season ran from October till the following Easter

    Corners..Will the new mooted school hols/terms make it diferent? 

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,686
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    edited March 2016 #53

    Interesting question,  the goverment wantis all schools to be academies, and academies have the power to set their own school holidays (they do now but many don't).

    Parents will want to take their children away when the children are off school and the travel companies will follow whatever the holidays are so you could have a much longer peak time.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,686
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    edited March 2016 #54

    It was the Citroen Xantia !!!

    The deposit was £5, a bit steep as a a couple in low season would only pay £3 per night + EHU

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited March 2016 #55

    Interesting question,  the goverment wantis all schools to be academies, and academies have the power to set their own school holidays (they do now but many don't).

    Parents will want to take their children away when the children are off school and the travel companies will follow whatever the holidays are so you could have a much longer peak time.

    ...Bad news for the "Loss Leader" chasersWink

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,753
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    edited March 2016 #56

    Ok boys and girls, I have in front of me the site collection book for 1999 (the year we joined) 

    The membership fee was £27.50

    and quote:

    Club site fees vary per site and depends on the dates of each visit. On the following two pages we list each site... and the band fee... You will see that we highlight the main holiday periods Easter, spring bank, and the summer.

    So much for BB's claim!

    There were six bands A - F with pitch fees from £1 - £2, the adult fee went from £1.50 - £4.00, child from 50p to £1.20.

    EHU was £2.20 from October to March, and £1.45 for the rest of the year.

    I can confirm that Easter was two weeks around the BH and it was the peak rate.


    Interestingly, according to the RPI,  inflation since 1999 is just under 58%.

    Peak price for 2 adults with EHU would have been £11.45 from the above.  So with inflation that would be £18 this year.

    So why are site fees so high now?

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited March 2016 #57
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  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited March 2016 #59

    and once again, if you think the club prices are too expensive DON'T use them, why is this so difficult?

    because people like to have something to moan aboutUndecided

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,508
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    edited March 2016 #60

    I shop around in the area I want to go, I am not tied to either of the Clubs' sites. You can always find cheaper sites and increasingly I am using less CC sites in the year. Only 25 percent of my nights away last year were on CC sites and I suspect with plans to take off onto the Continent for 6 weeks this year it will be even less.

    The C&CC have certainly turned around their profitability over the last 3/5 years. The last time I had a look at the C&CC's accounts they were more profitable that the CC. They must be doing something right.


  • Unknown
    edited March 2016 #61
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