Rallies on Club Sites



  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited March 2016 #32
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  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,394
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    edited March 2016 #33

    It's not much different to other forms of accommodation. You are often staying in a hotel alongside someone who has paid more, or less, than you, depending how they have booked. For all we know the booking T & C's for a rally block booking may be different. They may have to pay wether they sell all of the pitches they purchase or not. So on a poor weather weekend, the club would make more from the reduced price rally pitches than it would from cancelled ordinary bookings. All speculation, unfortunately we don't know the facts.

  • Surfer
    Surfer Club Member Posts: 1,303
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    edited March 2016 #34

    We have rallied on a CC site and paid the same as every one else however when you add in the rally fees we actually paid more than other members.  Normally rallies on CC sites are held in the low season when things are quiet and also because the weather
    is too poor to caravan in the middle of some farmer's field.

    I am not sure what people are complaining about unless it was a noisy rally which is highly unlikely.  We parked up just like any other member so nothing different there.  The only thing different was on the Sunday going to the flag pole to thank the organisers
    for arranging the rally.  If you had not been informed of the rally you would not have known the difference.

    We are not big rally enthusiasts but enjoy it when we have access to EHU etc. BTW we are off to a rally on a caravan site next week with all the facilities, but not a CC site.


  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,891
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    edited March 2016 #35

     The only thing different was on the Sunday going to the flag pole to thank the organisers for arranging the rally.  

    If that was the only difference, what was the rally all about then?

  • Surfer
    Surfer Club Member Posts: 1,303
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    edited March 2016 #36

     The only thing different was on the Sunday going to the flag pole to thank the organisers for arranging the rally.  

    If that was the only difference, what was the rally all about then?

    Does a rally have to be about something?

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited March 2016 #37
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  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited March 2016 #38

    If there is a rally on site,what time is flagpole? as it could be a bit tight to leave at 1200 on a Sunday after the chinwag and coffee if about thirty vans or moreSurprisedWink

  • IainM1970
    IainM1970 Forum Participant Posts: 170
    edited March 2016 #39

    We were at Strathclyde Park a couple of years ago when a rally was on. The site was much busier than expected though this was not an issue. The issue we did have was .... The gathering point was next to the site road we needed to use to get to our pitch
    .... The rally often spilled onto the road and people were less than gracious about moving to let you drive through.

    We would not knowingly use a site where a rally was being held again.

  • malc1945
    malc1945 Forum Participant Posts: 74
    edited March 2016 #40

    We were on a site about 4 years ago not a CC site but we had booked for 2 weeks on the friday of the first week a folding van pull in ,We thought do not see many of the .by the Sunday we were surrounded by the, up went the gazebo flag pole  , soon walking allover our pitch jumping over the hedges to get to each other. OH went out and put them right  about walking over pitch by side of our van, they did not say a word to us all week untill we were packing up to go home. That put me off going on a rally or joining a local group. There we were thinking we would have a quite break. Went to the swimming pool they thought they owned it were most upset we were in it ten minutes of us swimming soon put paid to there fun and games sorry folks we paid so we use . malc

  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited March 2016 #41

    We went to Broadway a year or so ago and when booking in the warden told us there was a large rally due on site later. She told us where they would be pitched and we retained the option on where to pitch. We chose a pitch well away, but probably where we
    would have gone anyway.

    During an evening amble around the site, the only difference I noticed in the rally area was a flag pole and the people seemed noticably friendlier and ready to say hello.

    I still don't see the point of rallys (I would hate to go on holiday with other people - but that doesn't actually make me unsociable!) but each to their own.

    But I hope they pay the same prices on Club sites as the rest of us (so far we've had at least one saying it's the same and one saying they get a discount.....the CC have been as prompt as ever to reply to this forum that they supposedly monitor).

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,114
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    edited March 2016 #42

    I dont have a problem with ralliers using the Club sites, in fact it is good and is probably more of what being a Club is about. However if they are using full facilities and getting a reduced price to other members then this is so wrong it would be offensive,
    so I hope this is not the case.

    For those who want to know such info in advance you could check the published list of rallies you get with the magazine & I would think it was alao available online? 

    Regards, Roy

    Firstly Roy rallies are no longer published in the magazine, and secondly I for one is certainly not going to trawl on line through all the different centres to see if a rally is going to be taking place on a site that I intend to visit, would you?

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,114
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    edited March 2016 #43

    Publicising rallies for the  benefit of others this will not happen because the site operators be they club or commercial know very well that it will lead to cancellations .

    Just the thought that I had, unfortunately. So I would certainly like to see rally dates place on the individual site's web sites.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,114
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    edited March 2016 #44

    When I started reading this thread I though it seemed such a good idea for the Club to have rallies at sites as I was thinking of places such as Lady Margaret Park where there is a rally field through a bank of trees beyond the limit of the formal pitches. 

    Reading further it appears that some sort of activity takes place using site pitches, and presumably the toilet block and other site facilities as well.  To me that is but a block booking of pitches as a cop out for a rally.

    So if an ordinary member wants to be sited adjacent to a couple of friends they just have to declare an invitation-only rally, stick up a flag pole, and they are allowed to bully anyone else off their chosen (no doubt prime as well) spot?

    Nav, that is precisely what has happened at Meathop Fell. I've not yet checked how much they are paying per night but perhaps I'll ask the warden tomorrow and update you.

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited March 2016 #45
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  • davetommo
    davetommo Club Member Posts: 1,431
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    edited March 2016 #46

    Here are the rally details draw your own conclusions as to if they are paying more or not

  • davetommo
    davetommo Club Member Posts: 1,431
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    edited March 2016 #47

    that didnt work so just check out the north lancashire website to see the rally details

  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,891
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    edited March 2016 #48

    Nothing we on here can access will reveal what retrospective payments are made by a site operator to a rally organiser after the event.

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited March 2016 #49
    Being advised of a rally on CC sites was something I posted about when I first came to CT, I got shot down in flames at the time. Seems attitudes have changed a bit in the last 2 years. Why can't rallies dates be in the drop down info as they do for racecourse
    sites, if there are changes a notice could easily be put on the booking page or an email sent to those who have bookings,  they are keen sending emails about other things.
  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited March 2016 #50
    I seem to remember there was a thread running sometime ago about a rally on the Cirencester site,  it was confirmed at that time that rallies did get a discount.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited March 2016 #51
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  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited March 2016 #52

    I'm surprised that Head Office have not seen fit to clarify the various points raised by members on this thread. Rowena said that the forum would be regularly monitored by Head Office to help members by clarifying head office policy.



  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,394
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    edited March 2016 #53

    I would like to think that all wardens would let you know on arrival about a rally, in order for you to pitch away from the area. Or at least not right in the middle. Often on weekends you get several families meeting up and, because they cannot book adjacent
    pitches, you occasionally end up surrounded by them. Folk will want warnings posted about this next.

  • Surfer
    Surfer Club Member Posts: 1,303
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    edited March 2016 #54

    There is nothing stopping a number of members of a centre booking individually and meeting up at a site.  Would this be construed as a rally or not if 30 - 40 members fo the centre met up at the site and were scattered all over the site?

  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,891
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    edited March 2016 #55

    Possibly not - as I asked further up this thread, if meeting at a flagpole to thank organisers before they leave is all that happens then what is a rally about?

  • iffajobsworthdoing
    iffajobsworthdoing Club Member Posts: 94
    edited March 2016 #56

    If you have to ask that question it is obvious that rallying is not for you, as it is obvious that it is not for the small number of posters on this thread. However thousands of units go out regularly on rallies throughout the year and is a good income stream
    for both clubs and for the many rally field land owners. If truth be known most ralliers would prefer to be well away from non ralliers but unfortunately our weather sometimes necessitates using club and commercial sites. The fact that   ralliers are sometimes
    paying less than other users is no more of an issue than ACR's being applied when reaching the grand age of 60 on C&CC sites. And as for wanting to be on a site without other users, I suggest you club together and buy your own site. Live and let live should
    be the order of the day. I guarantee you that if you were stuck in mud or had a problem with your unit a "rallier" would rush over and help while others would hide behind their net curtains.

    And yes I am a rallier.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,446
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    edited March 2016 #57

    And yes I am a rallier.

    Yep, I worked that out.

  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,891
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    edited March 2016 #58

    And yes I am a rallier.

    And I have attended rallies when they were held for a specific activity. 

  • Unknown
    edited March 2016 #59
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  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,446
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    edited March 2016 #60

    why the angst?

    surely these are members of our club and, if the rallies generate income where less would have been acheived without them, whats the issue...?

    i dont 'rally' but use plenty of THS sites in the summer, usually on holiday-time school playing fields and 'rally fields' but sometimes on club sites......no doubt, there will be some on CT would look down their noses
    at that....Undecided

    Why? It's nobody else's business how you and others choose to spend your leisure time. We each make our choices and no one should criticise us for that or try to convert us to their ways.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,413
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    edited March 2016 #61

    I have no issues with rallies using Club Sites, and don't care what they pay. Lesson learned for us though. On the few occasions we choose to use a Club Site, which will be in the Winter, at the cheapest price, I will now phone the site a few days before
    our booking commences and check what is happening on the site. We only use Club Sites at very quiet times, so it will prevent us arriving to find a site unexpectedly full. We value an empty site and few people around (ralliers or otherwise) very highly, just
    our personal preference.Happy