Dysfunctional online booking system

I tried to book Pandy, a Club site, and went through the entire process completing the payment process but was not returned to the Club confirmation page and neither was an email received. As it was the last date to receive a booking discount I repeated the process and after five failures gave up. On checking my credit card statement all five deposits were recorded. It took 20 minutes on the phone to a very helpful member of staff to confirm that no booking had been completed and payment would not be retained. I had an identical problem last September and there is comment on websites of others having similar problems. I don't mind the odd glitch but it is unacceptable that 10 months later such a basic fault still persists. The club has lost a decent length booking replaced by a couple of calls to CLs
I use a MacBook on OS 11-7-10 and also tried on an iPhone on latest software. Everything else works fine just cannot book a site. I get through the process right up to confirming payment then the screen gives an error message. Even so my online banking shows that payment is being taken. A day later still shows the money being listed as a payment to the Club. I even reset my password and logged back in. I can only book by telephoning the club national office (no site numbers are supplied now) and it can take at least 20 minutes waiting for a response.
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There was one issue, must be about three months but otherwise all OK. The last one was over the weekend.
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I use an iMac at home - running OS Monteray and a MacBook Air in the caravan. Used both for bookings and not had any problems.
I have to say though, that having been away for two weeks, this is the first time I have used the iMac since the new 'improved ' font was introduced and the text in this reply box is so small, I can hardly see it. Haven't cleared the cache, though - don't know if that will improve matters.
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I haven’t been able to access the Club site booking pages for weeks now. It just buffers, flashes on and off and finally crashes (telling me the website has crashed).
I emailed HQ, and after a while did get a response. It said that the Club were aware that there are issues with Safari, and I should change to Google Chrome or another browser. I had done this as part of trying to resolve the issue myself, along with the two other things they suggested I try, namely clear my cache/history, and ensure my log in was correct. I had already done and tried these three things, but to no avail. No urgency whatsoever to book a Club Site, so I have given up for the moment.
If awards were handed out for the most dismal online booking experience, as far as I am concerned, this would be a high contender. It used to be one of the slickest, easiest and satisfying booking systems around, but no, it had to be improved, up graded. Now a load of tripe. 🤷♀️
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It seems strange you are having so many problems which doesn't seem to be the case generally for others? A bit academic on my part now but when I was booking sites on my Windows 10 PC I had not experienced any problems. Hope you get it sorted.
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Are you using any extensions such as ad blockers of other protection such a Rapport. If so try disabling them one at a time to see if they are affecting your system.
Incidentally why am I seeing massive sized text for posts yet miniscule text for this post as I write it?
I have to agree CAMC is the leading contender for the worst IT.
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Incidentally why am I seeing massive sized text for posts yet miniscule text for this post as I write it?
Because the club has "improved" it's service to customers by changing font size. Have a look at the thread "The Club Website".
Wonderful that the club is always thinking of ways to improve customer's website experience. Just a pity the action is a lot worse than the thought.
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I agree DK, no idea why I cannot get booking system to load, it was ok a few weeks ago, and as far as I know, I have changed nothing on my IPad.🤷♀️ I have tried all sorts to try and sort out, but as I am having no other issues with other websites, I have to put it down to CAMC website. Not the whole site, just the booking platform.
Thanks LLM, but not using a blocker, and I have looked at all my other settings. Nothing out of ordinary on other websites I use a lot, so I will just phone to book if required. I can use searchforsites sites for CLs, as well as CL Booking’s website.
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I can use searchforsites sites for CLs, as well as CL Booking’s website.
TDA, I have discovered, by accident, another web site that specializes in CLs, appropriately called "CL Sites" which has what appears to be a good search facility.
I have also reported your post although I doubt that this will make the slightest bit of difference or that you will receive an appropriate response resulting a solution to your problem.
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No, but thanks for this, will take a look. My iPad says Safari, but it’s actually using the Google browser. I think there’s a bit of an issue with Safari defaulting to Google at the moment, did a bit of reading, but it’s a bit beyond me. I don’t like Google, tried Yahoo, Bing, but still no joy.
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It seemed to happen when we were at Burrs. I couldn’t open my Membership card when in reception checking in. We arrived a night early and when I booked it, just before the off, it came up that the transaction hadn’t completed, but it had🤷♀️ After that, it just buffers and buffers, then crashes. If I click on “Find a UK campsite” it should give me a drop down box of options, but it either doesn’t, or gives me the drop down options for the “Membership” section instead🤷♀️ That’s been happening for weeks now.
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A couple of things, did you change your password after the security problem the Club had? Could you trace your difficulties back to about that time?
Are you able to delete your browser and reinstall?
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Yes, I did change my password, but more or less straight after site was back up and running, and it worked fine after that, because I booked a couple more Club Sites.
it’s an iPad, so comes with Safari, but in actual fact, Safari now defaults to Google search engine. I will do a bit of reading, but wary of altering too much to be honest, as it’s only the booking platform that doesn’t work, and knowing my ham fisted tech attempts, every thing else works absolutely fine, so I could end up making things a lot worse.
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You can choose which search engine your Safari browser uses, TDA, but tbh I don’t think the search engine has anything to do with using your browser to access the booking system. Sorry, I can’t help really.
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Thanks Tinny. Yes, I tried all those options, with no luck. I’m not really bothered as I said, not enough to meddle without really knowing what I am doing, as my set up works without problems on all other websites.😁👍
My IPad is getting on a bit as well, at least three years old🤣
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I too have difficulties with the web site and have done for some considerable time.
I was unable to renew my caravan insurance on line recently with the system crashing when attempting to pay. to cite just one issue
I am certain the club is aware that issues exist, but seem not to be prioritising them.
Why ?
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I can now get onto the bookings platform via my iPhone, but still not with my iPad. Same browser and search engine on both🤷♀️
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Booking platform is live on my iPad so perhaps take yours to the Apple shop at Meadowhall and let an expert look at it - you will need to book a time slot in advance.