Proportion of Serviced v Standard Pitches
I don't know if they are this year, but when we were there a few years ago in September, quite a few of the service pitches were seasonal. Given the discount on those pitches it would tend to suggest they were struggling to sell them all at that time.
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yes they were but haven't been seasonal for a while now. As I posted somewhere, they are very popular and one midweek day over Easter, they had a higher occupancy rate than non SP
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easy to spot, they have more expensive outfits on them
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yet on the full HS sites that I've been on (I can count 5 at least) MH usage of SP is high?
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"Need" and "Wish" are totally different though! So I'm not so sure. On our recent visits to Cirencester Park, low season when only the HS pitches are available, I'd say there have been roughly equal numbers of vans and MHs on the service pitches. Folk may be choosing to use a SP for all sorts of reasons; I don't think you (one) can assume that because you (one) would do without (and so would we!) others would or should do the same.
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+1 to one
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Although you've recently rejoined and stayed on (at least) 2 sites, DD?
I used "one" simply to indicate that I was making a general statement and not referring to "you" specifically. It's a grammatical nicety that even a former maths teacher is aware of!
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+ 1 👍🏻
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not likely to cause offence or disagreement and somewhat dull.
"anodyne music"
synonyms: bland, inoffensive, innocuous, neutral, unobjectionable, unexceptionable, unremarkable, commonplace, dull, tedious, run-of-the-millSeems only part of the meaning applies, David.
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Who's surprised 🤷🏻♂️
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Something to play a game on, something to camp on, to throw a ball (US), musical notes, another word for tar, to bid for something 😁
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pitch (on a roof slope), dark (pitch black), persuade, to fall, to set a price at a particular level, sales talk, nose attitude in a plane
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Not at all. It was indicating the post wasn’t as harmless etc as David suggested. The proof is on the page as clear as day. So what is your pointless point?