Am I being unreasonable?



  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited December 2018 #32

    Absolutely up to the CL owner to ask for a substantial deposit, I agree and equally up to the customer to decide to look elsewhere, I'd have thought! 

    Ironic that you're asking me to name the site, DD, given your recent refusal to do so on another thread,  but if you'd like to email me I can let you know by all means! smile

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,693
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    edited December 2018 #33

    and has lost a booking, yes extremely business sensible.

    If someone like M doesn't book then I suggest a good few others would do the same

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,693
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    edited December 2018 #34

    big + 1 there (to both paragraphs)

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,693
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    edited December 2018 #35

    sorry, M decides not to book and that is being unreasonable?

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited December 2018 #36
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  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited December 2018 #37

    You have to remember that K has not been able to use CLs since deciding to leave the club so will not necessarily have the most up to date knowledge of the general situation with regard to such sites. As such his post is just conjecture. smile

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited December 2018 #38

    Well you know the name now, DD so maybe you'll be able to help out on that score!  wink

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,693
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    edited December 2018 #39

    well if I was in business, a bird in the hand is worth...

    It is totally up to him but £60 is a lot, £30 and maybe people will bite? that 

    and if he doesn't fill the void? 

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,693
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    edited December 2018 #40

    Yes I see now, of course

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited December 2018 #41
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  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited December 2018 #42

    Yes, silly me - I'd forgotten that! laughing

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,170
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    edited December 2018 #43

    Strange how non members have such strong views when it comes to club sites and CL’s

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited December 2018 #44
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  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited December 2018 #45

    We've rarely been asked for a deposit but on one occasion when a deposit was sent we had to cancel not long afterwards. This was done months & months before hand and the tale was, I'd get my deposit (£20?) back if she re-sold the pitch. Needless to say I lost my deposit. Short of calling at the site, there's obviously no way to tell whether the pitch was re-sold. In my case, I felt robbed of my £20 as I'd given plenty of notice. Subsequently, I usually phone a CL within a week of when I want to arrive. 

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited December 2018 #46

    Not any business, there is more than one model DD. For some CLs not taking a deposit makes sense.

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited December 2018 #47
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  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited December 2018 #48

    As was I

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,157
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    edited December 2018 #49

    There are a few CL owners who take the wee wee when it comes to deposits. I think 20% max is sufficient. Any that ask for more than that I just don’t book.

    Similarly with ourselves, although we are rarely asked for a deposit. Two night's fees or £25 are the maximum that we would pay.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,693
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    edited December 2018 #50

    a big +1 to that.

    It is also those that club sites the least have the most to say about changes to the way the club runs things?

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited December 2018 #51

    CL owners range from the absentee owner, leave the money in a box, through the letter box type to the full payment ones. Personally, if I want to stay somewhere in particular I'm happy to fit in with the arrangements of the owner concerned. Just glad to have CLs! smile

  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
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    edited December 2018 #52

     If its somewhere anyone wants to be why should a deposit of any amount make a difference.

    Is it perhaps the person is already hedging their bets, not so sure of their own future plans, or maybe they feel its an outgoing with no immediate payback. Perhaps there's a reason I have missed other than the CL owner trying to make a go of their business due to no turnups.

    Pay now, pay later, what does it matter. If a genuine person has to late cancel I'm certain the reason will be more important than the loss of the money.

    We have motorhomers versus caravanners and vice versa, now its members against non members and their opinions. Should those that only use Club sites have a valid opinion?

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,758
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    edited December 2018 #53

    We used several CLs this year, none asked for a deposit.

    As things were/are a bit uncertain for us this year, due to new grandchild and a house move, we chose to stay on sites that did not require a deposit, which also happened to be sites that were exactly where we wanted to stay.

    As it happened, we did have to cancel 3 CLs in September, but we gave more than a months notice and none had a problem with that.

    Happy to pay a reasonable deposit.....say £5 per booked night......which is generally around 30%.

    Any more than that and we would not book that site.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,758
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    edited December 2018 #55

    Yes, OH does all our bookings and always asks if a deposit is required  and the response has pretty much always been as you say.

  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
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    edited December 2018 #56

    No hedging bets at all.

    Moulesy, unfortunately as the OP all posts are related to the first post but my post was not aimed at you personally, from what I know of you on this forum you do not fall into that category. My opinion only but I would imagine there are more than a few that

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,541
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    edited December 2018 #57

    Regarding club sites apart from causing division amongst members at the mere thought of introducing them what benefits would deposits really bring to us members? I really can't see any at all, sites that are already full will remain full and the number and choice of types of pitches available would not be improved.

    I can see from the owner of that commercial site that deposits may offer some security for the business and a possible slight financial advantage regarding cash flow with the tiny amount of extra income which comes at the expense of those unfortunate customers who have to cancel for what ever reason. 

    I can only see detrimental changes in both perception and practice these would bring to the 'club' and its relationship with the 'membership' if introduced.

    For the CL a resonable deposit may be essential mind.

  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Club Member Posts: 6,927
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    edited December 2018 #58

    So I spoke to a site owner....she said CMC members are so used to booking and cancelling without penalty at their Club sites they were doing that to her too, some cancelling at short notice and some simply not turning up at all. "I can only take five vans and if two customers do that to me  I lose 40% of my income for that night or even for that week"

    She now charges £10 a night non refundable deposit for bookings , or full price non refundable for single night bookings, and says it has improved the situation for her. 

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited December 2018 #59

    So I spoke to a site owner....she said CMC members are so used to booking and cancelling without penalty at their Club sites they were doing that to her too,

    Whereas the owner probably has no idea why some cancel at short notice. 

  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited December 2018 #60

    Cl's are a private business and are dependant on those who have booked actually turning up. Deposits are a means of ensuring that those who book actually commit to fulfilling their booking or at least limiting the financial loss to the CL owner if the customer decides not to bother going.  It's not rocket science. It's good business sense.  



  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited December 2018 #61

    This the problem for CL owners who are trying to make their sites "work. " There may be some owners who just regard it as a hobby on a more casual basis but I would guess many who invest their time and money into a CL would hope that users appreciate and understand that site maintenance,being present etc etc is a two way thing and not wanting to offer any financial commitment is a bit discouraging? It's surely not really a big ask?