If every MH was built like this!!!!

I know a lot of manufacturers use CNC milling and other techniques used here but wow, not mass production but not cottage industry either. All I need is a lottery win
I think it comes into the same category as drooling over Ferraris, Mclarens and Pagani Zondas. Just a pipe dream.
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Thanks for the link Michael - Alan has some great videos on all aspects of Motorhomes and travelling - well worth a look at his Youtube Channel.
Again, thanks.
I've Subscribed - will you ?
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Already subscribed, it would be interesting if he could visit lots of other factories (Euro & UK) so we could compare processes. I know these are high end vans built to order and one of those lottery win type things but it would be interesting to see some main stream factories such as Hymer, SWIFT etc.
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I think we tend to look at these RV like vehicles from our own experiences and our own ways of enjoying this passtime of ours. Wherever we go we see coaches and tour busses of equal if not bigger sizes carting holiday makers and tourists to the far flung corners of our fair land. Now with that garage and a car on board all the owners need to do is plan sites which are able to accomadate them. I reckon those that buy them go on tour for many weeks if not many months both here and elsewhere on our continent. It's clear that some don't understand the motorhoming way, maybe some of us don't understand RVing. Putting aside the money and the need for finding pitches big enough, they are no bigger than the largest twin axel caravans and tow car combinations, maybe these RVs are more akin to caravanning.
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Very good to see how the competition build their product too.I toured the "Concorde" factory recently ,which is also nearby to 'Morello' in Bavaria ,an experience to see how the vehicles are put together.(the "Morello" operation was started by two of the directors leaving Concorde with all their experience ) To see the dedication and skills that go into making top end R.Vs ,gives you a lot of confidence in your own vehicle too And with my "Smart" in the back,,added versatility for touring ..
Love my "Concorde Charisma"
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No mickysf,,four wheels or more for me ,with modern comfort and technology !!
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I find it amusing to see the information about these vast motorhomes. On the other hand I cannot quite see the attraction. Our choice is for the smallest motorhome we can manage with as we love going to out of the way quiet camp sites. A motorhome the size of a bus would be a contradiction in terms for us.
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I remember some years ago at Clumber Park there were two English couples each with an American RV the size of large coaches,(one a coach driver)and were on an extended UK tour on route to Scotland ,it was quite interesting talking to them and the "problems" they were having working out routes to the sites they had booked,as they wanted to see all the places but were having difficulty with "friendly" roads
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Not withstanding the limitations described these motorhomes may be able to go to many places that towed caravans can not. They will go to all the places that larger delivery truck will go. And with a car on board they can then explore even further.
If only? Well not for us mind, we're looking forward to downsizing. However, it's quality that counts for us. Having had American RVs whilst in Canada I can tell you that quality was not the best. These continental motorhomes ouse quality!
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Well it’s a home and it has a motor but apart from that it bears no relation to what people would call a Motorhome. Interesting to look inside I guess and perhaps an alternative to a house if you like to move around but not exactly a touring vehicle is it?
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The majority of us shop at Tesco rather than Harrods and get the commensurate level of quality. It's the same with Caravans and MHomes.
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Come on Brue look again. They ran the Alde heating around and under the front windscreen, wiring looms and water pipes all neat and tidy, no water running own the side creating black marks, sound proofing with no gaps around engine bay, all the furniture sets could stand alone without being screwed/fixed to anything, huge water tanks you have a wash function with to clean out the insides, you can dump over 300l of waste water in less than a minute, glass instead of plastic windows in places, cab floor raised on metal pedestal to create a flat environment and heated floors, the roof bonded then covered with foil tape for waterproofing plus more.
As BB says it was not about the size of the vehicle and for many of us these are not practical nor will most of us ever be able to afford the Ferrari to put in the garage let alone the Empire Liner itself, its more about the attention to detail and thought/design that has gone into the product to make it. Its like comparing a Rolls Royce to say a Montego, both will get you from A to B even the Mondeo will be reasonably comfortable but he RR will be a better hand built quality and finish, something I think we would all like to have (maybe not to such extremes) in our more run of the mill Mondeo type MH's and Caravans?