


  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,957
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    edited January 2019 #92

    I'll be looking out for them Merve.  I tend to favour red.  When I go for white, it's often a sparkling.  There's a nice Aldi Prosecco - the one I like is £9.99 a bottle (Collezione Oro).... and there's a cheaper Co-op one with a bluish label about £8.  I just wished I could remember what it's called...  😀


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited January 2019 #93

    We tried a Tesco £9 champagne recently, one to avoid. 😒

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,957
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    edited January 2019 #94

    I will probably have avoided that Brue, in any case, on the basis that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is... 🙂🙂  Thanks for the heads up.


  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,414
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    edited January 2019 #95

    Not seen any £9 champagne, perhaps it was a special.😀

    We particularly like this Rhone red from the Coop. Not particularly cheap at £7.75 but compares with wines much more expensive. It's a combination of Grenache and Syrah, very smooth, rich and full bodied. Excellent with a nice rare  fillet steak.😋 From time to time, they nock £1 / £2 off the price of selected wines, so will keep an eye out. 😳

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,957
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    edited January 2019 #96

    I'll look out for the Cote du Rhone, Steve.


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited January 2019 #97

    Steve, apologies I got the bottle sizes wrong, it should have been a larger one at a higher price.

  • crown green bowler
    crown green bowler Forum Participant Posts: 407
    edited January 2019 #98

    Enjoyed a really nice red last night,   a 2016 San Lucas  Malbec from Argentina,  a really full bodied lovely wine. Also like yourself Merve have enjoyed the Waxed Bat and Black Stump many times.  Look out for the 25% off six bottles at Sainsburys.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,252
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    edited January 2019 #99

    Cote du Rhone is one of our favourite wines and we have drunk our fair share over the years. However I would not have classed any of them as full bodied?Perhaps I don't understand the term?  I appreciate that there are Cote du Rhone and Cote du Rhone, sometimes made with different grapes but I generally find most Rhone wines quite light. Argentinian Malbac would fit my description of a full bodied wine which I really like but Margaret thinks is too heavy! I will see if they have the wine mentioned by Steve in our local Co-Op.


  • twocals
    twocals Forum Participant Posts: 117
    edited January 2019 #100


    Really nice wines at Aldi at the moment. A Malbec Syrah from France and a sauvignon blanc from the same winery,

    £4,69 a bottle great value.

  • SeasideBill
    SeasideBill Forum Participant Posts: 2,112
    edited January 2019 #101

    I used to be a snobby about Aldi wines, but having tried a few bottles of late, my view has changed. ‘Animus’ from Portugal is very good and at about £5 excellent value. A good quaffing red.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,252
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    edited February 2019 #102

    Having purchased a bottle of this wine we drank the bottle of this wine this evening with our meal. It was OK but the Cote du Rhone I regularly buy from Waitrose is better and cheaper. It was a bit more full bodied than usual wines from this region. At £7.75 I feel it is a touch expensive.


  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,414
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    edited February 2019 #103

    Out of interest David which Waitrose CdR. We have also bought wines from there and wonder if we have tried it.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,252
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    edited February 2019 #104


    I need to look in my cupboard tomorrow to see if I still have a bottle. I have looked on the website but can't see the usual one. I quite like the Cote du Rhone Village but that is a bit more expensive.


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,252
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    edited February 2019 #105


    I have now had a chance to check out my wine cupboard!!! I tend to buy bottles of wine two at a time just in case we have guests and one bottle is not enough! Currently I have this Cote du Rhone which is £5.99 a bottle. Must have liked it as we only have one bottle left! I also have a couple of Cote du Rhone Village which is a rather nice wine although I an not sure I paid the current price of £9.99 a bottle? This is another favorite currently on offer at £6.99. As you know Waitrose do all sorts of offers, sometimes a blanket 25% off and at other times 25% off selected wines. For when we don't have guests we tend to buy boxes of wine as we don't always want to drink as much as a full bottle. This Chilean Red Merlot is good value and this white  Sauvignon Blanc whilst French as all the characteristics of a New Zealand wine. 


  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,414
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    edited February 2019 #106

    Thanks David. We have not as far as I can remember tried either the CdR or the Les Dauphins CdRV. I will pick up a bottle of the CdR next time we visit but perhaps wait until the other comes on offer.  Like you have tried the ARC when on offer (25% off) and I thought it a nice wine and good value. However, I would not buy it at full price. We often buy / enjoy this CdRV when on offer, but again don't reckon it is worth the full price.

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,414
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    edited February 2019 #107

    As far as red in boxes, I was going to post a link to this Australian Shiraz we have been buying from Tesco for the last year. A very reasonable slurping wine at only £12.35 a box.

    Unfortunately it is not on the web site. Hope they have not discontinued it.☹️Only bought one, in store, a week ago. Perhaps I should have stocked up.😀

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,252
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    edited February 2019 #108

    Steve, if you are in Tesco in the next few days they have an offer of Cote du Rhone Village at £6 a bottle. I did buy a couple of bottles for the rack so can't yet confirm how good or otherwise it is but it is certainly a good price. They seem to have a few other interesting offers including a Malbac and South African Chenin Blanc.


  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,414
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    edited February 2019 #109

    Thanks David, will look out for them.

    Box above was still available in store last week, 😀 so not sure why it is not on the home shopping web site.

  • thebells
    thebells Forum Participant Posts: 365
    edited February 2019 #110

    I've just had to use local Tesco Express (very limited range) to buy an "emergency" (don't ask) bottle of red and as my preferred Yellowtail wasn't on offer , I decided to buy a cheapie: W.O Western Cape South African Pinotage "selected by Tesco" for £4.45- I thought it would be rough but drinkable but turned out to be lovely and I've drank most of the bottle!! Going back for more.....

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,414
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    edited February 2019 #111

    Steve, if you are in Tesco in the next few days they have an offer of Cote du Rhone Village at £6 a bottle. I did buy a couple of bottles for the rack so can't yet confirm how good or otherwise it is but it is certainly a good price.

    It is certainly popular David. There was a big void where it should be on the shelf.☹️

  • twocals
    twocals Forum Participant Posts: 117
    edited February 2019 #112

    Really nice Cote du rhone domain bonval at tesco as well easy drinking,also calvet Bordeaux at 6 pound bargain. French wine at the moment really good value.

  • thebells
    thebells Forum Participant Posts: 365
    edited March 2019 #113

    Sainsburys and Tesco regularly have this on special offer for £5.75-£6 and the other varieties too. I agree it definitely has a strong blueberry note!

    My favourite everyday, (not literally) tipple is Lindemans Tollana Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon 2018, which is nearly always £4.50 at Asda: it's deceptively fruity and easy to drink despite being 13.5%!

    I take a few bottles with me every caravan trip😊

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,957
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    edited March 2019 #114

    I has a glass of wine at a meeting the other night - a glass of French Rex Mundi.  It was a Shiraz/ Grenache blend, and very nice!  I usually find Shiraz a little bitter for me, but blended with the Grenache it was very pleasant.  I think you can only generally  get it through Laithwaites, and it's £9.99 a bottle, but worth it, IMHO.

    Anyone else tried this?


  • Rob2CathDavies
    Rob2CathDavies Forum Participant Posts: 145
    edited March 2019 #115

    Well, on the subject of French Wine, has anyone beside ourselves done a prebrexit shopping trip?  We spent £178 pounds on ferry to Roscoff and stayed with a friend in Brittany.  We mostly buy bag in a box wine, around 8 to 13€ for 3 litres.  For example JPChenin which is £18 in Sainsbury’s and €9.95 in French hyper markets.  Plus quite a few bottles, especially sparkling.

    We brought back the equivalent to 150 bottles, reckon we are saving at least £2.50 a bottle therefore £375, so £200 better off.  Plus a lovely trip to France.

    Just in case we go back to the duty free limit of 4 litres per person....We shop at Super U, Leclerc and Géant.  Always lovely wine, never had a bad box or bottle.  Have been doing this for 30 years.  And our livers are still functioning.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,252
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    edited March 2019 #116

    A day trip to Calais is perfectly doable from MK, although it's a long day! However we gave up doing so many years ago as things gradually became more expensive in France and British supermarkets became more competitive. When we were on holiday we did just as you did, buy boxes of wine. Unfortunately we found we ended up disposing of a percentage of them because they didn't keep very well. I am sure if and when we return to France we will be tempted to bring a few back but apart from Rhone red wines and Cotes de Gascogne white wine our tastes are now more towards new world wines which are not so easy to find in France. I still remember the cheap litre bottles of wine we used to buy in France which you paid a deposit on, they had a star embossed in the glass and the boys used to like taking them back for a bit of extra pocket money!


  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,957
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    edited March 2019 #117

    Likewise David   My taste has changed towards New World wines too, and they are readily available in the UK.  Whenever we go to France, we always bring some wine back, but I suspect it's now turned into more of a tradition than anything else.  We certainly don't bring as much back as we used to.  After saying that, I was quite impressed with the French Rex Mundi I had last week.


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,252
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    edited March 2019 #118

    Funnily enough on the subject of Booze Cruises there was a piece on the One Show tonight about a sudden upsurge of Brits crossing the Channel because of the fear that restrictions might well be put back in place if leaving the EU we do so without a deal. When I saw the show it reminded me of the fact that New World wines are available at the big wine warehouses which I had forgotten about.


  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,957
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    edited March 2019 #119

    D'you know - all the years we've been across, we've never used the booze warehouses in Calais.  Firstly, because we've always had the caraven in tow and have never bothered with parking up.  Secondly, when we reach Calais, we are generally just thinking about catching the train or ferry and making our way home.  I really must stop at them one day.


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,252
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    edited March 2019 #120


    If you stay at Bien Assise or Gandspette as your last night in France you would probably have time to get to one of the warehouses? Alternatively have a look on Google Earth as it should give you an impression of the parking area and whether you would get the caravan in.


  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,957
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    edited March 2019 #121

    Thanks David.  I'll bear all that in mind.  Staying in the UK this year - haven't decided about 2020 as yet. smile
