What has happened

When did club together change to become unusable .Its awfull it was fine before BUT now what a waste of time an effort to make it this bad . Please tell me its just temporary
It's been like this ever since the "NEW" version was introduced a month or so ago. They have promised to correct the faults but we're still waiting for most of them to be sorted out.
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I have reached the point where it is not worth bothering to use anymore ,SO UNFRIENDLY....And when you do the same half a dozen people reply with rude, sarcastic and snide comments it is not what it used to be. I use to find it helpful with tips and advice from other usersand to be able to offer some advice when we have had a similar issue , but now the" do gooders " sorry the know it all's think they can knock down anyone who offers advice .....what is the point? sad really, a great asset badly used and abused.... Sg2
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lol, good one
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Generally fine on a Windows desktop/laptop.
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How can it be unusable when you're using it?🤔
Read the other threads about the problems, Alan, and you'll see things are being reported and dealt with. I'm not sure another ranting thread is going to help.
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Has anything been 'dealt with'. I have not noticed anything or seen anything from CC as far as a progress report. It would be nice to know what is currently being tackled but I suspect there are other problems than the forum that need tackling on the website
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What, like a wart you mean?
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That's just Tinny ... they're NOT being dealt with.We still have a huge banner that spreads across the page if you even look at the header, you jump here there & everywhere if you log in to reply to something ... and it's still green on green. And what other forum do you use that goes left to righ when on a phone? None I suspect.
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Relax folks, This forum software is up to the CC IT standards.------ Either accept this or use another forum. ---There are loads of Caravanning forums on the net.
I can always find workarounds for the irritating bugs which are blighting this forum and will continue to use it, warts and all.
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I think the key word here is unusable. The forum is certainly not that, even on a phone, where as MM says left to right scrolling is a real pain. Yes there are issues but unusable it is not.
They have clearly been making updates on the main part of the website. Hopefully when that more important job is sorted, they can start on CT.
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Although not as easy to navigate as the last ct, it's not that difficult is it? I don't do computers much but I'm using this forum ok. The inconvenience of having to scroll one way instead of the other, really? It is what it is, if it's that much of a sorry mess, stop using it and try one the many other forums out there.
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The minor incovenience ( and let's face it, that's all it is) to us forum users is as nothing against the plight of CL owners! I, for one, am quite relaxed about having to work slightly harder to use the forum IF it means the problems with the CL section are sorted out first.
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Let me point out that in my previous post I said issues are 'being' dealt with. That is not the same as having 'been' dealt with. We are told items are 'being' dealt with which implies work is in hand. Who are we to dispute that?
Other easier to use forums are out there but CT isn't unusable. A pain in many ways, yes, but unusable, no.
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As I said, a pain in many ways and this duplication demonstrates one of them.
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Yes it's a pain at times, I agree it is bearable and quite useable. I am quite happy to accept its downsides on this forum and let IT sort out the important part, and that is its sites network, bookings and CL network.
Forum updates can come whenever, it's only a front for excessive moaning and faceless people anyway
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Amazing that soem people actually think the website is okay. Beggars belief. There are so many flaws it si no longer a joke considering that we the members are paying the IT team to fob us off with this very poorly designed website. The previous one had flaws but we could work around them, but not this one. When last has any one been sent a notification email?
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I don't think anyone has said it's OK as in giving it an unqualified thumbs up, Surfer, but it is usable.
As for notifications, it's not exactly a vital feature.
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Surfer, it seems to me that the folk who are complaining most about the new forum are pretty much the same ones who complained (a) about the old forum and (b) about the length of time it took to replace it. Are email notifications so vital? I don't post on enough threads to have needed reminders!
As for paying for the forum, I've read that several times recently but can't understand that. We were members long before CT came into being and I can't imagine the increase in subscription fees being down to its introduction.
Anyway, imperfect as it is, here are some improvements on the new forum (a) one can post photos easily (b) there's a spell checker that works (c) actual times are attached to posts so you can get some idea of how often members spend time on he forum (d) when you quote a post you can immediately see who you're responding to and you no longer get those ridiculously long pages of nested quotes which were a regular feature of the old CT.
So, not all bad news then, at least IMHO! Smiley smiley.
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Well, I for one think "unworkable" description fits - but the basic problem was inherited from the previous version.
There is no need to list every instance of someone "liking" a post in a thread, or every instance of someone adding a post. A simple, single line listing of threads that have had a new post added since I last viisted the site will suffice. Oddly, this is how virtualy all forums in the non-caravanning world work, and they are able to get considerable more than six threads onto a page.
I'm sure some of you will want to add a helpful comment but I'm unlikely to ever find this thread again. That is what it is "unworkable" for me.
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Nav, you & I have different interpretations of 'unworkable' I think it works just fine for my needs. It may have 'issues', unworkable it ain't.