What are you all up to



  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited January 2019 #24662

    Looks like we've all had this task to do. I've been in contact with a cousin in NZ trying to work out who's who in some of our very large families a long time ago but at least the ancestors usually photographed each other rather than an unknown field. wink

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,174
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    edited January 2019 #24663

    I got a small hand held Kaiser Diascop mini 3.  After scanning (professionally) I will send a copy to our son and daughter.  When I did my family tree there were little loads of photos I couldn’t identify as people of their generation had passed on.  

    Bright clear day here at home, Mrs One just returned home from Yarmouth, about 1.5 miles where there is thick freezing fog. 

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited January 2019 #24664

    We went for a walk with Rosa through our ancient woods yesterday as weather was so nice and noticed that the Bluebells were coming up ,and that the snowdrops are in full bloom,also the wild daffodils are about 4inch above ground it was a lovely walk until 

    Rosa got set on by a large mastiv type dog, the owner did not say sorry after i managed to get it off Rosa ,she just said he is not an agressive dog? ,then had a go at me because i had hit it with Rosas leadyell

    Today as we are going away after two more sleeps , have had to cut the grass( all three areas)  as it is growing and we are away for three weeks  ,Birthdays and anniversaries  all at FM,with friends  smile

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,210
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    edited January 2019 #24665

    We had a nice surprise today, we had visitors from the past! We had not long got back from IKEA and there was a knock at the door and I heard Margaret talking to someone in very friendly terms, I was upstairs. It turned out to be a couple we were very friendly with when the children were young and they lived just round the corner. At one point they even had a caravan and we used to tour with them. They moved north 37 years ago and apart from Christmas cards we have not really kept in touch much beyond that. It was good to have a natter. Two of their children are the same ages as our two. They were on their way to the Centre Parks at Woburn where they were meeting up with some friends from Kent.


  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited January 2019 #24666

    When I copies slides about 12 years ago I set up a cassette projector an large screen and simply photographed the images with a digital camera. Excellent results

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited January 2019 #24667

    Thank  you  OP,  nice  handy  little  viewer  smile.  My  Diastar  is  elderly  now  but  still  functioning  OK  --  It  does  what  I  need  and  the  halogen  bulbs  are  easily  obtainable  &  give  reasonable  brightness  if  the  screen  is  clean  AND  shielded  from  room  lights.

    I'm reluctant  to  scrap  ANY  photos  as  long  as  they  are  reasonably  clear  --  if  nothing  else  they  continue  to  remind  me  I  ain't  the  finest  shutter-clicker  that  ever  lived  embarassed.


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,462
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    edited January 2019 #24668

    I dread to think of the thousands of photos at Mum and Dads. They will get sorted though. Every so often I get a big frame and do a collage for Mum.

    Been exercising my latent librarian skills this afternoon. We now have some newly made bookshelves in what we call our Winter room. It’s where the stove is, and where we curl up in Winter, OH built some shelves into what had previously been a doorway, and we have been putting some of our favourite reads into the shelves. I love early history and biographies of  the Plantagenet to Tudor monarchs, while OH has some Napoleanic, First and Second World War stuff. Not exactly the Dewey system, but it works for us. Outed around four dozen books so far, lots more to go yet........

    Also sourced most of the fittings I need to do a lamp project. An interesting day.....laughing

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited January 2019 #24669

    Nice to have a bit of time to sort a few things out TDA, hope you enjoy having some of your favourite reads close to hand. smile

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,462
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    edited January 2019 #24670

    Thanks brue. We are quite enjoying doing things around house at moment, some lost and mislaid projects are finally coming to fruition. It’s the upside of being retired from paid work, but more importantly for us, being fit and well enough to be able to do things again.

    I hope to post a photo of the lamp when it’s finished, the basis is an antique copper and brass hose branch (the solid bit that points at the fire). We have had it for years, just been a topical ornament, but I wanted to make it more useful and it’s a bit of a homage to OHs working career. I’ve got plans to make a padded footstool/ coffee table as well, with little Sis’s help. She is brilliant at such things. 

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,195
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    edited January 2019 #24671

    Rosa got set on by a large mastiv type dog, the owner did not say sorry after i managed to get it off Rosa ,she just said he is not an agressive dog? ,then had a go at me because i had hit it with Rosa's lead.

    Hope that Rosa's not injured, JVB. As it happens when we were out with Flyte this morning we encountered a similar sort of dog, but fortunately this one was really friendly, although one wouldn't have thought so looking at it's lead and the way it was pulling it's owner along, but as we stood chatting the two dogs had a quick sniff of each other and then just turned the other way and the mastiff  was more interested in being petted than anything else.


  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited January 2019 #24672

    Many  of  the  old  photo's  might  have  had  pencil  notes  on  the  back  reminding  the  viewer  of  who  the  piccys  are  of  !!  But  also  I  keep  any  "scenic"  ones  if  I  can  be  reasonably  sure  of  where / when  it  was  taken.  I.E.  "thats  Auntie  whotsit  with  that  toyboy  she  hooked  up  with --  must  have  been  in  her  forties  then + he's  at  least  eight  ( 8 )  whole  years  younger"  'Yes  and  they  celebrated  their  50th  last  October,  they  went  back  there  for  a  celebration,  Scafell  Pike  as  I  well  remember '     wink

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,462
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    edited January 2019 #24673

    I must have missed your post about Rosa JVB, I hope she is ok. Very frightening for her and you. Annoys me terribly to hear about anything like this.

    I hope you are feeling a bit better Nellie, is it just a cold? That’s bad enough.

    My Dad was a “toy boy” ABM. Two whole months younger than Mum he was!surprisedsmile

  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,509
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    edited January 2019 #24674

    Like others we're trying to rationalise and sort stuff we don't need - in this case , clothes.

    My husband (suggested/nagged) by me has just bought some new "smart" clothes (he has several occasions coming up when normal farm clothes won't do). 

    One of the advantages  of  many bedrooms, is  many wardrobes. But it's so easy just to fill them and never wear the clothes. So we've been ruthless - lots of piles - keep, demote to work, charity, throw away etc.

    And now that his is done I've started on mine. Even guiltier. Whilst moving things around I've put things on better hangers (less bulky ones). I have a lot of old wooden ones - two with my name written on so they wouldn't abscond. My maiden name that is - from when I went to college in 1967. 

    I must get back to it. I was distracted by the postman. With what some may say is clutter - a Bob Dylan CD I've just realised I didn't have (Blood on the Tracks).

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    edited January 2019 #24675

    Had to take a Blood Pressure monitor back to MILs doctors this morning with her weekly readings. We'll wait with bated breath for any follow up.

    Light dusting of snow falling. Hope it doesn't get any heavier a I have to go to the Surgery this afternoon. Car in for MOT tomorrow, fingers crossed. Car Insurance renewed this morning, only £2 difference from last year so can't be bothered checking online for other quotes as I'll only be inundated with emails from the comparison websites.


  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited January 2019 #24676

    Hope  all  Pups, Pets  &  Humans  are  feeling  ok  today  --  'cos  Spring  is  in  the  Air  #    I  really  must  replace  that  chair  surprisedembarassed.

    Trust  you  &  Yours  are  given  good  news  from  both of  the   Doctors  and  also  the  garage  WN. 

    Goldie  --  nothing  wrong  with  Honest  Workingman's  clothing  !!  I  like  the  leather  apron  worn  by  Jay,  the  "Foreman"  at  the  Weald  Open  Air  Museum's  Repair  Shop.  Think  he  might  spend  an  hour  or  three  treating  that  to  keep  it  in  that  good  condition wink


  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited January 2019 #24677

    Saturday my van broke down on the way home from work ,got it recovered to the garage ,and today they rang to tell me it needs a new engine frown, costs about $3500 fittedsurprised, the van is only worth about $1000 , so looking for another van …….

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited January 2019 #24678

    .. .. .. .. .. .. or  a  good  mechanic  ??

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    edited January 2019 #24679

    I thought you had a buyer for the business, HD? Is it worth getting another van?

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited January 2019 #24680

    I AM SULKING  !!

    Well  been  sat  'ere  grafting,  grafting,  grafting  when  the  CD stopped,  I  looked  at  it  &  saw,  thro  the  window  behind,  it  has  started  snowing  frown.  Falling  vertically,  so  probably  more  sleety  than  snowy,  but  I  HATE  IT.

    Think  I'll  go  &  draw  the  blinds  to keep  the  sight  of  it  elsewhere  !!

    yell mutter yell mutter yell  mutter yell  mutter yell  grouse  yell

  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited January 2019 #24681

    they seem to be having second thoughts , so just seeing what's out there , keeping all my options open cool

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited January 2019 #24682

    Grey, cold, frosty morning turned into a lovely sunny bright (still cold) afternoon. We had a brief flurry of snow.

    Went for my back and shoulder massage after lunch, nice.

    Did a bit more sorting out of clothes ready for packing in a day or two. Got a few bits of toiletries to buy but that's all.

    OH went to his Men's shed this morning, donating lots of lengths and bits of wood we no longer need, the men at the shed will make them into boot pulls, bird tables, bird boxes etc. Now they have their own premises its not just the one morning a week but 2 full days if they want to stay that long. Tools and other bits and pieces are still getting donated and they are increasing in numbers now that word has got around.


  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,761
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    edited January 2019 #24683

    Quite a bit of snow here today, roads were treacherous and ungritted by the feel of things.  Took us 40 minutes to make the usual 15 minute journey to DD's house.  Plenty of drivers acting like idiots.

    She had planned to take a couple of her budgies to the specialist vet, which involves a bit of a trek to the other side of town, but was persuaded to rearrange it for tomorrow.

    Good progress at the house, bath is now installed, just water and waste still to connect as that involves me going under the floor, not pleasant at the best of times, but especially undesirable when it is freezing outside!

    Basin and vanity unit also installed, just need a few bits to connect it up.  DD has been working on cleaning up the shower area, so she now needs to do some grout repairs and a lot of sealant application.  They will replace the shower area eventually, but meantime just need it to be functional and watertight.

    Hopefully the bathroom will be finished, meantime, by the end of the week, it certainly looks very good.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited January 2019 #24684

     i have not been on this thread fo a couple of days 

    Thank you to those who asked after Rosa she is back to her usual self now ,the attack did upset her and seems to have made her wary of big dogs,she did loose a bit of her fur 

    It has been snowing overnight but the roads are clear,when Rosa and i were out of the fields at 0730 some children were out already and had built a snowmansurprised

    Off to FM today 

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,462
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    edited January 2019 #24685

    Have a good trip JVB, hopefully it will help restore a bit of Rosa’s confidence. You seem so calm about it, I wouldn’t have been. 

  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
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    edited January 2019 #24686

    Good news with Rosa 'JVB' 👍, not a good thing to happen.

  • triky auto
    triky auto Forum Participant Posts: 8,689
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    edited January 2019 #24687

    Oooo !! surprised a flurry of snow this morning under a grey sky,but not too cold here in East Kent.Staying home today as a new central heating boiler is being fitted,so no boat yard .The Concorde is still in the 'vets' ,so can't plan any trips yet undecided.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,462
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    edited January 2019 #24688

    Thick ground frost here, ponds iced over. Bitterly cold. Just about to clip OH’s noodle, if he keeps still. Hat required for later.

    We have a furniture company coming out today to see if the furniture we have ordered can actually be brought into house. Should be fun. Then hopefully of to see SIL, as it’s her birthday today.

    Tooth I had filled last week is still niggling. Could be make or break today, once I get outside, this frosty weather will let me know if it goes or stays. 

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited January 2019 #24689

    Very cold night last night probably the coldest this winter so far. Thick frost still lying, bird bath frozen solid about an inch thick.

    OH not well, been up most of the night with a stomach upset, shivering and sweating alternatively. Managed to persuade him to get up a wee while ago and take some fluids and paracetamol. 

    Not sure what I'm going to do today now will wait to see how OH is later on. We've got more currency to collect and a bit of shopping to do (which I can do) I've stripped the bed and its in the machine getting a good wash.

    Hope he doesn't pass it on we've only got a couple of days left frown 

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited January 2019 #24690

    Heavy frost here too, but sparkling in the sunshine. Not doing much as ankle still painful, attempting some shopping yesterday didn't help. Hope your OH feels better soon TammyG.

    Pleased to hear you can get away JVB and Rosa recovered from the unpleasant event.

    I expect Kj was pleased to get to the end of one lot of family DIY. We've nearly finished ours (that's the royal "we" at the moment kiss)

    Boiler man arriving soon, what good timing when it's cold, will have to ask the manservant to light the fire, a bit frustrating to be out of action.

    Hope your tooth settles down TDA.

    Well that's it from me, the cat and the visiting dog, we're all sharing the sofa just now. wink

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,462
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    edited January 2019 #24691

    Tooth is like a ticking time bomb, sure it will end up going. Hope your ankle is healing brue.

    You must be fed up TG, worrying if one of you is poorly before a big trip.