What are you all up to



  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,883
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    edited September 2023 #57122

    Strange weather indeed Millie.  We're not that far from you yet we've not even been threatened with rain. Been hot all day, still over 20° at the moment. Sticky night ahead.

    Nellie meant to mention How Hill wouldn't allow Flyte on the trail walks. Noticed you were interested in maybe going.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,169
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    edited September 2023 #57123

    Cheers WN, at least we know. That church at Ranworth certainly looks worth a visit. 

    Glad you had a pleasant day out, Robsail.

    There was lots of lightning to the north of us last night when I was out with Flyte on our last walk but it didn't come over us. Today has been another very hot and clammy day. We had a walk this morning through the Woodland Trust's Longthorpe Woods at the edge of Belton Estate, before doing our food shopping in Grantham. OH did one round of washing when we got back to the van  which was drying nicely before we had a short thunderstorm, the rain lasting about 30 mins, just as I was on my afternoon walk along by the canal. Thankfully I  had taken a brolly with me, so I didn't get wet. The sun came out later so all dried off nicely. Thankfully after hot days the nights have cooled down sufficiently enough for sleeping comfortably.  All ready now for our next move on down to Sandringham tomorrow.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,761
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    edited September 2023 #57124

    Hot and clammy here too, no thunder, but a short spell of very heavy rain late afternoon.

    Today was SIL's birthday, but he was working on school matters down in town, so DD and the children came up to us for lunch.   They were to meet Daddy in town later for a meal out,  but he was finished work early so they had to leave earlier than planned.

    I drove them into town, which pacified Callum and Nathan a little!  They later got the train home, which did not go so well, several trains cancelled, and the 20 minute journey ended up taking 1 1/2  hours,  The meal out did not go too well either apparently. 

    We have the invasion of the giant spiders at the moment, we have had several rushing across the floor or up on the walls.   OH is totally terrified of them, so there has been a lot of screaming!   We had 2 tonight  in the lounge, which have both unfortunately ended up in the vacuum cleaner.   Usually I catch them  in a jar and evict them.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,936
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    edited September 2023 #57125

    We've had a bit of rain today, but then it cleared sufficient for us to sit outside Costa when we took the wife's 91 year old mother for her weekly outing for a coffee (🙂).  A little cooler, but still so humid - not that comfortable.


  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited September 2023 #57126

    Hot an clammy here today to up until late afternoon then we got rain no thunder just rain. 

    Bit of food shopping this morning and some clothes washing. This afternoon and evening we have been going through our emails and accounts changing everything as we have decided to ditch broadband and the land line.  Think we have broke the back of it all now but I'm sure there will be something we have forgotten.

    We got an email a few weeks ago  for our appointments for Covid and flu jabs, of course they are for when we are away frown can't change them at the moment as all the dates for November are for the those who had spring boosters. Will have to wait until they release dates for December now.

    I'm due my Shingles vaccination now I'm of age, our surgery no longer does them its the vaccination team now run out of Ninewells in Dundee. I phoned the other day to be told I had missed it for this year as my birthday was in May and the dates run September to September. It might be me but as my birthday was May which is halfway through surely I would get picked up in the 2022 to 2023 September to September tranche undecided the jabs are done in January. If they don't do it this January by the time I get done it will be January 2024 and I'll be nearly 72. 

    Still chasing OH to sort out his stuff for the MH, he will be going naked and barefoot if he is not careful laughing

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,764
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    edited September 2023 #57127

    A lot happening with folks.

    We now on site at Brissac-Quince have been before and like the site but it was busy when we arrived yesterday  but still got pitches in the area we like and this morning a big clear out so very quiet at the moment, yesterday was hot here 33C so a bit too warm in the van overnight but it did cool down and then a thunderstorm this morning and now much fresher but still could get to 28C today.

    It is our 52nd wedding anniversary today and have decided until we get to our first site in UK as we have booked a local pub for Wednesday evening for a meal as still got a few bits to finish up in the van, here for 2 nights and had two 1 night stops on the way up and tomorrow we sail from St. Malo an early evening sailing.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,697
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    edited September 2023 #57128

    Here in sunny and hot (33C) Firenze. Did the tourist spots but didn't linger now wandering about. The second photo is interesting as many miss the sign on the right which shows where the flood waters came to in 1966. At my grandmother's house a few minutes walk from the river it was at least double that. She got out with minutes to spare.

    Happy holidays everyone.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,863
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    edited September 2023 #57129

    I Have just picked up that you went to the church in Ranworth WN. We went a few years ago and thought it was wonderful. I absolutely loved the Rood Screen. We were also lucky in that a wonderful local gentleman showed us round. I wonder whether it was the same guy? Apparently the church's nickname is The Cathedral of the Broads. I can see why.

    Cooler with a nice breeze today so I have opened all the windows to try and dissipate some of the heat that has built up in the house.

    We don't seem to have heard from brue for a while which is unusual. I hope she is OK.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,331
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    edited September 2023 #57130

    We don't seem to have heard from brue for a while which is unusual. I hope she is OK.

    I thought this myself, been reading but not posting myself lately. Decorator finished today. Block paving correction just completed. Just got to put contents of dinning room cabinet back 😱. Nice that it's cooler but not happening today! 

    Every room decorated and we're very pleased. But been a bit little moving house again 😩

    Good to read about others doings.

    Brue sold motorhome and I think it coincided with membership expiry. It took weeks for me to be cleared to post again......

    Hope HelenandTrevor OK too.

    Despite indoor jobs I'm off to plant wallflowers a potter in the garden.😀

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,170
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    edited September 2023 #57131

    Happy anniversary RK.  Enjoy your trip

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,863
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    edited September 2023 #57132

    Hope HelenandTrevor OK too. I am in contact with Helen from time to time and received an email from her a couple of weeks ago.  They are both fine.

    I had forgotten about brue now being a 'non member' If she can read posts it might be a good idea for her to email Rowena on: 




    bakers2 Pleased to hear that all your decorating is done and that you are pleased with it.  Is that you all finished now?!

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,456
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    edited September 2023 #57133

    I’m trying to catch up on here, so kind regards to anyone not too well, hope those away are having a good time and enjoying this wonderful weather. Brue, if you are out there, Ro quickly sorted me out when we did a year as non Members👍 Congrats to those with birthdays and anniversaries.

    Still very hot here, although it’s clouded over here this afternoon. We have had our pool back out, having lots of fun splashing around like a pair of overgrown kids. Birthday tea this weekend, hopefully followed by a visit to York Classic Car Show. OH and pooch ogle the cars, while I take to two wheels and cycle into and around York and River Ouse.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,200
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    edited September 2023 #57134

    Just to note that when previous members become non-members they can still post here. The only difference is that you basically start again so their first three posts require approval by Admin (not mods) However as a mod I can still see those posts awaiting approval. As far as I can see there are no posts awaiting approval. Hope that helps.


  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,761
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    edited September 2023 #57135

    We also have had appointments sent, not both on the same date, mine was for mid October, after  our upcoming short trip, but  OH's was not till November.    We were able to go  on line and book them for earlier,  both at the same  time,  which is much better, will be just a few days after we get home.  There was nothing available before October here.

    I had the spring booster,  being now 81, but OH is only 74 so did not qualify.

    She was just saying the other day that she is not sure whether she has had the Shingles vaccination, so will need to remember to ask the surgery.   She thinks she did have it, but our memories are not so good these days!!

    Would be interested to hear how you get on with the new internet and phone arrangements, and who you are using, as we are considering the same when our present contract runs out in November.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,477
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    edited September 2023 #57136

    The 3 post thing is, sadly, a myth as it can go on and on for weeks. I know one person who was left in limbo for 4 weeks despite making far more than 3 posts. I got back after 1 week due to Ro's intervention after my several posts brought forth no joy.


  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,331
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    edited September 2023 #57137

    It took ages for me when we left. I, too, had to contact Rowena.

    I wonder if completely new posters give up before they start? Fb doesn't need approval.

    Plus, even regular posters on CT fall foul of starting a thread in the story section. It's moved - do they ever find them again? That suggests that tge site usnt intuitive.  Has that been said before???

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,331
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    edited September 2023 #57138

    bakers2 Pleased to hear that all your decorating is done and that you are pleased with it. Is that you all finished now?!

    Milliehull almost yes 🥳🥳🥳. And very pleased, very neat clean and helpful guy. Not sure how Dora's going to manage without him 😀. He's been here since mid July, but not August. As the bathroom and cloakroom can't be refitted yet, he's freshened them too. Just awaiting the bill 😉

    Had our plumber not slipped on some water on his kitchen floor, resulting in a compound fracture of his right wrist at the beginning of August. It required plating and is still very swollen and little movement. Our bathroom refit, leaking toilet resolved 🤞when they sent out someone to service the boiler. Where did that year go? They also changed the very attractive towel warmer in the ensuite, which wasn't up to the job even after insulating the walls and roof space in February, with the largest radiator that would fit in the space 😳.  I can turn it down if it's too mighty, they assure me it will be! 😉🤣. So it's wait and see when he's fit enough to do the jobs. But everything is usable again. Best of this delay is we are next job on the list.  

    Just seen on the news that some parts of Cambridgeshire had winds of 77mph and hail yesterday afternoon. We were in the shade in the garden reading. I thought I heard thunder, looked at the sky 😱. We got chairs and sun umbrella in just before the heavens opened. Heavy rain and storm. Rained hard several times over next few hours. Garden has really enjoyed it.

    Happy celebrations to those with anniversaries and birthdays. Robsail so glad you weren't alone for your late son's birthday. Good to read you've got away. Big hugs for tough times. 

  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 909
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    edited September 2023 #57139

    I did this Milliehull and it was sorted in about 24 hours by Rowena.   The 3 posts thing didn’t work for me so I contacted the email address you gave and all sorted extremely fast.   

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,883
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    edited September 2023 #57140

    Happy anniversary RKs. Have a good crossing and enjoy the UK.laughing

    We could still do with the Painter Bakers. We left a message for a recommended one before we came away but no response. Have to start looking again when we return home. 77mph winds?surprised Glad we missed that.

    Had an easy drive up from The Broads to a new to us CL on the outskirts of Blakeney. Easy walk into the lovely village. 

    Weather's been a bit cooler and rain forecast for tomorrow afternoon.

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,764
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    edited September 2023 #57141

    Thanks for your kind wishes WN and OP.

    A quiet day and some shopping plus fuel ready for the trip to port.

    Folks leave late here a load went last night at 7pm a bit different to club sites and much quieter here on site quite a few UK REG cars.


  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,331
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    edited September 2023 #57142

    Sorry you've not had success with a painter. I'd recommend this guy. In fact a neighbour is interested. Also heard of another good one from next village. Can you not tow your house this way? 🤣

    You've picked a good spell of weather for this trip. Are you coming back via the CL you used in our village? It's always busy.

    Good to read you progressing well. It all takes time. Up to 6 years OH was told......

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,331
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    edited September 2023 #57143

    On the subject of vaccinations. Our flu ones are booked for last Saturday of this month. Offered back in june/july. Not heard, even for OH, regarding covid boosters. But rollout only starting today in care homes  I believe.

    When I had my pneumonia jab, she mentioned shingles would be my next. I thought post 70, so not yet a while! Said I didn't think I'd have it. Never had chicken pox, closed our primary school, but neither my brother nor I caught it. Also, old enough to have been mixed with it - to get it out the way! Having 5 years between my children, they got it quite badly, at different times. Nurse seemed to think I was silly and to do some research. I have but still don't want to introduce the virus into my body. Now it's being offered very soon to 65 year olds. 

    Tammygirl I didn't realise Scotland worked their programmes in a very different way! Reading your post I thought you'd be in the middle of the current year they're working on 😉

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited September 2023 #57144

    Bakers2, yes I think I will phone again when we get back. Speaking to a few other folk they all think I should be picked up in this years list. I've had both Chicken pox (bad dose) and Shingles a few years ago which I don't want again if I can help it. 

    Kj, we couldn't arrange out Covid and flu jab before going away as they are only doing care homes etc just now. Our appointment was for mid October so had we not been going away it would have been perfect. No appointments for November just now as they have set aside that month for the vulnerable that had the Spring booster. Depending on how they get through that we may get an appointment when we get back if not then it will be December.

    Kj, the sims we are using are with RWG who work off EE. So far the house alarm and the security camera are working fine on the mifi. Once we get back home we will be using the TP Link router for our other needs, we have 2 antenna ( on the same mast) so can connect to both devices. We did this so that we can take one with us and leave one at home working the security stuff. The mobile signal in the village isn't great but we are campaigning for a mast so fingers crossed it we get one. 

    Been a busy day again today still very warm but we had heavy rain for awhile last night so the gardens are happy. Hoping that tomorrow will be a nice restful day. 


    Finally got OH to chose his footwear, now in the MH. 

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,883
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    edited September 2023 #57145

    Bakers, we tried to book the CL you're talking about for our outward trip but it was booked solid. Mind, it was for August BH but this was back in June. I'm hopeful we'll be back soon though.

    6 years you say. Not even sure I've got that long.laughing As long as I can keep seeing improvement I'll be happy, even if it stops getting better I'll accept it.

    Bit of a puzzle what to do about jabs. Really don't want to start a controversy but I don't want both flu and booster at the same time this year. Last year I did and despite not being in any category for having a Stroke this is what happened 3 days after having the double vaccination last year. Nobody could either confirm or deny a correlation. I'm all in favour of vaccines so will split mine by a good couple of weeks this time. And keep my fingers crossed.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,456
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    edited September 2023 #57146

    My fingers are crossed for you as well WN🤞 We have our double jabs booked for next fortnight. Nothing untoward last year, so hoping for same again.

    I am sleeping at Mum’s tonight☹️ Sister was due to have a tooth out this afternoon, all supposedly routine. Dentist mangled her mouth for a good hour, still not got it all out, and now she needs to see a hospital dentist. Came home in a right old state bless her🫣 Painkillers taken, she’s managed to eat something, but all this and looking after Mum is not good, so I offered to stay tonight. Fingers crossed Mum has a good night🤞🫣

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,331
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    edited September 2023 #57147

    Your poor sister. I hope she doesn't have to wait long for the hospital to sort it.

    This is why I was so concerned about changing dentists after moving.

    We have jumped now, hopefully we've found a good one. We've both seen him for emergency treatment. Having been with our previous dentist for 35 years and fully comfortable with things. But I broke a tooth, hence seeing someone local under denplan. Made my realise that if I had toothache and couldn't drive tge 76 miles we were stuck!

    Wishing you all a peaceful night

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,331
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    edited September 2023 #57148

    Well if you're coming this way keep me posted.

    Hadn't realised your stroke was so close to double jab. Not surprised they won't commit themselves. I won't have a double jab as I often react. I felt very poorly after pneumonia jab.

    It's been almost 4 and 1/2  years since OH performed, 'luckily' on the operating table so swift medical response, but it was bad. I can still see marginal improvements and no one looking at him would ever know.

    You've been very determined to do your best and as you're told 😉 so I'm sure you'll make improvements even if they're not so obvious.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,169
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    edited September 2023 #57149

    Just want to say that both OH and I have had both the Covid Booster and our  Flu jabs at the same time without any (obvious) problems. We have not yet had any notifications from our GP so will wait for them and then try and book our jabs wherever we will be at the time.

    Happy anniversary RK.  Hope your trip over here goes well.

    Good to hear all your news, B2. Hope you are both getting along fine.

    We are now settled on the C&CC's Sandringham site after an easy, if slow at times, drive down from Grantham. There were lots of units heading north along the A17, many we guess coming from around here as there was a Country Fair at Sandringham at the weekend.  Both our site and the CC one are very busy even today. it has been a bit cooler today, with a gentle breeze at times, but still in the mid 20s, much to OH's delight. 

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,883
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    edited September 2023 #57150

    We knew the rain was going to set in so we set out for a walk whilst it was dry this morning.

    Great being able to walk from site. So we walked over to Morston Quay (see photo) and then back to the caravan via Blakeney. Started to rain on the way back. Stopped off for a dressed crab for crab sandwich at lunch. Had to have a change of shorts when we got back.

    Pelting down at present so we are pleased we got a couple of hours in.

    Weather doesn't look too bad for rest of week.

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,529
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    edited September 2023 #57151

    I notice many post in this section about travels, surely these are better posted in Caravan and Motorhome Chat rather than here? I cannot imagine anyone interested in travel posts looking here unless they are nosey and have time like me! Anyone quickly scanning topics isn't going to find them.
