What are you all up to



  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,196
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    edited March 2023 #54752

    Glad that you got the ladies to the cottage ok, WN, hope the weather stays fair for your break, and the same goes for Francis too with regards to the weather.

    Reading all the posts with regards to the amount of rain many have had, we have been extremely fortunate it seems on this trip so far. We had just the odd spits and spots of rain today but mainly sunshine and a temperature of up to 15C. We had a rather slow trip across country to New Galloway, avoiding the motorways, but as we were in no rush it didn't matter. There are 3 other units on here, all motorhomes, together. 

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,866
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    edited March 2023 #54753

    WN many happy returns to your MIL. I hope you all enjoy her special birthday 🎂 holiday. What a miles stone! She is obviously very popular to receive so many cards.




  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,467
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    edited March 2023 #54754

    Enjoy D&G Nellie, we had a lovely holiday last year, lots of great cycling. Let us know if Historic Scotland have opened up more properties yet, we couldn’t get into many last year.

    Got home early from Mums today. Very wet, miserable day here, but a got some more bark and plants for garden. OH really struggling with  lower back pain at the moment. Hope all those away have a good time, all those under the weather, hope you feel better soon. 

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,891
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    edited March 2023 #54755

    We did check the handwriting just to confirm she hadn't sent them herself.😅

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,866
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    edited April 2023 #54756

    It teemed with rain all day here yesterday. ☔️🌧 It was so heavy when I was driving into town at one point I had to have the windscreen wipers on full speed and when I parked the car I had to wait for it to ease off a bit before I could get out of the car.  Huge puddles everywhere. Not much fun for the start of the school holidays. This morning is very grey and overcast. I hope it picks up for all those away. Are we still being threatened with water shortages in the summer? 🤔

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,333
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    edited April 2023 #54757

    Milliehull I know where you're coming from 🌧🌧😱.

    We had a dental appointment in Essex, managed to walk dog round the block in damp conditions. Set off 0830, spray awful all the way. Went to visit my brother, nice few hours but went fast they provided a lovely lunch.

    Miss our parking permit! Had to park in closest carpark, only upside of the weather was plenty of spaces in very tight carpark. 'Ran' with coats brolly, discovered my coat isn't waterproof, probably not showerproof! Called in on my last remaining aunt and uncle, both a frail 88 now 😢. Did call into the churchyard to say 'hello' to mum and dad. Drive through 2 flooded areas to get there. Stair rodding it down, dog couldn't understand what there was no lovely walk 🤔. Stayed seconds to remove dead daff heads and say hello. Proceeded to head home in the half gloom! Another 2 flooded areas one on the slip road to A120. 

    Luckily M11 very slow so no issue joining it or speed from Stansted to Duxford. Big accident on opposite side, I suspect much rubber necking, as once we'd passed it things moved better.

    Can't understand drivers in the conditions 🤐🤐. On the way down on a bit with chevrons, keep 2 apart, 4 lorries following each other less half a one. Bad mess on A12 involving lorries and cars Thursday evening - luckily no serious injuries.

    Grey here, nice walk. Grand dog arrived for an overnight, they have another mad weekend. Today a child's party this morning, all off to watch Posh, then quiz evening. Golf and church tomorrow so I'm doing dinner.

    Friends from Northumberland calling in at some point, d be surprised if before evening! She's staying certainly overnight, whilst he goes on to Essex. Unsure of further arrangements but be nice to have a proper catch up. They generally call for comfort break and if timing is good we all go out to eat. Never enough notice to plan! The stay over only sorted amid driving home last evening, in a quick call.

    Glad wherenext MIL had a good birthday.

    Hope those away get a break in the weather. And best wishes to all just carrying on

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,891
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    edited April 2023 #54758

    An overcast but dry day so we eventually stirred ourselves and popped into Thornybridge Hall just on the outskirts of Ashford-in-the-Water (which it will be if we get much more rain or water coming down from the hills, see photo of bridge). 

    'Twas very pleasant. Spent a few hours here including having lunch. They make a lot of their own stuff on site and use their own pigs, Gloucester Old Spots for pork and Dexters for beef. If Moulesy running short of Jaipur then they sell this in bottles.wink

    Bit of food shopping in afternoon before we called it a day.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,196
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    edited April 2023 #54759

    Enjoy D&G Nellie, we had a lovely holiday last year, lots of great cycling. Let us know if Historic Scotland have opened up more properties yet, we couldn’t get into many last year.

    Thanks, Tda, up to date not many of the properties are open, a!though I think the NTS have opened up some. The historic properties up near Linlithgow weren't but it wasn't yet the start of the Easter holidays which is when they generally open up. Hopefully we will get to Threaves Garden on Monday and also to go try and see the Ospreys near the castle.

     WN, glad you had an enjoyable and dry day out, shame that Thornbridge Hall isn't one of the HHA properties that are free to members, but we might give it try when we are down at Bakewell in a fortnight of so.

    Another dry day for us and we had a couple of walks from Mossdale. We were going to drive along a bit of the Raiders Road but it is still closed at the moment, unfortunately.


  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited April 2023 #54761

    Beaut pic MrC, just the right amount of semi light👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    I downloaded it & viewed it much bigger🙏🏻 

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,467
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    edited April 2023 #54762

    Thornbridge Hall was a training institute back in the late 1980’s, early 90’s, I once did a course there😁 Owners have done a good job of restoring it. We cycled past it last year, stopped to watch the pigs rooting around in the adjacent woodlands. Have you found the cafe and gift shop at the old Hassop Station WN? We often park up there to cycle the Monsal Trail. Gift shop is nice, and so’s the cafe. (Often used by red socked brigade from Chatsworth House. They don’t like having to queue for cake with the general minions🤣)  SIL lives in Bakewell, we visit town quite a bit.

    Lovely morning here. The pooch and I have been out inspecting the daffodils, see how the tadpoles are coming along, bike ride for me next, then we might visit Conisborough Castle🤔


  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,509
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    edited April 2023 #54763

    A sort of trip out this morning.

    Well, just sort of. We both went to the opticians for eye tests and spent a fortune on extras and new frames. We very rarely go into town so decided to treat ourselves to an early lunch . Just across the road was Bob & Berts so we gave it a go. OK ish for what it is. I think we were the oldest there.

    Then on the way back to the car I spotted a Grape Tree shop so my husband very gallantly carried all the large bags of dried fruit and nuts that I succumbed to. 



  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,079
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    edited April 2023 #54764

    We are not long home from a nice weekend at Strathclyde Park club site weather not bad yesterday and quite nice this morning too. Yesterday we went across to Edinburgh to visit son and family which was nice as we don’t get to see them often as they are busy people but we had a great afternoon with them. Easy one hour tow home today but away again later on in the week for a couple of nights. Weather here is ok we have some steak in the fridge thinking we might put them on the BBQ if the weather stays ok first of the season if we do.

    Hope everyone else is having a nice weekend 

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited April 2023 #54765

    So you've got that new hip of his trained ok then, Goldie  wink

    My Optical tests are not due till October,so I've got time to save up money-mouth

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,891
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    edited April 2023 #54766

    Have you found the cafe and gift shop at the old Hassop Station WN?

    Yep, we have known it since it was just the bookshop on the roundabout. We generally find some road parking outside Bakewell station and then stop for a coffee at Hassop if we are on the bikes or else walk down from Monsal Head through Little Longstone and join it there and then stop at Hassop.

    Had a lovely morning/early afternoon by parking at Chatsworth and walking across to Edensor. Sun was out albeit the breeze was cool. Stopped for a coffee at the Tea Rooms in Edensor (apparently voted best Tea Rooms in Derbyshire)  then I was abandoned as the ladies disappeared into the shop back at Chatsworth. Also called in at the Farm shop on the way back to the cottage.

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,079
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    edited April 2023 #54767

    Just a wee update as I know most of you will be on the edges of your seats but we got our first BBQ this year I’m currently sitting out the back garden on the deck with the steak sizzling on the BBQ beer in hand happy days not even cold just a hoody on hehe 

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited April 2023 #54768

    Got back this afternoon from a last minute weekend away, just to make sure everything okay with the caravan, before we set off on a full holiday. Apart from discovering that the roof vent above the kitchen had developed a small leak, all okay. 

    Weather was a bit damp but the rained stopped on Saturday so we had a wander round NT Coughton Court, hadn't visited before but will definitely go back when the gardens are in full bloom.  Found a lovely farm shop and garden centre, and couldn't resist a few treats 😀 

    Lovely to catch up and to read that trips/ holidays are going well, even the sun 🌞 has come out today and the forecast is looking better.

    Enjoy your bbq Francis. 🙂

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited April 2023 #54769

    It's been a strange few days since returning from our 807 mile round trip not seeing the family as Mr Brue refers to it. But we had a nice trip out today to the East Somerset Railway near Shepton Mallet for an Xmas present afternoon tea given to us by one of our daughters. 

    Then we returned for the visit from the husband of a friend who sadly died last week and had a long chat with him. Feeling sad all round for him and the loss of someone we've known for a long time.

    After that the sun finally came out although unlike Francis not quite warm enough for  BBQ!

    Hopefully we'll return to the ES Railway as we didn't get time to see everything.

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited April 2023 #54770

    Had a lovely time Friday evening/night and Saturday morning with our Yorkshire gKids and their parents. Teenagers can be sociable, who new that 🤣🤣 they then went off to the wedding visiting the Kelpies on the way. 

    I had a visit to the opticians to, no change for me so purse is not crying. Another visit in 2 years time. ☺️

    Dentist and hygienist also during the week and all clear there as well. ☺️

    Did a bit of work in the front garden this afternoon while OH did a bit of checking over of the caravan.

    Once he'd done his 'thing' I went in and tested all the gas appliances to make sure they worked OK, fridge took a bit to ignite but got there in the end. We'll run a power cable out tomorrow and test everything on electric.

    Time to start 'finding' all the bits and pieces we put away in the attic room prior to winter. 

    Good to hear all the news. 


  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,866
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    edited April 2023 #54771

    It sounds as though many of you have had a good and busy time this weekend. Ours hasn't been so exciting! I did a Cathedral tour on Saturday morning for a lovely family with a great young lad of about 10 years old. His knowledge of Katherine of Aragon and Mary Queen of Scots was amazing especially all the dates. He even explained Mary's claim to the English throne to me. This morning was the Palm Sunday service with procession complete with donkeys who were lovely and so well behaved. Daughter and grandson popped over this afternoon which was a nice surprise. It has  been a nice sunny🌞 and dry here, but with a distinctly chilly breeze.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,762
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    edited April 2023 #54774

    Not a bad weekend here, though not without incident.......again!

    Some sun, not too cold, and mainly dry.

    We had a good run down to The Ranch near Maybole, just over 75 minutes as quite a bit of traffic.  Only 25  minutes later in leaving than planned as we could not find the second set of caravan keys.  The holidaymakers will have to make do with one set.  (We have now found the missing ones)

    Found a good pitch and got the van in position, and were just wondering where DD &  Co had got too when she rang.  They were in a car park in   Maybole, just a mile or so away, and had car trouble.  Problem persisted, lack of engine power, so RAC were called.   DD rang again to ask if I could come and fetch the boys while they waited with the car, and ate the sandwiches they had just bought from the Co-op store.

    After a hurried unloading of the car so the back seat could be used, we were soon back at the van, and they drove up not long afterwards.  RAC had arrived quickly, poked around under bonnet,  could not find anything obvious, drove the car around for a while, then followed them to the campsite just in case.

    We were then able to have lunch, bring in their stuff, and put up the awning.

    After some discussion it was decided that they did not want to risk being stranded there with a possibly unreliable vehicle, so SIL would come back with us to fetch his car.

    DD then started feeling unwell......a bit dizzy and nauseous, and very tired, so she had a rest while OH and I made dinner for us all.  She did not feel like eating and decided to have an early night once the children were in bed, so after SIL had washed the dishes we and he left just after 7.

    We dropped him off by 8, it had been decided he would not drive back down until the morning, so we were soon home, and I was able to have a couple of hours snooze in my chair before bedtime.  I think they had worn me out!!

    DD says she is feeling a bit better today, so they have been out down the coast to Girvan, where there is apparently a "fantastic playpark"  according to a very happy Callum.   And it was sunny with nice blue skies......better than the grey clouds here.

    Today I installed a "solar diverter" to send any unused power our panels are producing, to heat our water, which should hopefully cut a bit off our gas bill.

    Need some sun to test it now.


  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,866
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    edited April 2023 #54775

    Lovely photo of you and Flyte nellie. Is that a frog or a toad but a good whichever it is?

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited April 2023 #54777

    Whoa, another great pic, loving the sunbeam👍🏻. Even Mother Nature is helping😊

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,467
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    edited April 2023 #54778

    Tha Lake District doesn’t half deliver when it comes to photographs. Mind, whenever I have tried, it’s usually been teeming it down, so all I ever get in sideways rain🤣 

    Looks a nice walk Nellie, one for us when back up there👍

  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 909
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    edited April 2023 #54779

    Fabulous pictures Cornersteady, we love the Lakes.  OH is interested to know what camera you have please?  Enjoy the rest of your stay. 

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited April 2023 #54780

    Lovely sunshine today although a ground frost this morning..just when some of the plants thought it was safe to come out.. Enjoying all the photos from around the country. smile

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,467
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    edited April 2023 #54781

    Here’s another photo from our Castle visit yesterday. Beautiful honey coloured limestone.😁