What have you seen

I can't see the original sticky so will start a new thread. Saw nearly 30,000 knot on Breydon Water yesterday. Great weekend at Minsmere, Otter, Kingfishers, Bitterns, lots of Marsh Harriers
30,000 knot? Isn't there a speed limit?
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If you get the chance take a look westwards at the setting full moon tomorrow morning. It was a wonderful sight today, very large and glowing in the sunrise.
I managed to see just one shooting star in the Geminids meteor shower display, close to Orion's belt in the south east. There might still be a few around if the sky is clear this evening.
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Glorious full moon as I got up around 7am this morning, nestled between the gaps in roofs. Too low in the sky to see from the ground and couldn't get the angle right from a the open bedroom window. Still it was a beautiful sight.
Just maybe will get get a clear sky tonight.
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New visitor to my garden this week, a moorhen. During the summer I decided I'd had enough of looking at the tall trees at the bottom of the garden and the wooden fence behind them had seen better days so we pulled out all the overgrown ivy and said fence collapsed. Planted a smaller hedge instead and opened up a window in the trees so I now have a lovely view right over the park behind us, thanks to this window we are now getting new visitors including the moorhen (and a very moth-eaten fox the other day, but the cat chased that out
) When we first moved here we had three ducks (a female & her two protectors) regularly visiting our pond but they stopped coming when blasted magpies raided their nest one year. Sadly we are hoping to move next year (downsizing) so I don't expect to enjoy the full fruits of our labour but hopefully the new owners will.
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Going to try and put photos on away from the experimental comfort zone on feedback.
A few years ago we put Mistletoe berries in our apple trees. Nothing happened at first, then we noticed small sproutings on trees we hadn't used. We think the birds had moved things around.
After that we had male only Mistletoe but last year a female berry bearing branch appeared. Spot the difference on these two pics (fingers crossed for something visible!)
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Not quite in keeping with the original post, but had a lovely day at Slimbridge, and was pleased to see Bewick Swans flying in late in the day for feeding time.Plus the water looked like molten mercury around the site. Hope it shows in the pics. Nice to have this new addition to the site.
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Thanks Pliers. Just noticed that if you click on the picture, you get a slight enlargement. Then you can also enlarge them.
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Oneput advised me previously to make the width 430 to upload into photobucket under the previous method, which is where I started and found anything between 460 and 600, depanding on original file size gets you near the 500kb max.
Much easier to load now for all and looking forward to seing more from Oneput and Tirrel, if his previous post is a taste of his pics.
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Went to the Doctors today for a repeat prescription and there was a hedgehog walking across the access road, at this time of the year!
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Trying out a photo from Sumburgh Head in the Shetlands, 500 pixels.
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Nothing really spectacular, but as we were walking alongside the R.Dee to day we spotted a cormorant struggling to consume an eel. However it soon gulped it down when another came to rob it prize. Then we saw a Kingfisher flying alongside a rowing quad, and a Buzzard being chased off it's perch by a pair of Magpies.
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Please reconsider OP. This is one of the few threads where we all seem to have a common enjoyment without the usual bickering. I look forward to your pics which have given me much pleasure and a yearning to visit the places you have highlighted with your pics.
heres hoping for some Minsmere pics.
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Strolled along the Severn Estuary this morning, mainly Godwitt and Widgeon as the tide had not receded very far. One Egret turned up for a poke around, pictured below along with a black tailed Godwitt
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Thanks for the inspiration. Really chuffed when we got home to see a pair of Great Tits checking out the nest box I made earlier this year and a male Blackcap bathing in our little waterfall.