Red Pennant concern
Hi Tammygirl
Duty Manager is the job title. There are several Duty Managers at the Club, but I am wating for Suzanne to reply to your questions as she is the Senior Duty Manager.
many thanks Hazel, I'm used to emergency services terms, if your on 'Duty' you are present at work, not on holiday. I will
await more information but time is running out.0 -
TammyGirl, I've just looked up other insurers for motorhomes etc and trailers need to be separately insured.
cheers Brue, haven't come across that, our M/H is insured with Saga, its covered while its on tow. Where did you get the info from and who insures them might be work looking at.
EDIT. its OK i've just googled it and come up with a few companies. Thanks
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Morning all
Sorry for the delay.
I have explained to Suzanne that a reply is urgently required, and I wil post again as soon she replies.
Thanks you Hazel but too late, I've taken breakdown cover out with another firm who know what customer service is all about. We have full cover for the trailer/motorhome/trike at half the cost of RP. The cover is for 12 mths not just 66 days. I've extended
my medical cover from 31 - 65 days in any 12 mths throughout Euro with my Bank at a cost of £60. So all in all I have saved money had much better customer care and satisfaction. Shame on you CC.0 -
Morning all
Sorry for the delay.
I have explained to Suzanne that a reply is urgently required, and I wil post again as soon she replies.
Hazel ..Just because the poster has found an "alternative" can you please advise on here when you have the cc take on it
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I am very sorry that I was not able to get a response to you in time.
JVB66 - yes of course I will still post the reply.
Hazel, many thanks you for your efforts, my dissapointment is no reflection on you. I would be interested like JVB66 in the outcome.
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Morning all
Sorry for the delay.
I have explained to Suzanne that a reply is urgently required, and I wil post again as soon she replies.
Thanks you Hazel but too late, I've taken breakdown cover out with another firm who know what customer service is all about. We have full cover for the trailer/motorhome/trike at half the cost of RP. The cover is for 12 mths not just 66 days. I've extended my medical cover from 31 - 65 days in any 12 mths throughout Euro with my Bank at a cost of £60. So all in all I have saved money had much better customer care and satisfaction. Shame on you CC.
Could you tell us the companies you went with please?
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Morning all
Sorry for the delay.
I have explained to Suzanne that a reply is urgently required, and I wil post again as soon she replies.
Thanks you Hazel but too late, I've taken breakdown cover out with another firm who know what customer service is all about. We have full cover for the trailer/motorhome/trike at half the cost of RP. The cover is for 12 mths not just 66 days. I've extended
my medical cover from 31 - 65 days in any 12 mths throughout Euro with my Bank at a cost of £60. So all in all I have saved money had much better customer care and satisfaction. Shame on you CC.Could you tell us the company you went with please?
Green Flag Euro +
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Hi again everyone
Please see below the reply from the Deputy Manager regarding trailer/2nd vehicle travel:
We here at Red Pennant do listen to our Members and we do change things when we can. With this in mind we did introduce the secondary vehicle cover specifically for motorhomes. For the moment we have only opened it up to small cars. However, having spoken to the Underwriters, we will look at the possibility of opening it up to small scooters/motorbikes in the future. For the moment, we would have to look at each case individually and look at the size of the “bike/trike” to see if we can repatriate it on a multi-car transporter.
The idea of the new cover is that it will give you some reassurance that we would get your second vehicle back in the case of something happening to the trailer. As with any vehicles, we say that we would not recover the trailer if it is not economically viable to do so. For instance, if your trailer were to have a problem and could not be repaired on the continent and the trailer is worth £1000 but it would cost us £2000 to bring it back, then we would not bring the trailer home, but would scrap it in situ. We would then bring your secondary vehicle home on a multi-deck transporter if you decided that you don’t want to drive it home yourselves. You would then continue as normal and come home with your motorhome. This is the same principle of us bringing a caravan home if something has happened to the caravan, but the car is still OK to drive.
Where possible, we will try and get the trailer repaired. It may mean that you would have to leave it where it is for a few days and then come back and collect it, if you decide not to wait whilst it is being repaired. We would much prefer that you be able to continue with your own outfit where possible. We would not hire or buy you a new trailer if yours were to break down.
Alternatively, if something were to happen to your secondary vehicle, then we would get it back to your motorhome to be loaded on to your trailer. If this isn’t possible, then we would repatriate it on a multi-car transporter. In the event of an accident, then we would liaise with your motor insurance company first (as we would with any accident case).
Carrying spare wheel bearings and possibly even brakes is a good idea, obviously making sure that you keep within your payload allowance. This would certainly help in speeding up a repair as it would save having to wait for parts and help get you on your way again.
I hope that this helps everybody and clarifies the situation. I have to apologise to everybody for the delay, but I am on leave at the moment and have been busy travelling in France. We do value our Members and our customer service and I am disappointed that Tammygirl has gone elsewhere.
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With this in mind we did introduce the secondary vehicle cover specifically for motorhomes. For the moment we have only opened it up to small cars. However, having spoken to the Underwriters, we will look at the possibility of opening it up to small
scooters/motorbikes in the future. For the moment, we would have to look at each case individually and look at the size of the “bike/trike” to see if we can repatriate it on a multi-car transporter.I asked if this could be considered and was told no, its only for cars.
As with any vehicles, we say that we would not recover the trailer if it is not economically viable to do so. For instance, if your trailer were to have a problem and could not be repaired on the continent and the trailer is worth £1000 but it would
cost us £2000 to bring it back, then we would not bring the trailer home, but would scrap it in situ. We would then bring your secondary vehicle home on a multi-deck transporter if you decided that you don’t want to drive it home yourselves. You
would then continue as normal and come home with your motorhome. This is the same principle of us bringing a caravan home if something has happened to the caravan, but the car is still OK to drive.This is not available at present for a trike/motorbike I was told. I was also told that the trailer is not covered if IT broke down, only if the motorhome broke down, The words used were "the trailer has to be towable" if the trailer is towable why would
we require breakdown assistance.Where possible, we will try and get the trailer repaired.
This was never offered at any stage of my conversation, I asked for it and was told we don't cover trailers seperately
It may mean that you would have to leave it where it is for a few days and then come back and collect it, if you decide not to wait whilst it is being repaired. We would much prefer that you be able to continue with your own outfit
where possible.We would have been quite happy to accept this clause
We would not hire or buy you a new trailer if yours were to break down.
We wouldn't expect RP to
Alternatively, if something were to happen to your secondary vehicle, then we would get it back to your motorhome to be loaded on to your trailer. If this isn’t possible, then we would repatriate it on a multi-car transporter. In the event of an accident,
then we would liaise with your motor insurance company first (as we would with any accident case).Only available to cars/quadbike at present.
I hope that this helps everybody and clarifies the situation. I have to apologise to everybody for the delay, but I am on leave at the moment and have been busy travelling in France.
I'm sorry but I find incredulous that as Duty Manager you are on holiday and that YOU are the only one in the Club that could make this statement. To be on DUTY means to me that you are in the office.
We do value our Members and our customer service and I am disappointed that Tammygirl has gone elsewhere.
Obviously not that dissapointed as it has taken a week to get this sorted out, I think I've been very patient, I'm very dissapointed with the lack of understanding and customer care I've received, the club has had ample time to respond to me. This is the
last thing I wanted when trying to plan the final details of my long awaited holiday. I asked more than once isn't there something the club could do as an add on to give me cover. I was not offered any assistance with this so YES I've taken my business to
someone who does listen and helps.0 -
Apologies to all for this long and protracted discussion, I hope it has been useful to someone other than myself. I will be making a formal complaint to the Club at some stage but for now I would like to get back to packing up my motorhome and finish planning
my holiday. The stress and time this has taken has somewhat taken the shine out of going away.feeling very emotional at the moment
please do forgive me.0 -
Hi Tammygirl
I am really sorry that have had such a frustrating time trying to sort out your insurance.
I hope you have an a great holiday, and once again I am sorry for the distress and worry you have had.
Thank you Hazel once again for your intervention and good wishes.
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We took out RP multi trip insurance to cover us for our trip to France. We are overseas for 28 days however we leave home 3 days earlier so we can stay over at the CC site in Portsmouth to enjoy the sights. As we return from France at 6pm we have to stay
over a night on our return for safety reasons as no point driving when tired.This totals 32 days away from home although only 28 days overseas or 31 days from leaving home to returning to British soil.
Through another forum it was pointed out as the duration away from home is 32 days, we are not covered as the policy is for days from leaving home to returning to home.
To extend the policy to cover the extra day there seems to be a cost of nearly £60 so cheaper to cancel or shorten our stay at Rookesbury.
When doing the RP ins although I read through the policy a few times and also the T&Cs, the 31 day limit never occurred to me as I assumed it was for the period when you are overseas. After all if we breakdown in the UK on our return we are covered by Greenflag
Mayday anyway.No objection to thread being side tracked, but it seems there are still concerns about the home to home RP cover especially on your return to the UK when Mayday would kick in anyway.
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Whilst I can understand Tammygirls frustration am I right is assuming that adding any additional elements to Red Pennant increases the cost? As Red Pennant is not modular in the way its priced do we all share that extra cost regardless of whether we need
those extra elements?David
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Hi David
I don't think there is a difference in price for Red Pennant if you are taking it out to cover a car and caravan, or a motorhome towing a trailer with a car on it.
Not 100% sure, I will need to check this.
Is this what you meant by your quesiton?
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Hi again everyone
Hopefully the post below will explain the home to home cover:
Red Pennant is designed to protect your holiday in the event of an incident such as a breakdown or accident. We appreciate that you are taking your home away with you and we deal with it accordingly and we try to do as much as we physically can to get you your holiday as near as your originally planned one. We ARE NOT JUST A BREAKDOWN COVER. We won’t just get you recovered and repaired but will try and help you continue your holiday. So when comparing products you have to be careful that you are comparing apples with pears.
Home to home is explained when you take out the policy over the phone and asks you the questions on the web. As has previously been explained we do allow you to take out the policy on the dates that would give you enough time to travel from home to the port and back again, but on the understanding that you are taking the risk that you could lose your holiday if anything were to happen on those dates that you aren’t insured.
For example, you leave home in Scotland on 1 June, with your car and caravan, but you take a leisurely trip to Portsmouth to catch a ferry on the evening of 14 June. If you decide that you want to cover your whole holiday, then you would take out your Red Pennant from 1 June. If however, you decide to take the risk, then you take it out from the date you would have left home if you were travelling directly to the port, say 12 or 13 June, depending on how long you think it will take you. If you then break down on 7 June whilst touring Britain and the car is going to take 2 weeks to repair, we at Red Pennant would be looking at either re-arranging your ferry and paying the additional ferry costs, plus getting you a hire car, or looking at getting you a hire towcar, so that you can continue as planned. If you were to delay, then we would look at adding those days on at the end and paying for additional site costs for these extra days (if you are able to extend your holiday, but we know some people are on a time schedule). Your Red Pennant would then be extended free of charge for those additional days. Plus, if you had already paid for sites and they are non-refundable, we would pay for the sites you stay on when you are waiting to be repaired. (I know that if you have booked a CC site then you won’t have paid up front, but you may have chosen to go commercial). This is of course if you have paid for your Red Pennant to start on 1 June. However, if you have paid for your Red Pennant to start on 12/13 June, then you have no cover and would have to cancel or delay, absorbing those costs yourself.
With a Standard policy you have £2000 towards continuation of travel (eg hire car) and £2000 towards continuation of accommodation. (Limits doubled with Plus cover). If we need to hire a tow car, you will be looking at getting a 4X4 for around 3 weeks within these limits, just to give you an example of how much things cost.
It is important to re-iterate that you must ensure that you do have adequate cover to cover you for the whole trip, otherwise the Underwriters could invalidate your policy and you would not be able to claim any refund. When you submit your claim, the claims department will request a copy of your outbound and inbound travel/ferry booking to ensure you are within the insured travel dates. It is your responsibility to make sure that you are adequately insured, just as it is with any other policy, such as a motor insurance.
In answer to your question about “home”, we in the Club’s Emergency Services ask the question, “when did you shut your front door to go on this trip and when will you open it again?” You must be a UK resident to be able to take out Red Pennant, so you must have a “home” that we can recover you to in the event of an emergency.
If you choose to end the policy once you land back in the UK and have added the time it would take you to get home within the policy dates, then you can do so, if you are happy to abandon your added UK holiday, should you be unfortunate to have a breakdown/accident as there will then be no further cover under Red Pennant and your breakdown assistance can then take over.
As someone has posted, the more days you are away and pay for, the more you are covered for (sorry if I have mis-quoted but the thread has got very long), so in the vernacular, “you get what you pay for.” So if you pay to cover all the extra days you are travelling around Britain, then you get the extra cover. This is what insurance is about – covering a risk.
We here at Red Pennant like to think that we do our best to help our Members in need. We at the Club do listen to fellow Members and will certainly look at this when we come to negotiate the policies for next year.
I know that this is a long answer, but I hope that it clarifies the situation. Again, I am sorry that it has taken me a few days to answer, but I am on holiday at the moment and have been travelling in France. (Yes, I did have Red Pennant). The rest of the team have been busy dealing with Members who are currently in need of help.
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And an explination regardin the 14 day pre-depature cover:
KjellNN in answer to your question in simple terms, the pre-departure cover is from
your home, not from wherever you are in the UK. So therefore you need to take the policy out from your home, as explained in the previous post. This is the wording from the policy:C. Accident, fire or theft of your vehicle(s)
within 14 days of the planned date ofdeparture from your home
necessitating the cancellation of the holiday,provided the repairs cannot be carried out in time and
The Club is informedimmediately. Alternatively, full cover under sections 2 and 3 will be given to
provide a hired car and/or caravan to enable the holiday to take place. There is
no cover if your vehicle suffers a breakdown within 14 days of departure from
home, but please telephone The Club immediately, as it is possible that they
will be able to assist you to avoid having to cancel
your holiday.In order to improve the policy, we have added breakdown cover at home on the day of departure, to the policy with effect for policies taken out from 1 January 2016.
I hope that this answers your query, without getting in to long-winded explanations.
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My previous post was correct. There is no difference in price between a car/caravan or a motorhome/trailer/car.
Sorry but that was one of the issues I was not happy with, I was being asked to pay the same as a car/caravan combination but I was not getting the same level of cover. Apologies once again I do not want to keep going over old ground, I will take this up
with the Club in the appropriate way when I'm feeling a little more sound of mine0 -
I am not normally a proponent of RP and I still wouldn't use it at present as I think we would take the hit on the holiday and just come home following a very serious event (breakdown cover)
However I really appreciate the detailed explanations of what i think is the PHILOSOPHY of RP with the explanations above which make things a lot clearer.
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We have always taken out RP for our overseas trips and have been happy in the past with the service we have received. I have no problems with the concept of RP I'm even happy that there are things in the policy I don't need (others might).
I am more than happy with the staff I have dealt with, they are polite and helpful within the constraints the Club imposes on them.
If I hadn't asked that one question, we would be none the wiser as there is nothing that explains it in the policy.